Post em
Trumptard Cringe Thread
Posting this early
He looks cool
More OC
omg thats just fucking disgusting
this is why im for abortion on eugenic lines
This is a lefty/pol/ cringe thread now
>Average lefty/pol/ mongrel whining about "spooks"
Lefty/pol/ tranny freak
Ugly fat lefty/pol/ teenager from their discord
Another lefty/pol/ mongrel
Lmao I bet this is actually a Sup Forums discord. Nice lies, Jew.
This lefty/pol/ sperg is engaged to some fat peruvian mestizo chick or something
It is from some /leftypol/ discord. Many of the individuals presented are actually fairly well known tripfags there.
Kill yourself subhuman shitskin
wouldn’t be suprised if it was
Is this supposed to be a cringe thread?
Lefty/pol/ australian tranny abomination
Shills really going at it today.
Another lefty/pol/ tranny works in an anarchist book store in NI
Looks passable enough desu. Are you sure this is a tranny?
More larping lefty/pol/ commiecucks
Yes he is
Leftypol is so ass ravaged they consider an old man with a Pepe shirt to be cringe and not metal as fuck.
Stop looking at so much trap porn user. It's warping your brain. A wig, hair dye, and glasses don't make a man into a woman.
t. Ameretard Kekistani Trumpfaggot, possibly underage
They aren't paying you shills enough for a decent photoshop job?
Are you the malaysian gook faggot?
Anything involving memes irl is cringe you reddit fuck.
>How dare you go against le god emperor?!!! Shareblue shill xDD
Repeating the same mantra to everyone who disagrees with you over and over does not make it more effective.
> Nuflag
> knowing anything about Sup Forums
Find a rope and a tree and figure out the rest, goatfucker.
How can you call yourself a Fascist when you unironically support the most pro-Israel globalist candidate in American history?
Kill yourself faggot
How are you a commie larping as an antisemite? It doesn't make any sense
8/pol/ is about as bad as /leftypol/ at this point. I'll have to assume you are from there given your unquestionable worship of Trump and the assumption that everyone who refuses to aknowledge his divinity is some kind of infiltrator.
Pictures of /leftypol/ members are great. Let's make them famous.
Why are Ameretards like yourself completely incapable of supporting their retarded positions beyond flinging baseless insults?
Found OP
>Defending good goy trump
Just end it
thats not malay mike
reminder mike will call you a nigger lover atleast 10 times and viciously attack aussies
Who even mentioned Trump? Only you projecting commiepol faggots.
Why do you feel the need to shitpost in this particular thread if this has nothing to do with Trump? Why do you assume that everyone opposing him is a commie if this is not the case?
This one is pretty funny.
>see this guy public LARP
>walk up and punch him in the mouth.
>slowly approach his face and whisper "sage"
If Trump was a good goy the media would be fellating his orange dick 24/7 like they did with Obama and Hillary. Everyone who doesn't want to gas the Jews is a good goy to you pathetic faggots.
The media support whichever candidate pays them. Trump had enough money to support his campaign by himself, that's all there is to it.
Looks like a comfy sweater tbqhwyfam
why are alternative facts = i ??
do you even NO siense??
The media (and the Jews in charge) run the Dem party. The Rochschild and Soros type billionaires could give two shits about the piddly money spent on ad campaigns during an election. Besides, Trump made them more money than any candidate in history. It's not about the money, it's about power. And Trump took it from them.
fashism is not really anti israel is it?
Lurk more faggot
What's with Lefties and them wanting to be Traps/Trannies so much?
>The media (and the Jews in charge) run the Dem party.
But apparently not the Republicans. Sure.
>It's not about the money, it's about power. And Trump took it from them.
It's about Shillary having more media connections than Trump. It doesn't exclude Trump from the American power structure.
Some Fascists support the existence of Israel as a Jewish state but they will all universally agree that any Jewish meddling outside of Israel for the sake of Israel is abhorrent.
This one literally could not stop to talk about Drumpf....What a tard
Been here since the Zimmerman trial. I could give two shits what Trump's opinion on Israel is considering he knows we need to DEPORT SPICS and BUILD A WALL. And appoint conservative judges. Everything else is secondary.
Call me when he actually builds that wall. It's nothing more than a campaign meme.
>conservative judges
Who are coincidentally the same judges chosen by the bush administration. So based amirite?
>But apparently not the Republicans.
To a lesser extent. Dems are the really good goys (virtue signaling out the arse). Most Republicans are good goys but they have to be constantly shamed. Trump won despite opposition from both. Is he perfect? Is he my god emperor? No. But he was a damn fine improvement on the pathetic leadership most countries (((elect)))
Fake news
>To a lesser extent.
No. He is part of the same power structure, as are both parties. He is favored by different kikes and plutocrats than Shillary, but he is by no means outside of the establishment. His reign will have absolutely no effect on how the American deep state conducts his business, and he has repeatedly proven this to be the case through his servile actions.
Hell, I wear a Kek flag BECAUSE it's retarded.
Also because the whole point of flags was that it was difficult to hide them. Now that we can all hide behind ideology flags, you'd better believe I'm going to hide behind one too. It's like the social media equivalent of nukes.