Is eminem the most redpilled rapper?
Is eminem the most redpilled rapper?
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>Refuses to say nigger
>Won't name the jew
kys OP, and take that nigger wannabe faggot with you
He is a heavy nigger-lover.
>actually falling for the jew meme
Fuck off kike. Say hi to your grandpa, he's looking a tad bit thin, isn't he?
It's always struck me as odd that the kids who grew up listening to Eminem went on to become liberals and SJWs, with obviously numerous exceptions such as myself. However you would have thought that someone as popular and politically incorrect as he was would have caused a lot more people to be politically incorrect. It didn't. It just made more degenerates.
And that's because that's what Eminem is, a degenerate nigger loving faggot.
>spends some of his childhood in majority white places
>hard times, but still keeping on and have a decent life
>moves to nigger neighborhoods
>life instantly gets worse and on top of that niggers steal your shit, harass you, and generally screw with you in every way
>literally learn nothing from this and still manage to be cucked enough to refer to yourself as "just a white boi compared dre" when you become succesful enough to move away from nigger, michigan.
he's one of the most cucked musicians ever.
he should be considering who grew up in detroit
i hope someone beats your ass today
I was 13 when the Marshall Mathers LP came out. I got my friends older brother to get me a copy of the album, and it completely corrupted and ruined my brain. Everything out of my mouth was filthy and I started wearing baggy pants. Stay away from him.
you guys gotta stop living in your echo chambers and actually go outside of the house for once geez
>I don't have the willpower to not act like a nigger after listening to a song
Fuckin Straya
Thanks for adding to the wealth of evidence that pirate posters are indeed the worst posters.
A Tall Israelis is running this Rap shit!
i don't think anyone, with a brain, thinks that it's all jews or that all the ones that are are fucking with like immigration are even doing it consciously. my grandpa was technically jewish lel he just wasn't practicing and my grandma was christian
Hes sold himself at this point, would never even speak on anything political lol
Thanks for adding to the wealth of evidence that nazi posters are indeed the worst posters.
nice anecdote
Eminem is a penis. He’s just titillation for the middle classes. He’s neither funny nor shocking nor outrageous. He’s a ponce who dyes his hair out of a bottle. He wouldn’t last two minutes in Moss Side. Coupled with that, he’s a fucking yank. And he wears shit clothes.
I had a pet lizard, he never got an obit
Fed him crickets, it was dead a fucking month before I noticed
An older me would note that whether disposable goldfish
Or theist, we certainly become the earth as equals, in a circle
Unique until the spirit isn't willing
While the flesh is still a staple of the labor force and whistling
It's roadkill evoking emotion his own totem don't
That's a reality you evade or grow to own
Sometimes I feel my heart putrefying inside my body
From diary of dark to piety in the Ponzi
On my better days they mingle and walk off into the poppy
On my worst, the work is overshadowed by the monte
Had to buy some clothes that fit me
And pretend I like agave
With a promise to his congress not to compromise the motley in him
Maybe I should kinda sorta move to Mars
I'm feeling kinda done, too many moving parts
She says, "I'm not your enemy."
I said, "That sounds like something that my enemy would say
Instead of playing off the chemistry."
She said, "You're being difficult."
I said, "I'm being guarded; you're a quarter mil in debt
I get more guidance from my barber
Look, I'm not good at this, I grew up in a noogie-fest
You built your walls up high
Or say goodbye to all your Cookie Puss
Here's one: every time my telephone buzzes
I see images of hooded riders setting fire to hundreds."
She said, "When you start getting all expressive and symbolic
It's impossible to actualize an honest diagnostic."
I said, "When you start getting all exact and algebraic
I'm reminded it's a racket, not a rehabilitation."
Okay, agree to disagree as grown-ups from opposing clans
Honoring the push and pull, I should have called the Scholomance
Oh well, preservation is a doozie
Fucking kill yourself wigger
Fuck off weeb-loving kike
you guys dot have any proof
stop making up all these bullshit stories
Eminem was a puppet and used as a psy-op to destroy the white family.
>hates mother, check
>hates wife, check
>drug addict, check
>nigger lover (Dr. Dre, D12, G-Unit), check
>promoted degenerate nigger culture to the white population, check
>Brit ex-pat ACTUALLY BELIEVES that manchester is harder than 90s detroit.
Genuinely embarrassing.
He's a traitor, not just to Europa, but to Humanity as a whole.
He made a deal with the devil, and it's time for him to pay up.
he's a wigger
he refuses to say nigger out of respect for niggers cuz he's not a dick and saying "nigger" is not a mandatory part of rap.
Plus when he was in Soul Intent he said nig and nigger a few times.
m&m is dead. celebrity replacement.
more nep tiddies
wigger faggot
I always am amazed at the shit liberals love that contradicts shit they say irl. I've pointed this out to libtards who've harassed me for saying faggot, yet they love eminem. A nigger who says faggot nonstop in most of his songs...
rap is all garbage, eminem is just the most tolerable chunk of shit.
>ima say it like this
>never date a black girl take it as a diss
>never date a black girl
Literally /our guy/
>black girls and white girl just don't mix
>because black girls are dumb and white girls are good chicks
Pic related is Eminem's daughter btw
damn, i remember when she was like 5 years old. im old as fuck.
i can't imagine this girl is mentally stable in the slightest
still a good song tho
>muh he didn'tzz mentions muh jeiwcee
fuck off stormcucks, not everyone is prone to believing kikes are behind everything. and just because other people aren't doing the goosewalk while throwing roman salutes, while wearing a steinhelm, doesn't mean their shills. people have a different appraoch to finding out what's the danger behind things.
BIG people (rich capitalists with no souls) are greedy, and want the people to be consumerist slaves to them, yes, and yes, a lot of them are jews. This is because they're an intelligent ethnicity, so it's not surprising. The other BIG guys are standard whites who also want the same endgame. Some muslim/arabs too. This doesn't mean that there is a kike hive mind to put the world under a star of davids flag.
She's doing more than you to further the white race.
Nice try Marshal Mathers, you blue pilled faggit.
Eminem is a literal race traitor. Not by race-mixing (which he probably did anyway), but by popularising being a nigger to white people.
The Mr Bond parody of White America is way better.
t. Schlomo
i met kim at a strip bar where she was making it rain and getting nice and fucked up. she came home with me and her handler jen. it was a solid night, she is as chaos as eminem says.
If you listen to nigger rap "music" unironically neck yourself.
kys kike.
What about Rap God? "Oy Vey, that boy's gay!"
I Ain't tha 1 by Ice Cube is by far the most redpilled rap song. Literally an mgtow manifesto.
He showed his true colors when he performed on stage with Elton John. That's when I was done with him.
The eminem show was his last good album. Imagine the shit storm that would happen now days if a mainstream rapper cane out with music talking about beating faggots asses and making rape jokes.
He's 44 now. I'm hoping he snaps and goes full 1488 as he's so rich at this point he can't lose.
Fuck 313! Free World, MF!
What about the OJ from Jay Z that have all the nogs in the US scratching their heads?
Related vid
Nogs trying to figure it out (and not really getting it)