Swedish music festival cancelled after rapes as organisers say 'certain men can't behave'
>certain men
Swedish music festival cancelled after rapes as organisers say 'certain men can't behave'
>certain men
It's men in general, stop spreading fake news. Men should be banned until we learn how to act civilized
men must be subjected to more education in gender roles, feminism, and lgbti+ rights, and must remain separate from women until such a time as they are able to behave
Wait, I thought the music festivals already banned men? Now they stopped it altogether???
>we need to ban all muslims until we figure out what's going on: fuck yeah based! We need to be smart!Leftists are such scum
>We need to ban men until we figure out what's going on
oy vey that's irrational and sexist
I don't know why you're trying to imply, britbong.
It's not hard to figure out why Sweden's rapes have skyrockted 1500%.
The regular festival that is a large event that has been going on annually for years has had a lot of problems with rape and sexual harrassment, so that one will not be held next year.
A feminist (shitty) comedian/radio show host decided that next year she will organize a festival that will ban men "until all men learn to behave."
>I thought the music festivals already banned men
yes, white men
How many times this was posted here already?
Yes, western men rape so much. This was always problem, Muslims have nothing to do with cancelling festivals. These festivals have always been rape fests.
Isn't that..*applies lube to hands* sexist?
Isn't that illegal in Sweden?
im honestly contemplating suicide
This is why nobody likes your shitty country Spain
>not advocating forced gender reassignment surgery for men who can't behave
I'm literally shaking right now
They were clearly talking about white males.
Men are a social construct. White women rape themselves.
Yes. You posted this yesterday. It happened last month.
In a normal forum they would be banned for re-posting old news. Very inefficient way of spreading anti-migrant sentiment on the web.
Never to late to laugh at a cuck amirite?
its the reason your 42% white only
better than zero mohamed
>Men are a social construct. White women rape themselves.
This doesn't make sense, gender is a social construct. Some people are born with a penis, but they could still legally identify as a women if they wanted
There is a big difference between biological sex and gender
It's 56%, actually.
And that 56% is pure white, i.e. no mixed or "Hispanic whites".
When you speak about pure whites in Spain, the number is literally 0%.
spain is the whitest mediterranean country
we have taken 12000 rapefugees in total the last few years
very white, and also christian values in much parts apart from large cities maybe
I usually hate Canada but...
Maybe you guys are alright
You're a fucking retard. Have fun taking a brown dick your ass.
spain is whiter than your country fucking white babys are a minority joke
46% white eh? """"white""""" africans, sandniggers, hispanics included
cardiac arrest yourself
I'm not sure. I don't think it necessarily should be either, as long as it is completely privately funded. It is, however, extreme generalization and really retarded. It's a lot like saying "Niggers should not be allowed on our streets until all Niggers learn to not steal." The responsible thing to do would be to put people who rape/steal in prison and let the peaceful, normal people do as they damn well please.
>certain men
It's the white men retard, they can't rape properly.
ok Pablo
tell me more about those Moorish ancestors from shithole africa
> being this dense
> unable to detect sarcasm in English language
> by a spaniard
I just fucking told you, you stupid fucking turdskin mongrel Moor.
56% is the total number of NON-HISPANIC WHITE
There are plenty of Hispanics that can "come off" as white, and when you include said Hispanics the number is above 68% (the rest Hispanics are too mongrelized to count as "white").
You're a fucking retard. Kill yourself, Moor.
Sweden is a nation of traps.
How was this Sweden "No"?
It's okay Sweden, send them to us.
Alright, we will send Muhammed's to you in waves. Thanks Denmark!
Just grind thru the timleline man, mine was bleak for a while but now it's just crazy and weird but kind of fun
I'll smuggle them into Germany afterwards.
Read his other posts tyrone
Put the Cognac down
that guy was a gay norwegian btw
It's a plan!
Its just banter anyway
Notice this type of shit only happens at the shitty pop festivals, never the metal ones?
Sounds good. As long as we get rid of them
That's because there's only white people there.
There was a city wide festival last week with old American cars and there were no rapes, because only whites populate those
How does it feel knowing that to future generations this will be the archetypal Swedish face?
Isn't that from a reality show called Faggot Army or something?
If Swedish men are as big as a faggot as everyone says they are (they are BTW), does that mean even the most beta American can pick up any Swede? Espesically since your average penis length is like 9 CM.
For some reason most of the Canuks on Sup Forums are SJW homos. I have talked to people in real life who think the way most of pol thinks and they have never heard of it and for some reason don't want to come on?
Its not meant to be serious anyway
Just for bants
Man comes before religion, but it is important to man.
If the problem is not all men but a group with something in common, you narrow it down to that group.
Tl:dr because you are commenting with malevolent intent: Banning all for the actions of a few is a childish irresponsible way to "solve" a problem.
I always wondered what the metal bands from Sweden think about all this. A lot seem to be pro white but never seem to say shit about the rapeugee problem.
How small is canadas, 5 cm?
Those festival are just like all you can rape buffet.
Not even close, answer the damn question, Ulf.
Its weird becasue the only swedes I have ever met was the guys in Amon Amrath and they are monsters.
We brought in hundreds of thousand arabic bloodthirsty makes Ahahahaha. And now swedes think people will be civilized Hahaha top cuck
expose jewry freemasonry police lawyers clergy rule over goyim, craft is building jwo
It's social suicide in Sweden to even insinuate a pro-white position.
The funny thing is, Swedes are actually pretty aggressive in their civic nationalism.
(((white hispanic))) is a jew meme so statistics can be gerrymandered. ((((hispanics)))) are becoming majority. ((((whites)))) commit crime.
*males, they are ALL males.
You guys let your women out of control.Its sad because Sweden was the land of white people.
Note the fact that it says rapes not rape, that implies that several women were raped before Sweden decided to cancel the festival
Nice Digits
Most guilty are the jews, reinfeldt for example or palme to name a few. Then there is spectre, Schwarz , Rosenberg etc.
this is retarded... of course they can have a women only festival (though I sincerely doubt no men will be there for security, hard work, ect)
The problem is not that they are segregating,
it is that ONLY women can segregate...
try starting a mens only club, or BIOLOGICALLY XY chromosone club, see what happens... just like boy scouts women will force their way in and you cannot have a male only space...mean while just try to get your boy into girl scouts and see how that goes (without using transgender trickery OFC)
Somalis aren't Arabic