German Development Minister Gerd Muller warned Sunday that up to 100 million Africans could head north as economic and climate refugees.
Germany is making a push to promote peace and investment in Africa at the G20 summit in Hamburg in July. Muller believes unprecedented migrant populations could head for Europe if climate goals aren’t met and the economic outlook in Africa remains the same.
“If we continue as before, people in many parts of Africa have no other chance than to get to us,” Muller, a member of the Christian Social Union, told German tabloid Bild am Sonntag. “If we do not manage to limit global warming to two degrees, up to 100 million people will move north in the future.”
Muller suggests a large-scale investment Marshall Plan in Africa and higher wages for workers.
“If an Apple phone is sold here for 800 euros, it must be ensured that decent wages are paid in the coltan mines in the Congo and environmental standards are applied,” Muller told Bild.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with African leaders Monday in Berlin to discuss future “reform partnerships.” The chancellor vowed to invest 300 million euros ($335 million) to help governments manage the refugee flows.
“By working together with you for your countries, we will create more security for ourselves and put people smugglers out of business,” Merkel said, the Associated Press reports.