Is Ethan redpilled? Watch his latest video. It's about local Seattle politics with Hugh Mungus. Ethan uses the fucking REEEE meme and basically tells SJWs to get fucked. Does he browse Sup Forums?
Is Ethan redpilled? Watch his latest video. It's about local Seattle politics with Hugh Mungus...
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go away
ethan we know this is you sorry you became irrelevant
>last podcast
>talking about that ellen spycam segment
>black women are honest, white women steal
>showing the failed home invasion, where the white guy gets caught by his black neighbor
>jokes about the whitey boi being a panty sniffer creep
That fat kike sure is redpilled
>what are jokes
That home invader looked creepy as fuck dude.
he gets paid to make propaganda and doesnt think of his own ideas. anything he does is specific and on purpose for a reason
he voted for Hillary, it's pretty obvious whose side he's on.
Of all the youtube fags he is the most pathetic one, always making videos of how jewtube won't give him money for his bad content. Hes just a lazy jew that got popular for being lol so random. he makes videos of himself hanging out with other lazy fags and complains about no money. typical opportunistic jew
>Two Jews that fell in love at a Holocaust museum.
Pick one.
They make nazi jokes and shit all the time
He still believes in the Holocaust religion and said Sweden is doing just fine
he also mocked someone for accurately pointing out Israel did 9/11
this desu
>Ethan uses the fucking REEE meme
go back, you don't belong here
i don't go to h3h3 for political commentary. i go there for the laffs and because i like seeing what looks like a happy marriage because i never see that in real life. they are a cute couple.
if i wanted political commentary i would not go to the fat idiot that gained 100 pounds at costco
He defends JonTron all the time after the scandal. He's not like other Jews.
Tell me this isn't Sup Forums tier
"Women are meant to be conquered"
>Ethan uses the fucking REEEE meme and basically tells SJWs to get fucked. Does he browse Sup Forums?
That's most of the country, not just two jews on youtube. Most people dispise SJW. On the right, it's for the obvious reasons. They're virtue signaling retards. On the left, they're virtue signaling retards that lose elections.
i liked ethan before he just made videos hanging out with youtube stars like theyre interesting.
he's going to do a podcast with jordan peterson though, so that should be cool
>kekistan memes
i wouldn't tell him to go away then, since the OP is positive about me. Try making sense next time.
link? (to creepy vid, not the Ethan vid)
no he is a leftest jew.... literally the worst type of creature on the planet.
>than uses the fucking REEEE meme and basically tells SJWs to get fucked.
So basically, he's a slightly-more-woke normie?
god i would love to fuck that downs jewess hila
i bet she has some huge feet like huma
>Is Ethan redpilled?
Look at this dumbass, thinking "Muh based ethan red pilled" when all Ethan knows is how to pull the strings.
also a huge brown roast beef vagina.
Lets talk about Huma. Perfect fuck toy. Huge mouth. A tiny ass, you just want to drill it like you're working the west Dakota land.
>hey guys we're not here to ask for money, you all already donated to much and did so much to help us in ht epast and the money that was raised helped us out a lot, so this video isn't for any donations we just want to inform you about our current situations and the problems we are facing blablablah, we'd be ashamed to ask for money and we know that you would want to help us but we can't take it so and have to solve this on our own, but thank you guys
>bitch sheds crocodile tears
comment section
>seeing hilla cry is the saddest thing i've ever seen :((((( i really want to help
>hey i would really like to help, sad that you don't want donations :(((
>the jew responds with "hey check this out" and a donation link
i'd screencaped that shit, but i was banned so i didn't bother, the comment is probably still somewhere in that video.
>Does he browse Sup Forums?
Every e-celeb desperate for material does.
source on webm?
I'll tell if you tell me what cripplechan is.
> bless you jesus i'm going to rape this bitch
new ringtone
that's the video yeah...
he's a jew. his wife is a jew. he does youtube shit for money. he has a target demographic. of course he browses Sup Forums, just like everybody on the internet now. the difference between him and everybody else is that he browses Sup Forums to steal content and ideas in order to make money.
so yes, in a way he is red-pilled, since he's taking advantage of the stupidity of retards like you.
that shit was fucking gay. I don't give a shit about their tactics... the ones falling for that bullshit are faggot idiots.
ohwow he said REEE, wtf i love Ethan now
He fucking hates Israel
what he said in one vlog when he was visiting Israel
>if this land is so holy why is there shit on the streets everywhere
>no sure i don't think that Israel is a shithole
>i want to go away from this shithole already
Hehe, aayy.
and this somehow speaks for him? if anything, it speaks against him.
how? He loves US. He's citizen of US and he likes his country.
That has nothing to do with the other statement. The kikes that are harming white societies live in those countries, not Israel.
E-celeb Sage
That is true but he hates on people who are hypocritical. I think he's alright. If you dismiss him just on the basis that he's jewish than fuck you. He actually thinks that whites have a right to be proud of themselves.
>West Dakota
Absolutely not. The REEEEEE meme is just mainstream now.
Underage b&. The only people that watch him are children and those who smoke weed LOL SO RANDUMB XD.
im pretty sure ethan is jewish
Ethan is no different than other shitty youtube "skeptics" and moderates. He only goes after easy targets that will net him the smallest backlash and doesn't take a real stance on anything that could hurt his viewer count.