
What do you have to say for yourselves?

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I am sorry, gays are like you and me.

Wtf i love hitler now


If the Nazis are in power, why are they putting up signs that ask the reader to vote for Hitler?

I miss Hitler.

Goodness gracious

If you could say one thing to Hitler, what would it be?

I would say sorry.

What's your point you filthy faggot?

Do it again Adolf.


Did trannies exist in the 40s? That seems more like a Marxist invention to keep jobless millenials from seeing the truth.


I guess their kike-fed delusion needed a different type of lebensraum.

1920s Germany was infinitely more degenerate than today.

>he doesn't know about the degenerate weimar republic or the jewish communist revolt that almost toppled the country

Btw the el dorado was a famous trans club. Full of aids and faggots. Even some very young boys.

You see, we are experiencing the Neo-Weimar republic period. The Weimar Republic was the original degenerate state.

I've said it for years. Natsoc is a cleansing.

not really it is about on par with weimerica

The fact that someone would try to do this themselves is quantifiable proof that it's a mental illness.


how fucking new are you

Look into the Wiemar Republic. It was degeneracy overload which brought Natsoc into Germany.

there is no greater sin than homosexuality

Here's a name to start with: Magnus Hirschfeld

Trannies have existed for centuries. So has degeneracy, which makes it funny when people act like degeneracy is some new Marxist invention.


Giving degenerates awards instead of some rope and soap is the new Marxist invention.

Race-mixing actually. It's the blasphemy against the holy spirit that cannot be forgiven because the mixed child cannot be unmade.

How can people say that this is not a mental illness?

Well, if that doesn't drive you to suicide I dont' know what will.

What exactly are they so riled up about? It looks much better now.

don't listen to anything Alfred Rosenberg says until after the Soviets are pushed behind the Urals

So, the national socialist'Airgun' ran the degenerate faggots out of the country, I have no problem with this, Kek !

Oops, auto correct always puts "airgun" when I use ' !
I must be a bong now !

Eh, the Weimer Republic was not Babylon. It was more like Sodom and Gomorrah.

>transexuals existed in 1930
Do they unironically believe this?
Is this supposed to be someone that's college educated?

You know, Jews also predate Marx.

can you make an argument with quotes from bible why racemixing is bad?

Magnus Hirschfeld. Research, research, research.

Bruce jenner getting a fucking award for being a mutilated freak is peak neo-weimar republic. Degeneracy is celebrated instead of shunned

(((Brainwashing))) is very very real.

>Btw the el dorado was a famous trans club. Full of aids and faggots.
Not to nitpick but this was pre-AIDS.
Which means it was full of even more faggot. A nightclub full of degenerates sucking and fucking to their heart's content, with only the faintest fear of God to keep them in check.

>Magnus Hirschfeld
I shudder to imagine the 'anatomical quality' of an early 20th century transgender person. In an age where people regularly died of minor infections.


If more people knew the truth about weimar germany and how degenerate it was, they'd have more sympathy for the Nazi's

Too bad the extent of a normie's knowledge of WWII is limited to "Muh six gorillion". I imagine that if it wasn't for the Holocaust drum being beaten inside out, most people would be completely unaware there even WAS a WWII.

It was a gay bar in which some dressed up as women.
The concept of transsexual was certaintly unknown to them but they still were faggots alright.


I still check to make sure, but it's never a surprise. It's not even confirmation bias at this point, it's just confirmation

You guys are really trying to make me like Hitler aren't you?

> the Nazi's made the property more valuable by removing trans and fags


Unfortunately most people will never know the truth about Weimar because how well Wikipedia censors everything.

Nice get


Nice one, Adolf

what? hitler put some guards in front of it to protect the tranny fags...

what is wrong with that?

Here is a good article that illustrates why this is necessary

Go back to your nearest Target bathroom and stay there, you tranny POS. Kys now

Giving Russians access to the internet, is degenerate.

How hard is it for, supposedly, college-educated people to know the difference between transvestites and todays trannies?

Not gonna lie, reading that was pretty depressing.


I hope they also killed the trannies.

It's in the 10 Commandments. Check out the meaning of the root word for adultery and then recall that coveting another's wife is warned against elsewhere in the commandments.

>Before: dirty and garish
>After: clean, orderly, and secure

Atheism was unacceptable in the National Socialist party.

Its interesting how the trannies seem to be culturally appropriating the regular fags

You'd be surprised at how much people actually embrace this kind of stuff and think its totally awesome a progressive.

wat u doin bro
cuttin dik lol

>browsing Sup Forums
>Stumble up and OP with one sentence of text.
>get curious
>mouse over OP's id.
>mfw it has ONE post in the thread.


Watch this: youtube.com/watch?v=JxVGNk2Ma-8&t=5s

>The Parable of the Net:
“47 Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like a net having been cast into the sea and it
gathers from out of every race, 48 which when it is full, bringing up upon the shore and
sitting they gather the good ones into vessels, but the rotten ones they cast out. 49 Thusly
it shall be at the consummation of the age, the messengers shall go out and they shall
separate the wicked from the midst of the righteous 50 and they shall cast them into the
furnace of fire. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth!
Here Yahshua Christ prophesies “universalism”: the belief that hominids of every
species can somehow enter the Kingdom of heaven! Here we are told that only the
good race is kept, but the others aren’t even tossed back into the sea, rather they are left
on the shore to bake in the sun, die and rot! Yes, the word which the KJV translates as
“kind” here is race: it does NOT mean simply a variety, i.e. of believers and non-
believers or of anything else.

>The parable of the Wheat and the Tares Explained:
Matthew 13:36-43: 36 Then leaving the crowds He had gone into the house, and His
students came forth to Him, saying: “Elucidate for us the parable of the tares in the
field.” 37 And responding He said: “He sowing the good seed is the Son of Man; 38 now
the field is the world, and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom. But the tares
are the sons of the Evil One, 39 and the enemy who sows them is the False Accuser, and
the harvest is the consummation of the age, and the reapers are messengers. 40 Therefore
just as the tares are gathered and burn in fire, thusly it shall be at the consummation of
the age. 41 The Son of Man shall send His messengers, and they shall gather from His
kingdom all offenses and those creating lawlessness 42 and they shall cast them into the
furnace of fire. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth! 43 Then the righteous shall
shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He having an ear must hear!
The sowing of the “good seed” could only have happened when Yahweh created Adam,
as seen in the Genesis accounts. Yahshua Christ can claim doing this Himself, only
because He is actually Yahweh Himself come in the flesh. The enemy – the devil –
sowed the tares upon the seduction of Eve, and then later as we see that same race-
mixing related as having happened in the Genesis 6 account.

>weimar degenerate

Outside of Berlin it really wasn't. Berlin became this way because of a few reasons

Germany just came out of a really nasty war and lost millions of men, was crippled with reparations and it industry was shattered. Jobs were hard to find and sex sells. It was basically like Havana in the 50's Germany went Nazi, and Cuba went Communist.

I don't really blame the Germans too much in the 20's after a long and pointless war, they pretty much said "fuck it" and had a party.

We are still far away from that kind of degeneracy in terms of sexual service. Sex with prostitutes here still costs multitudes more than the hourly minimum wage and children still can't be bought for fucking them. In addition, standards of living even for the poor are higher than for the middle class during Weimar.

There is a long way downhill we still have to go, otherwise people won't change.

Too long for a post here, but Israel being punished for her spiritual AND literal whoredoms with other peoples explained here

Didn't you watch the man in the high castle? It said that they were atheists

So you didn't watch the documentary above? Didn't read about Hirschberts experiments(and people complain about Mengele)? Didn't connect Wilder and the Hollywood directors to the radio and theatrical media in Germany?

You've got catching up to do.

It was only cheap because of the depression and Germany's crippling debt.

Germany has twice as many prostitutes as soldier right fucking now. You people are worse than ever-you just have the privilege of not having to see it everyday.

Hey guys, I lost my hohol, if you've seen a stray one, please feed him and contact me



No problem there

Me too...

This really needs a youtube tutorial.

of course it's always existed, but it requires agency to elevate it, urging people to publicize and commit. There are people with the proclivity to eat human feces, it is not celebrated as a normal sexuality

I know I hate those faggots too

>Germany has twice as many prostitutes as soldier right fucking now. You people are worse than ever

To be fair, barely any of these prostitutes are actual Germans. 80-90% of the whores come from eastern Europe hoping for a better life. If you want to fuck German, you will have to pay for that in the more expensive establishments. You get slavs and gypsies for 50 per hour.

"Paul spends much of Romans chapters 9 through 11 comparing the few true-blooded Israelites, (of Jacob) left in Judaea with the Edomites (of Esau) found there at his time. He explains that the Israelites are “vessels of mercy, which [Yahweh] had afore prepared unto glory” and that the Edomites are “the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction” (Romans 9:22-23). Remember that Esau had despised his birthright, and took wives of the Canaanites (Gen. 36:2), which greatly disturbed Rebekah his mother, who is recorded to have said: “I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth: if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, such as these which are of the daughters of the land, what good shall my life do me?” (Gen. 27:46). Heth, a son of Canaan, was progenitor of the Hittites (Gen. 10:15; Strong’s Hebrew #s 2845 and 2850).

Note again, that in 1 Thes. 4 Paul states “... abstain from fornication ... to possess one’s own vessel in sanctification and in honor.” As it has been previously asserted, fornication is race-mixing. Jude calls it the pursuit of strange, or rather different (Greek ἕτερος #2087), flesh (Jude 7). At 1 Cor. 10:8, Paul tells the Corinthians: “Neither should we commit fornication, just as some of them had committed fornication, and in one day twenty-three thousand had fallen”, a clear reference to Numbers chapter 25, where “Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab”, and Phineas was rewarded with an eternal priesthood, because he slew Zimri, “a prince of a chief house among the Simeonites”, for bringing a “Midianitish woman” unto his brethren and fornicating with her (Num. 25:1, 6, 13 &14). For the law says “And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast.” (Lev. 20:16, and see Lev. 18:23, Duet 27:21). And so Phineas was accused not of murder, but rather he was rewarded for keeping the law!"

(From Brokenrns pt 2)


oh my word

god fucking dammit

>To be fair

Sounds right, but even still - wtf Hans!? Get it together..

Last race mixing bit then I'll go away

"Jude discusses the “angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation” (v. 6) and to these he compares “Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh” (v. 7) and says “Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward” (v. 11), where it also may be evident that the “way of Cain” too has something to do with fornication. Paul attributes to these same angels the source of false religions, in his own cryptic way, at 1 Cor. 10:20-21 and Col. 2:18 for which one may also refer to Lev. 17:7, Deut. 32:17, Joshua 23:7 and 2 Chron. 11:15, among others. There is no record in all of Scripture of Yahweh creating the other, the non-Adamic, races. Rather, He rejects them time and again (i.e. Matt. 25:31-46). I would assert, by means of logical deduction, that the creators of the non-Adamic races are these same angels which Jude discusses here, boldly accusing those angels of fornication! For which reason Judah’s Canaanite wife is called “the daughter of a strange god” (Mal. 2:11). And Jude goes on to say of these beings whose descendants are obviously among us today: “These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;” (v. 12). The term “twice dead” may be understood by referring to Matt. 23:7, and “plucked up by the roots” by referring to Matt. 15:13."
(Broken Cisterns pt 2)

wtf i love nazis now

Do you remember when this was just a joke ad in the radio of GTA San Andreas?

We joke about Weimerica, but really America is far from having the bottom fall out. The degeneracy can get so, so much worse. The media amplifies a few acts of extreme degeneracy, but a lot of the shit really isn't all that common.

When, even in the most conservative part of America, your daughters (AND sons) are literally whored out to sexual deviants who fuck them so savagely that it leaves them broken and bleeding, and they are so brainwashed that they beg for more, then you will know what Weimar Germany was like

Well done.

Build nukes, flatten Dunkirk, they broke your crypto.

Oh and the actual source explaining the blasphemy-against-the-holy-spirit-being-race-mixing theory
