Questions for evolutionists

Which evolved first: the digestive system, the food to be digested, the appetite, the ability to find and eat the food, the digestive juices, or the body's resistance to its own digestive juice? The drive to reproduce or the ability to reproduce? Males or females? When females got their reproductive organs, were they just waiting around for the male, or was it just really good timing?
Which came first: the bones, ligaments, tendons, blood supply, or muscles to move the bones? What did the bones do until the muscles evolved?
Concerning natural selection, if we went to a car factory and we took out all the kinks, all the bad things, in the car assembly line, after we got everything that was wrong with the car assembly, how many runs would we have to wait until finally they produced an airplane?

Don't act as if any of the things you mentioned just popped up out of thin air immediately, rather than being shaped by millions of years of evolutionary pressure and chance.

That seems to be what the evidence would suggest. We are a simulation, and God is the programmer.


Basically everything came first but instead of being really complicated like in humans it was simpler like in worms.

>MFW that evolutionary pattern pretty much follows the last decade for me

Feelsbadman was a low point.

If you start small, anything's possible, including the evolution of interdependent systems all at the same time. That thing's relative simplicity is simplicity. It's believable that it evolved because you have to zoom in to see it.

>Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

>Things can't happen gradually at the same time

a shitty programmer at that

How does zooming prove it evolved? All I see is a programmed system or an alive system with a consciousness wanting to continue living.

The chance of getting 167 atoms to stack is 1/2^167, if they break down after every turn. 2^167 is more atoms than there are in the entire earth. So no, not everything can happen gradually at the same time.
>literally implying you could do better

>tfw when evolution was pushed by the NWO to de-christianize the west as they knew without God we lost our protection

I suppose that should be (1/2)^167

Multiply that but the number of planets in the universe and you enf up with a probability greater than 1. This is self evident.

First appeared a mush of organic matter (we exclude the story of how that happened, it's too long). Some of this matter combined into molecules because of it's propertirs. There's no digestion and no appetite there, but there's still stuff combining into more complex stuff. The are not food and organisms per se, but the processes here are alike to an organism being built from stuff around.

Then some of the formed molecules happen to be able to move in a way that would make some other molecules. Here we have "organism" building other "organisms" out of "food" around them. Some of this weird molecules would not just make any other new molecules, but replicate itself. So now we have "organisms" replicating by using "food". There's no drive to reproduce here, but it's a process of reproduction.

Everything else is just the consequences of these molecules becoming more and more complex, forming cells and organisms etc. There you'll get all the interesting mechanisms of behavior and complex systems operating to keep an organism alive and make him propagate. The exact order depends on the circumstances this organismm found itself in.

The first animal is still alive, its the sea sponge. They don't have blood, they use little cells to move nutrient rich water through their system
Circulatory systems came first as it was the first thing they needed to make their body a more selective system.
The first sexual animal was probably a relative of corals.

Primitive digestion came first (sponges can't move), then nerves, then muscles, creatures like jelly fish.

It took 2 billion years for bi-lateral symmetry to evolve.

A digestive track with juices implies a mouth and an anus. If you have a head, you move forward (starfish don't have a forward or backward), if you move forward, it helps to have eyes to see where your going, and you need a nerve center to process that stimuli.
Bones where the very last thing to evolve.

Brains evolved hand in hand with eyes and with digestion


>(1/2)^167 is small so even given infinite time and stupidly large space it can't happen
all hail, king of the plebs

No, just talking about the fossil record.

quit fucking worrying about it, we have current problems in our world you autist

There is no such thing as a probability greater than 1, and there are more atoms in the human body than there are supposed planets in the universe, which is obviously irrelevant. The probability of your existence was 1/infinity, or 0, and yet somehow, you think the existence of many planets accounts for that?

How about the domestication of animals and plants. Through thousands of years of stark selective breeding we have heavily mutated animals genetics. what's so hard to believe that through millions if not billions of years of constant pressure from nature and the environment that we get a variety of different species.
Evolution doesn't explain the origin of life, it only describes the process of which natural selection helps creates a diversity of species.

There are detailed theories for how all those things evolved already, try taking a biology course. You can do that online now. Or you can just post here and put your ignorance on display.

Not sure if you're sliding something or just never took a bio class that included evolution but and are right.
Things evolve together. You get a mutation here and there along the DNA strand, which translates to a slightly different shaped protein in that gene. If the mutation is beneficial, the organism can survive long enough to reproduce and give rise to more of that organism that have the parent's mutations + their own. A lot of mutations are silent (don't affect any protein) so it takes many generations to get noticeable changes.
So you get gradual movement towards beneficial properties, especially in colonial organisms that allow compartmentalization- having cells specialized for certain tasks.
Development and optimization of different organs for sensing, gathering, and digesting amino acids, carbs/fats for energy happens gradually, with each mutation improving one small area.
The drive to reproduce has been around as long as RNA itself.

Ive always wondered how an species increases or decreases the number of cromasomes it has. Especially in species of animals with different sexes.

Darwinian Evolutionary Theory is plagued with many fundamental contradictions.
>Instinct and inherited geolocational abilities. Some species have been shown to have the ability to seek out precise locations without it being taught to them.
>Reproductive urge: What drove Life to reproduce before a biological mechanism evolved to urge them to do so? If such a compulsion preceded a biological reproductive urge then what selected such a biological imperative as evolutionarily advantageous?
>Why did the Japanese breed square watermelons when niggers have round mouths?
These and other such discrepancies will continue to haunt militant Darwinian Evolutionists long after Jesus and his 12 Merry Men defeat Muhammad and his flying, totally not gay, unicorn in a no holds barred death match on WWE Live for the future of humanity.




>being this fucking unironically dumb

If humans evolved from monkeys how come niggers still exist?

This guy is correct, the first "complex" organism was coral like structures. Think of worms shaped like sea-weed. Neither plant nor animal, they fed of minerals in the water. Eventually those life-forms split into the many we see now.

Earth used to resemble venus, until there was several ecological "disasters" caused by bacteria. The last bacteria happened to produce oxygen, much of which is still around today.

Wrong forum for requests - flagged and reported

>being so butthurt you pretend they aren't rhetorical questions and actually requests
Announcing sage or report is against the rules. Enjoy your b&, faggot.