What would be his political perspective if he was still alive?
What would be his political perspective if he was still alive?
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conformist leftist hill shill
I'm 24 years old and heavily into electronic music, but I still enjoy listening to some Nirvana every now and again. Sadly though I can only imagine what calibre of faggot he'd be if he were still alive today. Look at Chris Cornell. He mocked President Trump, and he was added to the collage.
Militant feminist
bernie bro
>it's those elites keeping us down, stopping us from being equal, we need to stand with out African brothers in their fight and accept the poor refugees
Typical edgy 90's celebrity. Probably a bunch of shit about how the government is corrupt and trump is a joke. Also a lot of open borders, #PrayFor sort of stuff
cobain was an ultra-far left pansy. believed women were superior. believed life is meaningless. believed the majority of people have shit taste and like shit entertainment.
artists are generally r selected faggots
Yep. He referred to his drug addled whore LA wife as "a goddess" and was a confirmed white knight. Musicians are always muh empathy faggots. Unless they're Varg. But then their music is shit "on purpose".
Yeah Cobain was a proto-cuck
Pick 1
hillary voter. guy was a fag.
> I'm 24 years old and heavily into electronic music
Listen to his lyrics, he is cynical and jaded as hell. He'd probably kill himself again, but harder. I still have my original Nevermind CD in my car, its been going strong for 20 or so years and still barely glitches out. I could see him moving overseas and becoming a weirdo burning incense in a temple in the jungle.
Majority of people from the 90s grunge/alt rock scene turned out super liberal. Just look at pearl jam as a whole.
he used to graffiti "homo sex rules" on buildings
what do you think
a very good goy
A trans """woman""" and od's on hormones
ironicly or unironicly?
I think he was just being edgy, but I would still never do that
He was a gun owner who loved drugs. Maybe libertarian
In an interview he said he didn't want to be a social justice warrior, he had some crazy views but I think he'd be against the mainstream culture if he was alive, hard to tell though, if he was 50~ today maybe his opinions would be different
Seattle pre-hipster... he'd be a leftist moron for sure
i dont know what are most aging rock stars political opinions like. probably like that, shit for brains
I like Burzum but the production values are pretty bad, he claims on purpose but I have my doubts...
Among many many other types that is. I am just fascinated by the science of audio and I have a lot of equipment and synthesizers and a set of high end studio monitors and whatnot. I like particular forms of electronic music for the sound design and composition. I'm not on about brostep Skrillex shit or anything.
Fuck that anyway. Every time I go to the USA (which is every year), I get a proper kick out of seeing people MY AGE listening to modern country music unironically. Really gets my onions frying.
he also fathered a white child
based rocknroll guy
>Gun owner inherently implies libertarian
Plenty of anti-gun faggots own guns; they just want the plebs disarmed. Don't kid yourself, he'd be a hardcore Democrat.
>he claims on purpose but I have my doubts
for filosofem he tried to find the worst mic for the recording of it, which he then did with a mic on some cheap headset.
in black metal you record with what you can, because 97% of the bands will never be picked by a label and it's not even the point. black metal bands don't do it for money because there's no money to be made (there's always the 1% that's making money, sellouts and posers mostly).
also when production values go up, it works as a deterrent to the trve kvlt listener of black metal.
Cobain was a reactionary and a contrarian. When he espoused his views on homosexuality and feminism it wasn't virtue signaling, because those things were not seen as virtuous. Even a Democratic presidential candidate could not condone homosexual behavior.
Like all of us, he would hold completely different political views under different political circumstances.
Pleb responses.
His wife told Linda "Cockroach" Sarsour to fuck off.
Whatever the most contrary opinion is. He'd probably be a Nazi or an anarchist.
He is from Washington, like me, but he was also true grunge, came from nothing. NOt a snowflake but def a lefty.
Holy shit, I was wrong! He'd be /our guy/! I love Nirvana so much more now.
Cobain hated labels. He'd probably be a typical Sup Forumstard. Pic related is something he made on his free time.
He was an extreme (even by today's standards) third wave feminist. He hated men and was ashamed to be born a man. He was obsessed with seahorses because the male horse gets pregnant with the female's eggs.
Basically, he was a total cuck back then and would probably be even worse today. And his music fucking sucked. He was a fucking hack who got lucky by making it big with his grunge aesthetic right around the time people were sick to death of glam metal faggots.
He would definitely be progressive, because he blew his brains out,
No fucking way t b q h w y f a m
He probably would've killed himself again
it's fake
He wouldn't have one. He never did. Most of the "opinions" he spouted out were just him trying to look edgy or appease the media. Smells Like Teen Spirit is famously about literally nothing.
Shit. I meant troll, not appease.
This. He hated conservatives because he grew up in rural WA. If he was around today, he'd be somewhat redpilled.
WTF I love Nirvana now
All the kids will eat it up, if it's packaged properly!
Steal a sound and imitate, keep a format equally
Not an ode, just the facts, where our world is nowadays
An idea is what we lack, it doesn't matter anyways! - Aero Zepplin, Nirvana
Quiet, Nigel.
Don't cry
Sounds like a trustworthy and balanced assessment of a distant celebrity's character.
Who cares, he sucked so much dick he eventually ended up blowing his brains out with a powerful dick thrust.
I think Cabain just hated masculinity and he'd probably be a tranny in 2017.
>most overrated (((artist))) in human history
>only famous because he offed himself
Quit posting this garbage on my board.
Something like "fuck politics, leave me alone".
I think he didn't kill himself
Yeah no way Cobain would ever have a coherent enough political though and be able to express it in plain English. Dude was just a bonkers, drug addicted, nihilistic, pathetic Omega male. I think he succeeded as a response to the 80's hyper-capitalist, coke addled, ultramaterialist, success cult going around.
Marxist-Communist feminist SJW
He was the prototype SJW for all the kids here who weren't around back then
>believed women were superior
because they are?
>can multitask
>live longer
>would run societies better if retarded ape like nigger men weren't around
>can have kids
>in control of sex
men are literally the niggers of gender, and once ivanka becomes POTUS, and creates USA to be a feminist matriarchy, she and her matriarch army will wipe every disgusting muslim shitmale off of the planet
I was a HUGE Nirvana fan as a kid, but looking back, Kurt was a total cuck and a feminist. With lyrics like "Never met a wise man, if so it's a woman"
He was probably a tranny, which explains the suicide
Who gives a fucking shit? I'm glad he's dead
Unfortunately he left a daughter, but she's a libtard. Her reproduction chances are low.
read the thread you dumb piece of shit paki
That quote is 100% false
He hated conservatives because he was a pathetic Omega male.
Nice clip.
>tfw no superior woman gf to gentle femdom me
One look at the current political climate and his mind would be blown.
Used to love him and still listen to some of his musik.
Cobain would have been a liberal fag who would extremely shill for LGBT community.
He is from the ghetto slums, like me, but he was also keepin it real, came from nothing. NOt a crack dealer but def a homie.
He would be a Berniebro
It's better that he died back then instead of having any meaningful influence in the present day.
This is the kind of thing he says when he's always felt isolated but suddenly gets acceptance from women. I think his depression and suicide demonstrated a tension with this youthful optimism with an increasingly undeniable realism which he couldn't handle. If he managed to survive he couldn't have kept that up.
I bet he would have been like Gavin McInnes
>be me
>Mouse over OP's ID
>1 post by this ID
he was even for the time a pretty hardcore SJW. His politics (Even though they are barely present in his lyrics at all - on top of them being mostly incomprehensible anyway) are partly what led to his suicide. However there is a chance that he was on a learning curve, and who knows ?? Perhaps shame at his own lack of conviction in his feminism partly pushed him over the edge. I mean, for a guy who is pro-women's lib, etc, etc, etc, he personally really wanted his parents to stay together, and wanted to remain happily married his kid too. So, he believed in strong, "nuclear family" unit. This and some other things - maybe he realized his "goddess" wife was actually a cock-riding degenerate slut.
My prediciton is : He would have outwardly maintained a SJW perspective, but angled it towards things like the economy / corporations and the environment, and possibly war. He inwardy would probably come to reject all the women's lib and race relations crap, and would only very moderately support the current incarnations of these movements now.
There is a good chance he probably would have quit music, gone to live in a Buddhist temple or something, and give up all his possessions, and not really comment on world politics much at all.
>le current year meme
I wonder when liberals actually started saying this? Seems like it's been around for a long time.
He was literally proto-SJW.
>believed the majority of people have shit taste and like shit entertainment.
Well he was certainly correct in that respect.
COBAIN was a retard made famous by jews to make depression and alternative views cool amongst the whites. Grunge music was the symbolic death of rock music and the beginning of the nignag takeover we are seeing today.
>having synthesizers
Just look at any 'contrarian' and 'edgy' artists from that era like Eminem or Marilyn Manson.
All mainstream shills 'muh fuck Trump' is about as far as they go.
1/10 weak bait
made me reply.
kurt was a punk. and todays political environment wasn't like that of back then.
he'd be a libertarian. possible right leaning just to be on the other side of things.
>Like all of us
its time for you to get the fuck out
Sad but true
I don't particularly like nirvana and kurt wrote shit lyrics with no meaning, but he sang with a lot of feeling which I enjoy. Many singers that try to sound depressed, angsty or whatever overdo it and come of as fake and emotionally manipulative.
Whatever is the least popular im assuming.
Direct democrat then
kurt wore a shirt that had flipper written on it. but would cover the er so it would read flip. when you flipped the image it read 911 with a plane going at it from above
Nirvana and Kurt were just like Antifa.
Votes trump at last second to piss off courtney.
Hard line Trudeauist: if I kill myself I win.