Who are you supporting Sup Forums? I have to go with Mayweather, the man is a negro but at least he's pro Trump, while the potato nigger hates Trump. Fairly easy choice.
Mayweather vs Mcgregor
>Mayweather pro Trump
>McGregor anti Trump
Holy shit is that true?
>the potato nigger hates Trump
wtf I hate McGregor now
Conor said fuck Trump multiple times and even song along with that dumb "Fuck Donald Trump" song.
back to the_donald with you
You forgot to archive that archive.is
>I have to go with Mayweather, the man is a negro but at least he's pro Trump
Mcgregor is as close as it gets to a nigger for a white man
>implying the outcome isnt already decided
I'm rootin for the fookin Irish, not so sure he'll win though. If it was a fight in the octagon it'd be a foregone conclusion, that the Irish man would win.
Honestly, though I'm hoping that it starts going badly for Mcgregor in the 2nd round and he looses his shit and round house kicks Mayweather in the head.
Two niggers fighting, who gives a fuck
>supporting mayweather
faith and begorrah 'tis like another potato famine
normies will see it as white vs black just like the last super bowl
we all know how that worked out
when do they fight?
thx bro
21 aug
>not using google to look up highly publicised fight
Aug 26, you fucking lazy monkey.
>be Floyd Mayweather
>my only measure of success in life is money, not my flawless boxing record
>sitting around, retired
>not the centre of attention
>text the biggest UFC star in the world
>hey dude want to make the easiest $100 million dollars the world has ever seen?
>zero risk of losing and embarassing himself
>another $250 million dollar cheque that he can post on his instagram
Can you imagine being one of the good goys who actually buys the PPV for this shit?
>Who are you supporting Sup Forums
the american.
pretty obvious Conors just trying to pander to a large base of witless trendie supporters
good for him, marketing decision
this desu
Mayweather, because he's American.
Do you watch dog fights too? Who cares, this is primitive behavior.
Isn't $100 for the PPV crap ?
Connor will win within 4 rounds, 100% guaranteed.
Fuck that gay shit, i rather go out and start a fight
99.99 for HQ 89.99 for standard.
Im gonna watch it but there is no way im going to pay for it.
>exhibition of male prowess is bad
You leftist cunts really can't help yourselves. KYS, faggot.
The media is trying to use this for a racial divide, tfw when we turn it around so that Mcgregor is a filthy foreigner whilst Mayweather is a pro-Trump American
$100 bet that both die, let's see if it pays out
Who the fuck pays to watch anything nowadays?
Floyd is a house negro
>the man is a negro but at least he's pro Trump
Fuckin' BASED!!!!!!!
honestly I couldnt give two shits who wins, nice that maywhether supports trump its obvious he has some brains since he runs around the ring and turns boxing into a technical sport
Who fucking cares? Conor doesn't give a fuck about anything, he's very witty and is constantly pissing off shitskins with his remarks.
Meanwhile Floyd actually doesn't know how to read, and is a full-blown nigger who's bound to snap at any time because he can't compete intellectually with Conor's vocabulary, that is if he even understands the words he's using at all considering how fucking spaced out he looks.
Just because someone doesn't like Trump you flip your shit? If anything you should acknowledge the fact that he isn't a hypocrite pussy and stays true to his word unlike all those other anti-trump "celebrities".
I hate both of those clowns. Cant fucking stand how that punk Dana turning mixed martial arts into fucking WWE. American entertainment is cancer.
If you reverse the races, Mayweather is actually the white stereotype and McGregor is the black stereotype. Mayweather is the thinking man's boxer, he wins through perfect technique and understanding the sport better than his opponents. Mayweather always works hard, is a Trump supporter and a businessman. Mayweather is
>tfw too intelligent for knockouts
Conor relies on his physical attributes, his long ape-like reach and his left hand. His style is just chimp out and spam left-hands until opponent falls over. He parties and does too much coke. He hates Trump and will vote for whoever offers the most gibs.
The Irish are the biggest faggots in the western world. I curse my irish blood everyday. Worthless potato niggers.
>His style is just chimp out and spam left-hands until opponent falls over
his striking is very technical too.agree with the other points though
Fuck that I'll find a stream for it. There's always a good goy somewhere that will post a link.
None, it's just another shitshow designed to make lifeless dickheads worry about two apes who are in a fake game.
Mayweather will take a dip, get his money, and McGregor will look like the winner, even though it was a staged match, like practically 90% of mainstream sports.