Which country is most to blame for ww2?
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are (((jews))) a country?
Britain, but only because they were susceptible to jewish influence
>No Japan
Would have remained an European war if it hadn't have been for the Nips.
canada is responsible
Muh colonialism tho
finally the island jews are getting called out
What said, there is no other answer unless you are uneducated.
The same fucking country run by zionist scums was the sole reason there was WW I to begin with since they didn't want Germany to use sea routes and blocked them from doing so while themselves colonizing half the fucking world. All other countries were just pulled by the dumb domino effect of the war/ally pacts.
>No Japan
>Would have remained an European war if it hadn't have been for the Nips.
Japan was just a pretext to pull u.s. into the WW II not the most to blame country for WW since war was going on way before they joined and if not Pearl Harbor there would a way to create other crisis as mentioned in a letter from a certain lobby located in u.s. to Churchill in his archives.
Looks like France is losing this one.
Bump. Also Jewish run Britain.
>Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe! - Adolf Hitlerstein
UK and France.
Mainly Britain but poland's hate for ethnic Germans pushed Hitler to act. They were killing ethnic Germans in the streets and Hitler had no choice but to act.