Looks like Ottawa got it's fair share of cultural enrichment during a rap "concert" at a the (((royal bank))) bluesfest

Looks like Ottawa got it's fair share of cultural enrichment during a rap "concert" at a the (((royal bank))) bluesfest.


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is this what they mean by hoes heads?

heck me

>has rap
Also Black Canadians are soft.

It's bluesfest only in name now. Usually some pretty good alternative acts tho, say the shins on wednesday and it was really great. Unfortunately they bring in all the degenerates for the mainstream pop acts.

Can we meme this?

>When the multicult finally hits

Look at her though, she essentially is the multicult

>rock am ring
>has also rap

The world is fucked up
Pic related
>Rock Fanatics

I hate this multiculturalism bullshit so much what's next ? African music at wacken

>Usually some pretty good alternative acts tho

found the woogie

imagine the smell


WTF does that even mean?


\Does Canada have an ounce of white blood left?

>ottawa bluesfest

Ottawa is a fucking boring city, I prefer Montreal...

Top kek

And this is why I don't go out.

rap concert at a 'bluesfest'? talk about increasing degeneracy

Canada is 80% "hockey white" don't let shit holes like Toronto or pics like above fool you.

>Also Black Canadians are soft.

Thank Christ for that. Not that I see many where I am.

Fun fact:
When Canada purchased the west from Hudson Bay Co, they purposely filled it with as many Europeans as possible.

They hired free slaves that made it to eastern Canada to go down to states after the civil war and tell the blacks to not go to the prairies because they would freeze to death.

More retarded to be honest.

>Burger is happy that the blacks in his country are the "hard" ones who are stealing and raping and murdering from the white people everyday.

You are mostly right but bluesfest stands out as likely the most culturally important event in contemporary times in Ottawa. Lots of great acts over the years, and it tends to be less degenerate and more family oriented than osheaga.

Then the rappers appeared and ruined everything.

As I always said: Rap ain't for whites and they should stay away from places where that shit is played. Nobody is gettin raped at a classical concert ver as far as I know...

LOL nigger trying to steal those Ray Ban I see


And his other hand might be on/in her ass

Looking at the sheer amount of leftist arrogance canadians have toward the world I cant even say I feel sorry, such smug knowitall arrogant people

>Hes surprised to find black people at a rap concert?

Canada needs to be liberated from itself.

When you walk, though a storm.....

i'll grab the one in the front left, take her back and keep her safe until tomorrow

LMAO your right

imagine being security at that event and just walking up and down those rows of teeming people just punching random ones you don't like so that the rest back off.. it would be a beautiful and effective way to secure against more serious loss of life... insurance be damned

isn't it a bit cruel housing so many monkeys in one place ? Surely trees to climb and tyres to swing on would be a better environment for them ?

see a lot of hot chicks here that could get BLACKED

>many white females
>no white males


That hoe being crushed in the centre, is the whitest Canadian!!! Ahhhh haha

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I would probably get a boner and press it into a girls ass/back before rubbing one out and cumming on her back in the crowd

I don't even care

In the article they said people were throwing rocks and full beer cans at security. Looks like this crowd fought back

Wait a minute, why is there black people living in Canada? Did you have slaves? What part of the picture am I missing here?

Fucking niggers. Literally animals. Niggers don't go to heaven. They have no souls.

are you fucking gay?


nice. she still has enough strength to hold her phone so she'll fight back a little when her panties are ripped off

this one comes pre-BLACKED

I've been around the world and there are only two places that my life was in jeopardy just because I was white:

1. Guatemala City(went to the wrong district)
2. South Side Chicago (was shooting a doc)

I've been to Kingston Jamaica, Dakar Senegal, while rough most locals are friendly.

I've been to Guinea-Bissau, and Cape Verde, again... Friendly locals, no issues.

Something is seriously fucked up when a first world city like Chicago is more dangerous for a white man than a third world country...

No no no.
Good niggers go to nigger heaven, where they get to pick cotton all day and eat watermelon all night.

How hard is it to cap visitors? The organisers are greedy jews damn, learn to organise a festival burgers.

Powerful. BRAVE! Pic of the year.


story on both incidents?

You forgot the Fried chicken trees and grape coolaid streams. It's a nice place.

Canada offered freedom during the civil war, you never herd of the underground railroad?


There's so many faces to meme in this pic.


Just the thought that this will be all of western Europe in 50 years...


kek... he looks like he got caught by the zombie horde and there's no getting out.

I've literally dated a Black Canadian woman. Her and her sisters only dated White men and hated other Blacks.

Yeah it's Chicago, south side, you dumb fuck. No white person has any business there, you were out fucking filming and exploring and you got challenged, right?

They're not like normal nigs in Africa, dude. A white guy with a camera is not a fun novelty, it's a threat. You can't really be that naive, right?

The problem isn't running out of space, it's that everybody shows up at once for the headlining acts, creating a rush.

Also they said people where viciously pushing to the front of the crowd. I wonder what demographic could be behind this....

Not today.

No it's not. Our population is much higher than we report because of 10 year unrestricted and renewable visas. We're probably ~70% white right now, and in any major city it's usually below 50%

where's that pic showing ontario as proud flagbearer and toronto as a ballsack

You'll get the same thing in Oakland and Philly and every other nigger shit hole ghetto with high crime rate. White man has no business poking around filming nigs chimping out on their own turf.

Also whitey=tourism=money in other countries, so yeah duh.

Now, now they are just giving the girl a lesson on cultural enrichment. Jeez I expected better from a Swede.


Haven't attended that shit in years and judging from those pictures, never will again

The shins were Comfy at though. Just gotta pick the right acts

The girl next to her looks worthy of making into a meme as well.

What a bunch of wussies.
Went an Iron Maiden show in 2011 and I told my friend, that has never been to a concert before, as soon as the first note is played, everyone is going to push forward and we're going to knocked down. He didn't believe me, but sure thing you know, everyone pushes forward and about 100 people around us get knocked down too, and of course this being a rock concert, about 200 people picked us up.

Man, concerts rule, I need to go to another one soon.


O Canada...

Wow this shit is bad. Almost as bad as Grimes.
They still use autotune, is this an ironic 'current year' joke or something?



>tfw no black gf to listen to blues with

>canadian mongrels



> girl on the left
Wtf is this white girl being so negligeant with her head.

> Ottawa life

Imagine the stink

>This belongs to me now

This is what normies call fun? how the fuck do you get out of that shit? what if your bladder is about to fucking pop with piss?1

Like I keep saying you just gotta pick your shows? If you go see rapping gangbangers expect to see them in the crowd. Adversely, comfy indie rock will see you in a crowd of annoying yet respectful normies. Also I live in a white suburb so I rarely see crowds like that.

I didn't know there were this many minorities in Canada

Well Trudeau spreads his ass cheeks for mudslimes any chance he gets.

so I kinda figured.

Ottawa is much like Brazilia, I that it exists as a city for the sole purpose of being the capital. Very large quantities of civil servants in this city, and as a result it's affirmative action central.

Swede can always see the darkness in the crowd

I thought they were mainly muslim/indian/chinese

these pictures are basically blacker than Brazil

>where you go to a blues festival and they make you listen to fucking rap.

what the fuck is wrong with you assholes anyway?


Nowadays, Most of the big acts are from various genres, but lots of the smaller acts are blues. They did have bb king a few years back tho.


Canada is 2.9% nog...that's 3.0% too much!

I like my Fetta Wrap with Tziki sauce and roasted tomatoes


Really why would some stupid rapper name himself after a Greek Veggie Taco