How does it fee waking up everyday knowing the Russians hacked our election
Don't care.
By any means necessary.
Pretty good. If the US was really omnipotent as burger niggers would have you to believe, then we would've won in Syria and invaded Russia. So I guess the US isn't #1 and the whole world knows it.
I'm not retarded enough to believe that your election was "hacked," but I really would like the guy in OP's pic to put his teeth on the curb so that I can stomp his skull into a fine paste.
Good thing Obama was a pussy allowing Trump so totally pull of the greatest (((Hack))) in history!
the kikery in this post
God hates faggots especially this one. Sodomites burn in hell
yeah they h4xx0r3d the paper ballots
fucking russian magic
If singles drumpf will be impeached
God fucking damnit I want to hold that subhuman's face in a bucket of hog shit untill the bubbles stopped coming up.
Fee better knowing more about clinton than would have and more reasons not to vote for her so yeah fee good man
It weren't the Russians. It was us, with our weaponized autism.
How did they hack the elections? I'd care if any one could provide a matter of fact direct answer.
Macedonians spamming social media and making fake news sites isn't hacking.
DNC entrapment scheme with Russian lobbyists isn't hacking.
DNC staffer transferring files from inside DNC office and working with a former British ambassador to deliver said files to Assange isn't hacking.
How does it feel everyday knowing your moms a cheap whore who never loved you, and that you came out a complete faggot
Feels like I deserve another scoop.
Like floating in silk clouds. I get so hard every time I see the left's impotent rage (surely he'll be impeached this time).
I want to thank you all for proving 2 party systems are trash, too.
>our election
That's not a countrys flag though, that a flag for faggots.
When people say "hacked the election" are they referring to the DNC and Podesta email hack?
oh you, you can hack the election, but i want some of this meatloaf that was supposedly so good.
Democrats hacked the election by allowing, knowingly, millions of illegals to vote and doing everything they can to stop voter registration - a simple id card that does not oppress or hurt or restrict any freedoms.
This faggot again. Feels pretty good fag. Hows it feel when your boyfriend takes a piss in your face? Saged
hope they do it in 2020 too. btw, israel did it, not russia.
Oh please that's just a big nothing burger
Great, Putin has the right ideology. American liberals are babies who don't know how the run the world. Papa Putin is taking the control from these spoiled brats.
Did they change votes? What did they do, reveal more info?
americans spend billions on security
get hacked by russians using windows vista on a dual core in some shed in siberia
really makes you think.
>the Russians hacked our election
It was a multipronged Kremlin disinformation and active measures campaign, the kind Yuri Bezmenov warned us about.
This is what the Kremlin is currently doing:
(1) Hack elections servers in 25 states to erode trust in our elections process
(2) Kremlin control of Wikileaks to release carefully timed tranches that evoke anti-American sentiment
(3) Putin is meanwhile stirring anti-American sentiment among Russian people and threatening West with nuclear annihilation
(4) Web Brigades launch sustained social media blitz to advance Kremlin agendas:
--->a) The West is degenerate
--->b) Democracy is shit
--->c) Russia is a "friend"
--->d) Ukraine is bad
--->e) Syria is good
--->f) Trump is a great president
I mean, it doesn't really matter. The differences between Clinton and Trump are nominal and primarily represent a minor shift in who dies or gets fucked in the ass. The Russians put a little bit of pressure on to help shitty, unpopular, inexperienced candidate kinda beat out a shitty, unpopular, experienced candidate.
Its like asking how it feels that someone influenced whether you were slapped with the right or the left hand.
God bless Russia.
Gotta have an outside boogeyman so the proles don't realize the problem is inside the borders.
Shariablue is getting more sophisticated i see
You are a poor shill.
You present failed logic.
The US has interfered in elections across the globe.
You would know this if you were paying attention, believed reading was beneficial, and didn't have an agenda.
If they had hacked it, I might care. Just a little bit.
But they didn't, so I don't give a shit.
I'm more concerned with how punchable that face is.
>Election hacked by Russia
>Somehow Hillary wins the popular vote
Q: Exactly how many votes did Russia "hack?"
A: zero
feels good man
the only hack was hillary clinton.
ha ha losers!
yep, sounds like pol to me. I am assuming 80% of pol are Putin shills, esp the PTG shills
No shit, we know you're retarded you don't have to tell us
That guy is a real life Cyril Figgis. Name someone more punchable.
yeah, too bad all the WWII vets are dead now, no one left to remember what they fought and died for and speak up against Trumpskyovichnya
>no one left to remember what they fought and died for and speak up against Trumpskyovichnya
Can you translate that from Cuck?
canned response from prefab list, are you still learning Engrish, comrade? When is your shift over?
Insane. Because that's what you'd have to be to believe that.
translation: TREASON
If the idea of it really bothers you, then I'm glad Trump is your President. Your pain is my pleasure.
Oh they hacked the election? How many votes did they fraduently place?
>russia haxxd dee eelection mainframe!!
>Shariablue is getting more sophisticated i see
ShareBlue is for amateurs. I work for the Intelligence Community in counter-intelligence.
>You are a poor shill.
Poor maybe. I don't get paid by the (You) like you do. But facts aren't shills.
>You present failed logic.
This is your non-argument? If you're the expert in failed logic, then I defer to your expertise.
>The US has interfered in elections across the globe.
So it is OK for Russia to do it too? You tacitly condone the operation as long as the US does it too. That's called a tu quoque fallacy - wow, you really are the master of failed logic.
>You would know this if you were paying attention, believed reading was beneficial, and didn't have an agenda.
Our agenda is Keep America Safe, Ivan. And you can trust we are paying very close attention to you.
Bretty good xDDDD XDD
>8 months later they're still butthurt he won
I still love the tears
I know, rite? Just look at all that proof that Hillary had won until Russians gave votes to Trump directly in every swing state.
You know I hate Trump and didn't vote for him.
Yet this Russian story is a fucking farce by Hillary's fake news machine. (Nkt that Fox News and conservative media doesn't do this shit too.)
We have plenty of real issues to fight Trump on. No need to make a bullshit ztory.
I am more concerned woth Trumps ties woth Osrael and Saudi Arabia. Of course Hillary was evemn more tied with them.
Can you answer why both of the Russians present at the meeting worked for Fusion GPS, a company on the DNC's payroll? Or how the Russian that had the info was so connected to the DNC and posted many anti-Trump, pro-Obama articles, yet felt the need to set up a meeting with Trump's son?
>unarchived shill
Don't know, how does it feel to be a paranoid nut job with no evidence to back up your wild accusations?
You aren't going to be able to shit on Trump proper. His Saudi/foreign connections aren't nearly as bad as the rest of the government's.
Thanks norbot, I'll start using that instead.
It's pretty funny that the collusion/hacking theory is based all on revealing TRUE emails of Clinton and John Podesta. it ultimately was the TRUTH that led to Hillary's demise lol
>a company on the DNC's payroll?
Fusion is permanent employee of the Kremlin. It was hired by the GOP, too.
Even if the DNC emails were given to Wikileaks by Russia (& not leaked by an insider who ended up assassinated), how is that "anti-American?" Exposing the corruption of the Democratic party & Hillary Clinton was necessary, especially because we can no longer rely on our corporate media to tell the truth. The Democrats and the MSM are the true enemies of America
The DNC can't handle losing to trump when they've been flooding electorates with illegals to vote. But if it were true why should we care? America "hacks" the elections of almost every country in the world with (((their))) disinformation network to push their interests.
>why didn't you vote for Hillary, Republicans!
What's it like being so fucking stupid you believe what the libtards have to say about our guy?
Fuck off Share Blue. You can suck my ass you faggots.