give up, we won :^)
Give up, we won :^)
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Al hamdulilah
How do we save Britain?
Just because one side doesn't want to fight doesn't mean you won. Once the west gets sick of your shit you should pray to your shitty god your desert doesn't magically turn into glass
>Once the west gets sick of your shit
It's been 10 years...
We are afraid to fight because the legal system is against us. It's terrible.
We have to figure out a way around the problem, or to fix the problem by appointing different judges.
With nuclear fire.
by taking the Mogg pill
Achmed has a point. The line hasn't just been crossed. It has been replaced by lines further and further back till our backs are nearly against the wall.
When does the fighting back begin?
You haven't even come close to winning. You're currently stumbling, and when you finish this face-plant, that will be it for you and your ilk. The pure unadulterated HUBRIS. Amazing. Astounding. It's like you want to lose. In fact, I'm not entirely willing to believe you AREN'T intentionally pushing the pendulum to the right. Your methods are disgusting and the ends do not justify the means. You will get what's coming to you.
Remove kebab or kill yourselves. Your country is a fucking embarrassing disgrace to first world civilization. Brittish Muslims are worse than American niggers. Our niggers at least mostly just chimp out on themselves, but your walking garbage bag Muslims are turning your pathetic cucked government into a caliphate
We're very patient people but who knows when when we'll go apeshit
You guys are lucky that these tolerance and peace memes gets constantly hammered on us
It's only a matter of time before your little bearded friends get a taste of peace trucks
Totally different. Mine is a chechen qt, yours is an ugly convert.
>When does the fighting back begin?
Never. Because when you fight back you play in our favor by pushing the "terrorists aren't all muslims" thing
>We're very patient people but who knows when when we'll go apeshit
You're still on Sup Forums though... Do something?
You know you sand people would get absolutely destroyed in a war with whites, right?
why push for it?
Hundreds of years of Muslim aggression before the crusades.
Britain isn't the West. America is. Britain seems very keen on becoming part of the middle EAST and they're an example for the world of exactly how not to handle Muslims. You probably don't realize but America has been paying very close attention to sand niggers and how they make any country they move to worse across the board.
That's why they must all be deported, and anyone who gets in the way dealt with.
It'll never happen as long as we're scared of a couple of strangers with an opinion.
Like this ? All alone so i can pass as a murderoud schyzo in the news and discredit my cause ? Nah, i have other plans
>You know you sand people would get absolutely destroyed in a war with whites, right?
Oh shut the fuck up please...
>The Deus Vult meme
Lmao. Do you actually believe this? Bruh the western youth don't give one single fuck about Christianity anymore.
America is the slave of Saudi Arabia for oil so don't hmu with this shit
>a european say 'fuggit'
>gets visa to US to offer high caliber service to comp sci, robotics (automation), programming, etc...
>now has access to self-defense of which he has been deprived by his own leaders
>right-leaning numbers begin to increase rejecting all Marxist programs and their offshoots
>gets treated like a rock star because of the love those americans of european descent have for their kinsmen
>lives to fight another day, in the US while Shia and Sunni take their battles into european territories
>fly over states in the US become hubs for high iq, high creativity minds pummeling markets with a high demand for their goods as there are no other "goods" like them on the planet. the White mind now understands how to make his products and goods very difficult to back engineer, as does China. the White mind continually changes or upgrades his ideas and concepts so as to make his previous creations legacy. he outpaces technology so quickly, that it is not cost effective to back-engineer his products
>the future of the White mind favors quality over quantity. White Caucasians of European descent begin to corner markets and no other group is able to compete
>while European territories become a war zone, the White caucasians fo european descent sit comfortably well away from the anarchy in a quiet, White town
>Europe is re-conquered later
We're scared, LARPer...
Y'all call me mein fürher some day
I'll swim in paki pussy
We're the slaves yet everybody else is begging us for help and assitance. Riiiight. Also we can openly say anything we want about the trite factory that is Islam, your false prophet Mohammed (penis be upon him, he was very homosexual), and unless you haven't noticed who are president is, Islam isn't doing shit to this country. Muslims are weak trash m8, you can't do shit to us.
>IQ and self awareness of a sandnigger
>We're the slaves yet everybody else is begging us for help and assitance
LMFAOOOO the burger deluxe at its finest. How old are you? 12? You sound cringy as fuck you're on Sup Forums take a walk
Nice self awareness there, sandnigger. Apparently anything beyond worshipping a repressed homosexual false prophet (penis be upon him) or fancying your first cousin is beyond your capacity.
Do you know where you are, alkaliba?
Friendly reminder that any time muds want to pick on a people who aren't cucked, pick a fight with the US. We had a fun time leveling your ancestral region the last time you flew planes into our buildings, we have fun putting you animals down at our draw mohammad constests, pic very related.
>implying we worship a human like christians do
Damn a christfag and a cringey one, you just sound like an underage boy trying to trigger someone get out of here
>We are afraid to fight because the legal system is against us.
So... fight the legal system until it doesn't exist anymore and can't enforce itself? Oh, wait. You're slavishly deferential to police and figures of authority, regardless of whether they deserve to be authorities or not. So I guess that's out. Just keep those fingers crossed someone will eventually feel bad enough for you to stop profiting off your dispossession. It's been working out well so far.
Lmfao you're literally so dumb in your country that after the ass whooping you got on 9/11 Sikhs mistaken as Muslims got killed and now you're just giving money to Islamic states in the Middle East for oil you're literal slaves
You're right, you don't worship a human. You worship a dead lying piece of shit, which created a *pile* of shit and smeared it across the middle east before he died. Lo and behold leave it to the niggers of the sand to pick up actual shit and pretend like it's gold. Why don't you get on your knees and bow your head a few more times, homosexual submissive bitch? I'm unironically pagan btw. You have no idea what I believe in you
yeah this guy looks like he won too
You woul get destroyed though, you say "we won", but you haven't won a fucking thing. You come here, act like chimpanzees and then hide behind the skirts of Leftists and Jews when people dare to even verbally oppose you. You can't exist here without welfare, and when you are given welfare you show your gratitude by demanding even more, you make all areas you live in look like utter shit, you have no idea of how to integrate into a culture but you're so worthless to us you don't make your own culture appealing either. You gang rape children, when you rape women you have to outnumber and drug them, and you still bleat about "islamophobia", you're just not men. I refuse to recognize you as human males. You don't fight or act with any decent trait recognizable to white Western men. How the fuck will you ever win in a fight against us when we do turn? You can't even organize one decent liveable nation in your entire culture without Western ideas and aid. Every nation Islam has conquered is shit, with the people made browner and distanced from their European/Persian heritage until they become just more low IQ peasants. The only thing you've "won" is a temporary right to live in the West, and if you had more wits than a donkey you'd know your behaviour has brought the beginning of the end of that privilege.
"literal slaves"
Have you actually seen the condition your people live in? or how they have to hope on subverted leftists nutters to let them in? how about that each and every single one of them is walking into a death trap? The fact you have to leave your countries in the first place should tell you how pathetic you are
Islam is such a force to be reckon with. Just look at these state of the art warriors. I think they choose suicide bombings because they're too embarrassed from being so ugly to have anybody see the face of their corpse.
seriously fuck these people who love 600 years in the past. They have to fight us with technology whites developed. They can't make anything on their own, and they can only "fight" by attacking soft targets.
What's the hold up f a m
for now. your simple minded people can't see past the current though. it's obvious they are letting muslims behave as they currently do because it's the only way to get people to turn on them.
it's being done so that when the time is right there'll be no interference when it's decided that middle easterners, muslims and africans will be exterminated via weaponised diseases, camps and ovens.
do you really think the elites are allowing inbred muslim retards to behave as they do without an agenda? it's to turn the worlds populace against you and make them pro extermination.
you see the present. the elite see the future. you and your lot a being played. in due time the elite will even have far leaning left majority into wanting to exterminate muslims.
enjoy your indulgence in savagery for now. it won't last forever and ((( they ))) want you behaving in such a manner.
my advice. please keep it up
How can Kebab compete? pic related.
Once europe becomes a geopolitical threat to the united states, you'll be fire bombed out of the cities
but when you mudslimes finally cross the line, and the west pushes back we will have some things ready for you. At the end of the day the US government still identifies any mudslime as a possible terrorist .
>Pic Related its where a lot of you mudslimes will be in a few years. This whole mudslimes are not terrorist thing is a phase you islam fuck will ruin that image eventually with your attacks.
>pic related
A awesome black site where we keep you muslimes nice and warm or cold or neither.
Uma delicia
>be parents
>have six-month-old daughter
Fuck out parental duties, let's go out in a murder-suicide.
i like this
>can only win wars through jew tactics
Might as well not even be men. Enjoy the shit hole Earth will become
This, westerners have given away authority to the state, giving it the power to maintain order, settle disputes, protect the people of the nation etc through the legal system - but the state no longer is working to protect the people of the nation, it is not fulfilling its side of the bargain - in such circumstances, it is the responsibility ofthe people of the nation to take back that power and settle matters of their own protection and continued existance for themselves - the state and legal system has no divine right to its power, it is not some eternal authority, it is a flawed system of human creation, and if it fails to fulfil its function, then it should not be accepted as legitimate authority anymore.
Every creature and group in this world has the responsbility to do what is necessary to ensure its survival - obstacles to that, whatever they may be and whatever false authority they claim, need to be swept away. Submit to those harming you more and more, of whatever source, and you will be destroyed.
Westerners need to remember that is up to them to ensure their future - nobody elses responsbility, certainly not false authorities no longer so any real interest in the long term survival of the nation.
You'll have to kill every single Muslim, and I'm not joking. I hope to wake up one morning to news of the British starting up their own little genocide of Islamic filth. Start genociding muslims, or they'll take over your government, drop soft genocide, and start hard genociding your men in the streets while they take your women. This is what they want the most, and they won't stop until they get it. It's you or them.
once the west gets sick of their shit they'll lower the bar again in the name of tolerance and progressiveness