Why is meat so fucking expensive ? There are literally millions of cows, and even more millions of chicken and endless amounts of fish, and lamb and sheep and all that stuff.
Why is meat so fucking expensive ? There are literally millions of cows...
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Are you retarded meat is so fucking cheap with the billions in subsidies the industry gets.
Good stuff for us like fresh veggies and fruits are retard expensive.
I think Argentina had their beef exports curtailed for a few years now.
why would you want to eat red meat anyway?
fish and chicken only
Because you are a north nigger and your govt. is taking away your protein so you get retarded.
Check flag. I get half a kilo of the best meat in the world for a couple dollars.
Because you are poor, SAGE
Shits getting up there. Getting close to $20 for a couple chicken breasts now.
Meat is bad for you fucking carnivore fag can't wait till you get a heart attack
because it's a fucking bitch to harvest and prepare
I'm on a trawler right now and I have suicidal thoughts every hour I'm not asleep
there is no way I would do this if the pay wasn't ridiculous
there was a blizzard that killed a bunch of cattle this year, price of beef and bison went up. you should see the price of Elk if you want to be shocked.
the leaf is truth
fish is expensive too
and shripms and crabs and those hard fish
Stop bitching and gather me more food.
hey. try to stop focusing on the past or the future and spend your time clearing your thoughts/meditating in the present. the urge to kill yourself is frustration (i.e. anger) and temporary if you can make it through. when you're off the trawler, get in to some green forest for a while.
memes aside, there are certain proteins that are only found in red meat
Eat in small amounts
Because it's a world of wonders when it comes to taste. Deer, beef, sheep, horse, pork. The flavors, the combinations, the history, the culture.
The real question is why is fish more expensive in Florida than the midwest
Hope you are larping demifag.
We don't eat sheep that's called mutton
Meat is cheap as hell. Except Spam, now that it's become Traditional Hawaiian Ethnic Cuisine it costs five times what it should.
>Price of elk
Still one bullet per where I live.
Quality meat is expensive.
Criminal communists that run this country until recently (fucking Soros) made that call. Stupid as shit.
They will never understand this.
Maybe in your nigger country.
Do your duty and eat more meat to kill niggers with your wallets.
How poor are u?
>Still one bullet per where I live.
Where do you live where you can go out and shoot an elk freely? Alaska possibly, but around here you still have to apply for an draw a tag. Even state citizen tags cost like $1200 or some shit. Out of state tags wew don't even ask. I live in SD ask me anything. Wyoming has cheaper elk tags IIRC.
Huh. Meat is super cheap. Compared to the rest of the world, the U.S is perfect place to get meat and for the poor to have a chance.
The problem is, people are just stupid. You have to wait for sales on meat. I got to Stater Bros at specific times and buy tons of meat. I freeze them for a later date.
Seafood is more expensive then meat.
I get chicken for $2 a pound or less when it's on sale.
What's the fucking point of hunting for meat if it's that expensive? That's fucking bullshit
Population control. Deer tags here are way cheaper and differ in a bunch of ways. The state wants you to shoot deer every year because otherwise they'd reproduce and become a nuisance (mainly killing drivers on the highways), but they still want their cut like any form of Big Brother. Bow tags are free but do require a draw, rifle tags I think you can just buy over the counter. Now, navigating hunting on private vs public land is a whole new issue. You better know someone with a few acres because public land will be shot up real quick after the season opener. And that isn't even talking about pheasants. We have pheasant hunting lodges that stock their own lands with pheasants because vice presidents of the US come to shoot the little fuckers for shits and giggles. Pheasant hunting season is actually a large part of our economy. I don't know if pheasant season or the Sturgis Rally is number 1, I guess I'd gamble on Sturgis.
Wait reverse that first point. Bow tags are free over the counter. Rifle tags require the draw. Sage for doublepost
it takes 660 gallons of water to make 1 burger.
it takes 2500 gallons of water to make 1lb of beef.
>raising cattle, pigs, chickens is expensive you dumb nigger
Pork has never been cheaper in Germany. You can literally buy the same amount of pork as veggies for the same price.
Well you try feed a millions of people then came back then tell me how you get on
I don't know, you can't go outside here without bumping into a beef critter or a sheep and yet we pay through the nose to eat them. It ha something to do with globalism, an shit.
>he gets his meat from (((butchers)))
lmao'ing at you chicken/dairy farmlets
one post by ID, sage this shit faggots
I get about 20 chicken breasts for $3 here in Florida. You niggers are getting raped by your governments.
Time/Cost to Breed.Raise,Feed & Clean(and keep Healthy) the Animals. Then you have shipping costs & distance, Environmental & Cultural factors advertising & Supply/Demand.
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Same things apply to Human(and Organ) Trafficking. Which is a big business/industry of its own, the /HTG/ threads have been digging into it.