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Here we go again.
Add to Clinton body count?
>Placed bag on own head and asphixiated with helium
That's a really elaborate way to kill yourself
Helium method of suicide very fast and humane.
Exit bags were all the rage back in the day kiddo
>Smith told the Journal he believed the missing emails might have been obtained by Russian hackers. He also said he thought the correspondence related to Clinton's official duties. He told the Journal he worked independently and was not part of the Trump campaign. He also told the Journal he and his team found five groups of hackers — two of them Russian groups — that claimed to have Clinton's missing emails.
I wonder who the three groups are
>For years, former Democratic President Bill Clinton was Smith's target. The wealthy businessman had a hand in exposing the "Troopergate" allegations about Bill Clinton's sex life. And he discussed financing a probe of a 1969 trip Bill Clinton took while in college to the Soviet Union, according to Salon magazine.
Looking into Bills sex life huh? Bad idea
And very deliberate. He said so in his fairwell speech.
This pic is missing the girl in Haiti working with kids who died
it's missing more than just her. 9 is good persuasive number. you won't click on images with more than that.I've done research.
Police found a receipt from a local Walmart time-stamped from the previous day, May 13 at 12:53 p.m. The receipt was for the purchase of "Helium Jumbo" and other items. Police also noted that the two helium tanks in the room were draped with vinyl-covered exercise ankle or wrist weights. The report did not offer an explanation for the weights. Police said that because they did not suspect foul play, they had not viewed any security video from the Walmart store to confirm that Smith bought the tanks himself.
I wonder what the weights are for? Holding him down I'm guessing. I don't think he took fitness classes
>Peter Smith wrote two blog posts dated the day before he was found dead. One challenged U.S. intelligence agency findings that Russia interfered with the 2016 election. Another post predicted: "As attention turns to international affairs, as it will shortly, the Russian interference story will die of its own weight."
Smith caught on and knew too much
>we were told this is a suicide so we won't investigate anything
BumpFind his blog
Make sure the usual talking heads/e-celebs spread the word about it.
sweet jesus the article outlines that he heliumed himself
that is a painful and insane way to go
no, nothing to see here at all
what the fing fuck
your body doesn't register helium poisoning. its a pretty relaxed way to off yourself
i asked the wiki
i remember doing helium voice and it fucking hurt when i did it too much but i guess if you just die you don't feel the after effects
Are you stupid? This is the easiest way to kill yourself. Even easier is just to turn down your air flow while scuba diving... you will just slowly fade away into darkness and it will look like an accident (learned that from the show Leftovers)
>Trump guy spilling everything to the media
>obviously Hillary had him killed
god you guys are retarded
The funny thing is that both sides are pushing conspiracies about this guy. The right things the left killed him and the left thinks the right killed him.
>top right
how do you drop a dumbbell on your neck? maybe they mean barbell but dropping a barbell on your neck is pretty rare unless someone has no idea what theyre doing at all
helium used in balloons isn't pure helium. They add oxygen so you can't kill yourself or blow yourself up by accident.
literally everything i've ever googled in my life comes up with Snopes articles saying that everything is "FALSE!!!" or "heh.. mostly false...!"
who's running snopes? am i the crazy one?
>trusting snopes
Snopes is run by a liberal couple in their basement. So of course they say "FALSE!!!" to anything and everything that has implicated Hillary in illicit dealings.
And against hookers
Is anyone gonna bake a new Tea Leaves General bread?
>blow yourself up
Crikey, mate..
>how do you drop a dumbbell on your neck?
juggling accident
>Most stable elemental gas on the planet
>Blow yourself up
They don't give a fuck if you kill yourself or not, they only mix it with oxygen because helium is expensive and if you're only using it for baloons there is no reason to use pure.
If you try to breathe from the tube and it's pressurized you could blow yourself up like a balloon
adding oxygen to a gas to make it less explosive is counter intuitive but none of that matters since its helium
Why does everyone who is connected to this end up dying?
Its like JFK wheres statistics proved it was impossible for all the people close to the JFK stuff to keep dying from accidents.
why can't anyone do anything?
Why isn't she locked up? If this stuff isn't fake news why can't you prove it?
Do you Reynolds or store brand foil?
Helium isn't explosive.
Another truth seeker murdered by Hillary Clinton. When are we just going to replace the word "murdered" with hillared?
Hey Jim, do you here about Rob? He was in the wrong place last night and some nigger hillared him.
forget about laws/evidence court cases shit like this should just lead to an instant persecution. SO Fucking obvious that this is her.
1. ) life insurance doesnt cover suicide in america , right?
2.) he wrote in his suicide note: "not foul play involved"
3.) theres a recipt for the helium tanks but the police wont check the security footage because theres "no foul play involved"
what the actual fuck, this couldnt be any more fishy
It's like a anime tier priest-warlock-assassin ninja working for them.
Gat damn.