Heinrich Himmler Admits to the Nazi Holocaust


>The term "smoking gun" is a reference to an object or fact that serves as conclusive evidence of a crime or similar act, just short of being caught in flagrante delicto.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=holocaust forensics

mistakes were made. Numbers were confused and don't "stack up".

6 million people can't just disappear and never show up

you logic is flawed

He claims he has the moral right to exterminate that which seeks to exterminate his own people. I fail to see how there could be anything wrong with this.


I know its JIDF bait but go read The Trial of Adolf Eichmann by Lord Russell. The nois that knows should know that Eichmann, the logistics man never admitted to it.

How can something disappear when perhaps it wan't there in the first place. You are right though in that the numbers matched to the ovens just don't add up.

Lot more Ruskies died. That's what you should be pissed off about.

Russia released the actual numbers to the United Nations.


Six million people didn't disappear. Or at least not six million Jews. Plenty of Russians did, I'll give you that.

Don't you know how burning works?


Forensic evidence is better than any confession, yet it is never allowed.

You don't.

It would take 16 years to cremate 6 million people.

Yes, different sources can contradict each other
Most of these are fake anyway

no source

Why did the Jewish population in grow during 1941-1946 but go down from 1948-1955?

>Yes, different sources can contradict each other

Every reduced number was caused by evidence, not "different sources".

at least 2 million Jews were killed during mass shootings

'french war crimes research office' doesn't even exist you clown

Holocaust did really happen. this is the evidence!

The idea is that the germans wouldnt keep records of the numbers of how many jews were killed. That way they can make up any number they want and not be criticized for it.

>at least 2 million Jews were killed during mass shootings
2 gorillion? That many bullets? Really?

I bet they were stacked in bullet-rooms like cordwood.

The germans were DEVOTED to keeping accurate records you mong.

I know I'm just trying to explain their logic, or how they see it.

Ah, sorry.

I was about to say.

>coerced confession

epic. still 0 physical evidence

The holocaust denial is the most retarded dumb shit on this site. Even if the numbers are exaggerated, what is your point? One million or 6 million, these numbers are so high that it seems hard to argue that 1 million is a much lesser crime than 6 million.

Also, if you are a nazi, would you not be dissapointed if the holocaust wasn't real?

I am a nazi, and I am disappointed that it's not real. Hitler didn't gas the jews but he should have.

Stop being ridiculous
You can try to diminish Nazi crimes however you want
Even if they managed to kill one person, it would still be a crime

>On 4th October, 1943, Reischsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler gave a speech to a secret meeting of SS officers, in Poznan, Poland. In this speech, he spoke frankly about the ongoing extermination of the Jewish people.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, numbers matter and so do the facts

>Even if they managed to kill one person
In one thread alone you've been talked down from 6 million to 2 million and now just one fucking jew.

wasnt this after america stole him and forced him to do work for them?

Denying the authenticity of the most document event in the human history is 'extraordinary'

What's the point of arguing with someone who can't even read?

Fuck the jews. Tens of millions of people died in the war and yet - people only "remember" the jews.
What's wrong with world man?

So not only could this secret meeting be entirely fraudulent, but nothing here is mentioned about the systematic murder of jews. simply talking about bodies. Berlin had bodies, dresden had bodies. He's talking about how he's not going to let these germans die in vain so that BASED JEWS can stay in Germany.

>The Most Documented Event In Human History™
>no physical evidence

>Denying the authenticity of the most document event in the human history is 'extraordinary'
What's extraordinary is the fact that independent investigators that question the alleged facts behind the holocaust narrative are imprisoned for even investigating it.

Why do you need to prosecute people for healthy skepticism if the truth is so self evident?

70k because of disease.

Some holocaust.

You want to know something funny?

Jews told Hitler to kill the Jews.

>>You can try to diminish Nazi crimes however you want
>Even if they managed to kill one person, it would still be a crime
Except the crime is your lies. The only Jews that died in Germany died from disease or allied bombing.

to be fair, I'm sure Deutschland killed plenty of commies and grandstanding kikes by lining them up against a wall and blowing their brains out

There was no census done from 40-46 so the almanac used old figures. The census was done later.

do I have to explain the idea of proportions to you? GOD you people are stupid

you can visit any Nazi camp by yourself right now

Why almost every """"skeptic"""" is really just a massive anti-Semite?

Even you don't like Jews that much

what happened at Babi Yar then? why did Nazis need Einsatzgruppe?

yes, the regime you are defending right now is notoriously murderous

Funny how most of the documents about the holohoax were written after the war, and when the United Nations releases documents that say what happened you deny the evidence.

Even if that's true it would not excuse the holocaust at all. And the grand mufti is not a jew you retard.
There is plenty of evidence. Records, testimonies, photographs...

>it seems hard to argue that 1 million is a much lesser crime than 6 million.

5 million counts of murder seems like that makes a greater crime actually.

damning evidence... except for the fact that it doesn't sound anything like Himmler


Also, why would they record something like this? A top level gathering of SS officers, during which "Himmler" specifically states: 'hey, you know this big secret we're keeping - you guys had better remember to keep your mouths shut', and yet for some reason they kept an audio recording?

I'm not going to say that this is definitively fake - you could put it down to crappy 1940s audio equipment and normal human stupidity - but I'm certainly not going to accept it without some proof of its provenance.

>it would not excuse the holocaust
The holocaust didn't happen.

Actually you should go do the reading because from the archives from intercepted correspondence between 42/43 of a report being discussed with eichmann over actual numbers of liquidated jews from operation reinhard in the 4 east poland camps, the numbers total 3.5 million so add in everything else and the 6 million figure is round abouts accurate but that's not the argument anyone should be having, the argument to have is Auschwitz which is the cash cow for the jews built on myths and falsehoods, a work camp with a crem capable of 70k burnings and prisoners dying from disease + malnutrition wheeled about by lying jews as some kind of death camp that killed a million when they know damn well it didn't, the real holocaust was reinhard and a mix of gun sqauds/vigilantes and other various factions.

>Lot more Ruskies died.
The point everyone should push and no one ever does is that 85% of the soviet government was jewish so for jews to act the king victim is a disgrace.

Are you saying the nazis were massive pussies who talked loud but didn't actually do shit ?
I'm guessing that's why you're a partisan yourself

Yeah and you can visit labour camps in Canada, that doesn't mean we were holocausting japs during WWII.

of what? Starving inmates suffering from typhus due to allied bombings of trade routes? Bodies being bulldozed into mass graves by allied forces in uniform? Again - no physical evidence.

OPs video is literally about himmler saying we shouldnt accept BASED JEWS because he's seen too many dead german men to compromise on the end goal of kicking them out of germany

the voice is really similar to hitlers

They didn't cremate all of them. Many were shot into ditches at gunpoint and dug up, or just rifled in Eastern European villages. Also, 6 million was the total 'official' death toll of the Holocaust, of which Jews comprised 4.4 mil according to given (((data))). There is a Red Cross argument put up by Holocaust deniers, showing that there was a doc from the Swiss Red Cross that deters the 'myth' of the Holocaust, but then there was another document that investigated into possible collusion and lies. Here is the doc for reference:

oh also no records exist lmao, jews literally claim its because the nazis burned them all trying to cover up their yuuuge crimes

somehow they know it was 6 million though

>possible collusion and lies.
Based commie admitting the red cross figures are accurate and have never been debunked

The holocaust was a fabrication.

Funny how most of the investigations about crimes take place after the crime itself, and when the police [incoherent part I can't make fun of]

tape yourself with different mics and recorders in different rooms

do they have delousing chambers? is Canada a collectivist regime based on pseudo-scientific racial theories of mentally deranged people?

I know there was not some form of holocausting going on at the Eastern Front, although many of the Jews killed would of been parisans

Anyone who believes the gas chamber meme is just retarded though.


>do they have delousing chambers?
They did
>is Canada a collectivist regime based on pseudo-scientific racial theories of mentally deranged people?
it is now


>most of the investigations

lmgtfy.com/?q=holocaust forensics

1 million is a far lesser crime than 6 million. in fact its 5 million lesser of a crime than 6 million. you know youve lost when you say "well who cares anyway?"

to my anglo ear the words spoken at around the 2min mark are not what is written, any deutsch anons confirm?
also a statement is not an 'object or fact'

>The holocaust denial is the most retarded dumb shit on this site. Even if the numbers are exaggerated, what is your point? One million or 6 million, these numbers are so high that it seems hard to argue that 1 million is a much lesser crime than 6 million.

The first point is right that of course a holocaust happened but the rest is idiocy, It fucking matters because jeiwsh lobbyists and groups have twisted the truth into a complete myth to support endless political and financial gain on top of creating a weapon to use to do as they please in europe after successfully brainwashing the generations with guilt for something they had no part in so fucking no a pea brain cunt like you doesn't get to help them by dumbing it all down to black n white.

>Denying the authenticity of the most document event in the human history is 'extraordinary'
Oh you mean like the 1944 aerial pics by allies that show no chimneys at auswitz? or the hitlers diary that was proven years later to be fake? or how about the russian archives opening and logged documents of auswitz deaths being found that show 70k deaths? Do you know anything about the focus group churchill was in comprised of jewish bankers? no you don't because the only log of it ever in an archive in london churchill had destroyed.

>you can visit any Nazi camp by yourself right now
Auschwitz? oh you mean the one with the rebuilt "gas chamber" in 1948 (destroyed by soviets) which the polish authorities proved and forced to be included at the site on a plaque at the behest of jewish lobbys. Also visiting a camp is not evidence of what happened there is it? The real deaths are in east poland like treblinka.

>There is plenty of evidence. Records, testimonies, photographs...
Actually there is very little evidence which is in the form of intercepted correspondance but the examples you give aren't evidence at all just some opinions and pictures of dead bodies with no context.


Absolutely no forensic data has been presented in those (google) links, just "Muh 600 gahbajillions!"

I wish the holocaust was real

That's not my point, I'm not saying at all "well who cares anyway". I'm saying the exact opposite. I my opinion people hardly succeed in downplaying the holocaust when they say 1 millon were exterminated rather than 6 million.
I've seen quite a few camps, I've read Anne Frank, there are testimonies and correspondence form high ranking nazis. The German documentation of the holocaust is not available online but open to the public in a library in Gemrany and London. There is plenty of evidence.

>There is plenty of evidence.
Any evidence used in the post-war trials is dubious at best.


your post does nothing to dismiss them


>he believes the anne frank myth

nigga look up where she was taken to and then bounced around. After she gets captured where she is taken makes no sense. Her father even admits to fabricating shit in her diary to make it more epic win

testimony is worthless, especially during a trial conducted by the winning team against the losing team. Under your logic, mike brown dindu nun nun and was shot execution style with his hands up

Fake and gay

racism won't win you any points here

sounds like Jewish propaganda to me

guys look at all this proof Jesus was real

>implying voices cannot be manipulated
>implying that wasn't a voice actor
>implying that sounds anything like Himmler

Stop being this retarded.

christ is real stop denying him

It has nothing to do with racism - in both cases we are told by institutions to believe eyewitness testimony over the physical evidence we can verify

the holocaust did not happen in the same way that michael brown reached for darren wilson's gun. Your tiny russian brain being unable to grasp the absurdity of eyewitness testimony being accepted as evidence is your shortcoming, not mine

lmao holy shit

OP unironically BTFO with that video alone

wtf frogs? Why were they shilling the holohoax so hard?

id say that a smaller death toll points to the fact that it wasnt a purposeful genocide based on racial ideology, in fact to me that is more in line with the idea that those deaths were incidental in the larger context of the war itself, and with that in mind this absolves the germans as being the sole baddies in the conflict. to me that matters. you cant just go around accusing people of shit when its not true, thats not an ethical way to behave. what about the mothers and ancestors of the german soldiers who died during the war who now have to be told constantly that their sons and fathers were raving genocidal murderers obsessed with cutting up jewish babies and sewing their heads onto dogs and shit like that? why can nobody in society say without being ostracised or even jailed that there were good and moral german soldiers? facts matter and they matter a lot to some people, and its a shame that people think obfuscation of historical fact is somehow helpful. satan has just been replaced by hitler now because nobody believes in satan anymore. what would people call those they didnt agree with politically without having old hiterally litler to reference? mao? stalin?

the reason this is important to me personally is because i have that ancestry and grew up being called "nazi" etc. by every cunt and his dog, my last name carries with it a very heavy burden of undeserved guilt and its not something im willing to stand for. im not a revisionist because i hate jews or anything, im a revisionist because i love my own people and dont want to see them slandered anymore. the guilty should bear the burden of their crimes, but nobody should have to bow their heads and accept false accusations because it is used to dehumanize people and justify violence against them. thats why when the red army rolled through europe and raped every german woman between 8 and 80 nobody gave a fuck, because they were "nazis".

>does it for free

it was written in a ballpoint pen. ballpoint pens werent invented until after the war

DJT, a giant racist and a big supporter of the Jewish state, has a Jewish daughter

you have no reason to be an anti-Semite

"dindu nuffin" is a racist meme

>"dindu nuffin" is a racist meme
"Physical evidence" is not.

can someone explain me this bullshit, when I was studying at school they said they were only 6 million dead jews, and now today I have a niece that say they are 20 million dead germans, and 12 million jews and other shitskin.

That is not forensic evidence either. That doesn't even count as an archeological dig.

Great, another list of random things that is not forensic data.

>your post does nothing to dismiss them
Fine. They are appeals to emotion with no evidence.

DJT was never a "racist" until he ran for office. in fact the dems even tried to get heaps of his former employees to accuse him but nobody, not a single one could be found because they were loyal to him because he treated everybody decently. hes a decent man, despite what youre told. he won the ellis island award in the 90s for his work with the migrant community, he won the MLKjr medal for his work with the black community in new york years before all of this. shit, he even bought out a country club which didnt allow blacks and changed the rules just to spite racists. false accusations are bullshit. nobody should have to put up with them. just as much a crime as allowing the guilty to walk free is the flipside of falsely accusing the innocent.

>satan has just been replaced by hitler now because nobody believes in satan anymore
THIS. And the Schuldkult is the new religion.

You know, advocacy of mass deportations of people based on their ethnicity and religion kinda reminds me of someone...

There were no gas chambers or plan for genocide. Accussing them of it is wrong.

>6 million people can't just disappear and never show up
they disappeared from Europe but they as hell showed up
to America and Palestine that is
Palestine was under jewish control since the Balfour agreement in 1917
The Red Cross who had free access in every single concentration camp in Germany said that only 271k died, most of them died from typhus and starvation once the allies started disrupting the trains which came with supplies to the camps.

Cheers, I understand now. I don't know enough to estimate the actual of number of jews killed in the holocaust. I'm also not for the idea that holocaust denial is legal, and definitely not for the idea that only one specific version of the holocaust must be considered true.

But the nature of the camps and other records show it is a a purposeful genocide based on a racial ideology. Wether a million were killed (so far) or 6 million. It's obvious the nazis had no plans to slow down.

I'm sorry that you were seen as responsible for the acts of your ancestors, it's not fair. Downplaying the holocaust will not help you though, nor will it shine more light on the crimes of the red army.

All I need to know about jews I learned from Ivan Vazov(a revolutionary and a poet).

>advocacy of mass deportations of
Criminals? Congress decides who Americans are.

Deporting foreign insurgents is not a crime.

>your post does nothing to dismiss them
Confessions under torture mean nothing.

There is evidence of both.

Weak bait, but in all seriousness, who cares? Literally no one.
There's more important things happening in the world right now, like Fidget Spinners!!

the only thing that trump wants to deport people for is their status as a law abider. entering the USA illegally is...illegal. you should spend more time listening to his actual words instead of what the press is telling you. ever notice how they dont show the man speaking for more than one sentence, like ever? they dont want you to reach your own conclusions because you might just find yourself agreeing with him.

first and foremost, it is his duty to protect his own citizens. that is what he has sworn to do and is compelled to do so by the oath he took when he was inaugurated. notice how he hasnt proposed a ban on "muslims", rather a list of 8 countries that the previous administration identified as threats to security based on their geographical location. he hasnt banned immigration from indonesia has he, or bhutan, or brunei, or bahrain? indonesia has the largest muslim population in the world. so could it be that its not a muslim thing but a geopolitical thing? did you know that obama completely banned immigration into the USA from iraq in 2010 without so much as a whisper from the press?

they're just as "American" as you, minus the useless papers

he's senile moron incapable of coherent speech
but his racism is still real