Well, Ameritards? Ready to apologize yet?
Well, Ameritards? Ready to apologize yet?
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Sage and report just like all the fucking rest.
>A Fucking Leaf
Have you sucked any native cock lately?
Russia? Greece?
The Roman Empire?
Shit, was it the United Kingdom?
Canada, Israel, Germany, Italy, Russia, Africa as a whole... am I missing any?
Any country in africa.
all of them?
Those things happened under previous generations. They're all dead. Some died to end it for us.
This notion is invalid.
1) The Native Americans lost a war, and either died, or surrendered.
2) The Africans should be more angry at their brothers, and Arabs, who sold them out for a quick buck.
It was Europe that abolished Slavery, not the niggs, or the sandnigs, so practically in freedom, and slavery being damned, and illegalized they already have their apologies fulfilled.
Anything since then is a personal to personal level.
you sjw libtard scum do know the USA was one of the first countries in the world to outlaw slavery, right? You know the natives here were mass murdering and raping each other as a way of life in north america, right?
Who did the Greeks genocide? And what race did they enslave?
Who did the Russians enslave? I assume the "genocide" bit is about Tatars and other Mongols in Central and Northern Asia
>Roman Empire
Again, which race did they enslave? The genocide i, again, assume you mean Carthage, but they weren't built upon that genocide, Rome was built centuries prior to that genocide
Ok that's 100% correct
The Weak should fear the Strong
Time doesn't erase your crimes.
Yes, when we pushed them out of the way we built the greatest, most valuable nation in recorded history.
You're welcome, we could have eradicated the Natives and kept the blacks as slaves, but we weren't thinking straight.
My ancestors, (who I had nothing to do with, as they lived over 100 years before me) killed and enslaved two races respectively and now I shall apologize and feel guilty
In America, more than 90% of black murders are perpetrated by other blacks.
Check fucking mate, you fucking nigger.
In average, niggers in America have more wealth than niggers in Africa.
You're fucking welcome, nigger.
its not about race you fucking rretard its about class. cpatialism is cancer that is kililng the fucking world. until the dya we all relize we are one race, ban tegether and overtrhow this bullshti capitalistic system and instill a communistic goverment made to hlep the people. NOTHING WILL CHANGE
We did it too, faggot
>Having chicken wings for thanksgiving.
lol I love these "we built this country" shit
I wasn't aware that we paved our roads with cotton and tobacco
Native americans were mostly hunter&gatherers, sooner or later they would have been displaced by agricultural societies. As it happened all around the world since 10000 B.C.
Every country in existence.
>Name the country
New Zealand
want me to go on?
BUT! we didn't do it; our forefathers did. even your counter arguments make no sense, you sorry fool
You know that the average GDP of the world Is u$s 6000 per capita.
About u$s 500 a month to cover all your needs. You realize that you would need to cut back on your lifestyle.
Saudi Arabia?
Dont forget that before we came along they were already killing each other for territory. Wiping out entire tribes. THAT IS GENOCIDE.
Bait thread. Leaf is mad his president is Castro's bastard.
Most of the natives died of disease or requested the white man to kill there enemy tribes. Pretty much every native tribe today has the blood of another on their hands.
Even if my ancestors were alive when direct slavery was legal in the states, I cannot own another person's actions. The responsibility for slavery died with the actual slave owners.
I meant even if my ancestors resided in the states. My bad.
>previous generations
>your crimes
dumb niggers
shitty, lazy, obvious, and boring bait. saged reported and hidden
What responsability do the Kangz that sold the slaves have?
>Time doesn't erase your crimes.
at least white people don't commit crimes anymore unlike NIGGERS
>Time doesn't erase your crimes.
>Time doesn't erase your crimes.
fuck off you larping white cuck
>fat white larper
sins of the father are not the sins of the son
let's do the Muslims next
Go fuck yourself faggot
You tell him, leaf!
what about the kikes that enabled the slave trade by providing all of the capital, ships, and other logistical support? also, what about the slave trade that is still going strong in apefrica where niggers are enslaving niggers and mudshits are enslaving niggers?
makes me think
if you reply to this don't forget to put sage in the options field
good one
Russia, China, Japan, the US, UK
>Who did the Romans enslave
Wow, you're so retarded I'm surprised you were able to solve your captcha
so 20% are as smart as 1/2 of whites. LMAO whoever made that pic is a retard. also those statistics are probably fake
Not apologizing. If The US is so terrible, go back to whatever brown shithole your ancestors came from.
Was slavery that bad? I bet that if you'd go to Africa today, offer plane tickets to america, food and shelter in exchange for work. You'd have millions of people applying.
>also those statistics are probably fake
you know it's 100% correct
If they were strong enough their culture would have won the war.
... and then they get here and refuse to work so you have to whip them into shape
makes me think, senpai
>Who did the Russians enslave?
Serfs, small nations of Siberia, political prisoners
>Again, which race did they enslave?
War prisoners, no matter the race.
>dont vaccinate against fuckloads of pathogens
>be assblasted when your civilization is wiped out by them
>run a country where its legal to enslave people
>complain and blame the people who buy the slaves and free their descendants into a society orders of magnitude better then their original one
>and then they get here and refuse to work so you have to whip them into shape
If the contract allows it....
Mycenaean Greeks probably either genocided or rape assimilated the ancient cretens
>most valuable nation in recorded history
>having the blood of your enemies on your hands is bad
Lol maybe they should try harder to defend their lands.
I find it funny how indians are doing better than niggers, though.
Turkey. Enslaved Europeans and genocided the Armenians
Africans used slaves to build the pyramids over the course of 4 thousand years.
It came around full circle
Have this cliantro.
Fuck IT... the native Americans had a shit culture and no technological future, the native Africans even less...
Now America is thriving nation that native American descendants AND African decedents live in prosperity and peace with full citizen ship and a bright future ahead for all.
I am DAMN proud of America past!!!
Yeh time doesn't erase the crimes of a tiny fraction of the population that was mostly jewish and all lives in a specific part of the country but it sure as fuck made you forget those thousands of thousands of white men who fucking died to get your black ass out of the chains.
someone needs to edit that pick to put a german soldier on the left and a british/American soldier on the right. plus throw in a few stars of david to really drive the message home... I would do it myself, but my editing skills are like the holocaust: nonexistant
> Russia
Pretty much enslaved their own people. All that art, architecture, and luxury were paid with money from selling grain produced by peasant slaves.
> Romans
> Greeks
Enslaved war captives, traded slaves with other states.
As some user mentioned, slavery is not normally based on race. Slaves are a social class, it arises ehen there's need for cheap labour to cater for upper class needs.
Prove that user committed those crimes.
You can't.
>LMAO whoever made that pic is a retard.
You're a retard. Whoever made that pic cleverly designed the image so that retarded nogs would proudly repost it and make an embarrassment of themselves.
>Eating chicken with clamps
That is the most pussy thing I've ever seen.
It depends.
> tfw your master sells your wife to buy a horse
>the word slave literally unironically comes from the word Slav
durr hurr who da rus enslave?
I did nothing wrong.
Holy fucking shit.
You're pic related gave me some major keks.
Nice man.
Niggers are not very monogamous to begin with.
The funny thing is, Canada treated Native Americans much much worse that the united states. Take a couple native studies classes and history classes and you will learn. We wiped out an entire population of Beothuk natives on the island of Newfoundland. In order to settle the west they had 5 dollars for a native mans scalp and 3 for a native woman or childs scalp. Millions were slaughtered and the rest beaten and put into residential schools, absolute rape of their culture and people. Before you go blaming Americans think about your own country first.
Why should I apologize for what my ansestors did? By that logic all germans should be apologizing to every one.
> enslave own citizens
> who then genocide the bourgeoisie
WE'VE BEEN APOLOGIZING FOR OVER 50 YEARS! Also sage because leafag
Why is the correct answer this far down!?!
Our biggest mistake was not forcibly deporting blacks back to Africa during Reconstruction. Money spent then would have saved up trillions in welfare, prisons and Healthcare.
The answer to pic is most of them. Only a retard would think that the current cultural, linguistic, and racial groups of the world (let alone national borders) would even be recognizable throughout history. Fact is, pretty much every modern country is founded on the genocide and enslavement of other groups that genocide and enslaved those before them. Claiming America is unique, and that the blacks and indians were angels, is a fucking joke.
A good portion of them wanted to leave too. My best guess is the Democrats wanted them around because they knew it would secure them votes for 100s of years.