Fucking Turkroach VERMIN
Fucking Turkroach VERMIN
Do they lose their bennies if they get a job?
They probably busy with fucking germ women.
>I showed you my dick answer me
Honestly I don't care at least they give us the chance to see their bodies leave them alone
Half of german welfare recipients are of foreign decent.
Some of the germans in the welfare statistic are probably "germans"
German Sorce: archive.is
Im sure women are repelled by broke NEETS and roaches
Women here HATE muslims they just hid it
Im retarded, more like 1/3 are foreign
That would be racist.
Keep in mind that most of "Bulgarians" which go to Germany are actually t*rks.
>women hate muslims
Ummm try again sweetie
The stats are similar here. 80% of Somalis are unemployed. But apparently we "need them because they do the jobs we wont do".
I really want a turkic male master
Muslims are waiting for critical mass.
Come again
nigger we have about 4 million turks and people of turkish decent (altough many of them are kurds who are lumped in there) in Germany and we have only about one million unemployed so how's that even possible?
actually im retarded we have about 2.6m unemployed.
They're gonna get genocided again soon anyway,
>how is a breitbart article spreading falsehoods
that's just a point against the welfare state, you could also say turks are not stupid enough to give the shekels they've earned through work to the communist government.
many of the turks are are actually kurds.
I don't like either of them, but I hate that nobody in germany is blaming shit on kurds and they are always those poor victims.
This is false. If you actually read the German source which the Breitbart article is quoting it turns out that 43% of Turks INSIDE TURKEY are econmically inactive. The original source isn't even talking about the Turks in Germany. This is just another example of Breitbart not even fucking able to read before putting out bullshit articles for their braindead audience. The reason why 43% of Turks are economically inactive is because their country has not been cucked by feminism like Western European nations and women are generally stay at home mothers and house wives.
>inb4 t. Turk or t. Leftist cuck
Any Germans can confirm what the original source is saying. Stop believing biased publications you retards.
forgot pic related
Now post a real article.
can confirm, don't spread false information it only hurts us in the end.
also it doesn't say anything about being on welfare they are just not registered, so because the gov doesn't know what they are doing doesn't mean they are actually not working.
maybe they do some small businesses or just try to avoid taxation.
Dude, you don't know what you are even talking about.
I can tell you, the only Turks here who get to do that are those rare ones who are amazingly successful.
Your people need to literally have twice or tripple the success of a German to be even considered by our women. And they all either convert or their children are raised as Christians.
The rest of your people lives here in the worst conditions, but still probably better than Turks in Turkey.
I for one like the fact that these data is now discussed in the media, and also that our government here discusses publicly to deport up to 100.000 Turks who have Austrian citizenship because with minor exceptions, most of your people are just parasites.
I don't even care that much about Islam, it's the mere fact that your people cannot work out our level and thus must be fed by Austrians and Germans from birth to death.
It's makes me want to vomit when I even think about it, having so many useless eaters in our society, when our values are that no one should be allowed to live who cannot support himself, except for rare cases where someone suddenly gets very sick.
Your people are very sick in terms of working ability by birth.
That's why your countries are such disgusting pieces of shit where no one in his right mind would want to live, not even Turks themselves.