my boss found out i browse here and i'm up for disciplinary action
Fuck u all got me into trouble
It does say NSFW but don't worry, I got fired for this too
>be op
>actually browse this place at work
You deserve this
How did you get caught?
fuck you all? you are the one to blame
>incognito mode
i browse too but didnt got busted :^
Use ur fucking phone for this site u dumbass
>fuck u all got me into trouble
OP is a faggot
I browse Sup Forums on the work pc regularly 48 hours a week, have done for years using incognito mode.
I change job in 2 weeks, when I do I'm going to save a bunch of redpill pics and leave them there.
haha nice
Play the victim card and scream discrimination.
Your boss sounds like a faggot. Bang his sister and leave a pic on his desk.
>when I do I'm going to save a bunch of redpill pics and leave them there.
Anarchy in the UK!
>Play the victim card and scream discrimination.
Tell him you were standing up to us evil Nazi Blumpf supremacists, in the belly of the beast. Tell your boss that black lives matter to you, and you will go wherever necessary to prove it. Then ask the boss if black lives matter to them.
>he doesn't use incognito mode and ssh port forwarding
Fucking pleb.
did you get fired for browsing Sup Forums or for browsing when you were suppose to be working?
>looks at this at work
>boss sees
>find out he is a lurker here too
>get a raise
I pity you.
For real user.
Probably going to act a nigger and steal some stuff too.
I've fallen out with my most recent manager countless times, when no one else is in the room he swears and will say something like "I expect you to do the job I fucking pay you for"
I am actually an amateur boxer in my personal time and I don't take kindly to being spoken to like that, the most recent time I went full retard and explained to him how he is a fat bitch in a suit and that if he wasn't at work he wouldn't dare talk to people like that because he is a pussy. Now he is gunning for me in a major way and trying to make my life hell. He doesn't know about my new job though, I cannot wait to give him my notice and leave on short notice. On site I am the only person that can do my job, without me they will be fucked.
For context, they had 4 team heads and 8 operators, most had been there for years. Now they have 1 team head and 5 operators, seriously understaffed and it's because my newest manager talks to people like shit.
Can't he still fuck you if the new job contacts him for references about you?
good. You deserve it.
Your job should be for doing your job faggot, not processing an anonymous Mongolian basket weaving forum
Nah I already have the job and start training on monday, he can't do anything Fampai. I have 2 weeks holiday at work which is how long it will take me to train.
today is my last day of a 9 month contract in an IT job, ive been shitposting for months and never caught WOOOOO
>You spend most of your life working
Nigga I am going to be lazy as fuck in every job I do if it doesn't interest me, i would rather post on an indonesian finger painting imageboard than be committed to something super boring.
Without going into detail out of fear of repercussions, my newest job is one I actually care about that involves saving lives, unlike my previous roles that were just "make money for other people"
If you're on Sup Forums at work, you deserve to be fired. Otherwise your boss would never know what websites you visit, unless you're a massive kekistani faggot who won't stop talking about "based" youtubers and Sup Forums.
You're a dumbass in any case. Your boss shouldn't know what you're up to in your off time.
Wow, guys, I'm about to get a promotion.
and get ridiculed as phonefag?
TFW your boss browses pol aswell.
How are Sup Forums users gonna know if you're using the phone?
You don't have to screenshot your phone or post webm files all day.
OP is a fag who can't talk responsibility for his actions.
So then why are you still browsing Sup Forums on the job then?
Either way the fault is yours for using company time on this shithole. If you really have to get your fix of shitposting, at least save it for when you're taking a shit or something.
Nobody to blame but yourself.
*can't take responsibility
I'm sick of making these fucking typos.
i described pizzagate for my boss over lunch.
>Why browse pol at work
Newfag detected. Just wait a few years and you will understand the appeal of pol. Get taking dem redpills faggot.
Good on you, dont let people walk all over you at work for nothing.
I used to work with my mom in an office and one of the guys there, real obnoxious leftist, would constantly annoy her and make crude jokes or even make fun of her.
One day he said some things to her, and I absolutely wasnt having it, so I chewed him out in front of everyone very loudly and publically and told him not to talk to my mother that way ever again, he flipped out and started cursing me out, yelling about his freedom of speech. I just held my ground, stared him right in the eye and was prepared to fight if need be.
Eventually our office manager interjected and separated us. Later she called me into her office for a chat. He had gone to her to snitch behind my back to try to set the narrative before I could.
It backfired in a big way because I anticipated it and again chewed him out in her office and then chewed out the manager for allowing this asshole to disrespect my mother and get away with it.
He became silent and basically sat there like a timid boy at the principles office and the manager backed off and backpedaled. Wrote us both a warning and that was that. He didnt fuck with me or my mom after that.
Sometimes you just need to take a stand and show that you arent going to allow others to walk all over you. Works in school, works in adult world.
You can get in trouble because you browsed /pol? Go get a job that doesn't require you hand over your balls.
>plain ol' fag detected
Your fault faggot. Don't get caught browsing porn or you'll have to write hatemail to kikes.
I've been on this website for years now and I can still appreciate that there is a time and place for shitposting. Being on the clock at work is not one of those times you retarded faggot.
>not bringing your own laptop to work to browse this place
fucking plebs
For all the people looking at this thread thinking "oh god what if im next," just go take a shit and browse on your phone there. Absolutely no reason to browse Sup Forums when coworkers can see you. If youre that addicted to this shitty anime imageboard that you cant take a break from it, you deserve what you get.