if racemixing is so bad, then explain pic related
If racemixing is so bad, then explain pic related
Shit like this happens.
>s-see they lost one battle, that means they weren't one of the best empires the world had ever seen!
Based Finland
Anatolian Aryan degenerated to roaches, sad.
>one battle
the ottomans lost a war with some mountain men with some horses.
Turkish girls are perfect
It would seem by the tone of your writing that you are presenting Turkey in a positive light. Moreover, it seems that you are presenting their mongrelized DNA as a source of this positive portrayal.
So let me ask you. Are you high, or did your mother simply drank while pregnant?
that is a bit of an understatement when talking about the mongols.
>Not outright genocide
Get a load of this goy