Does anyone really believe that Trump "colluded with Russia?

HIs son met with a Russian Lawyer because the lawyer said she had dirt on clinton. She ended up not having any dirt on clinton, obviously.
Thats the smoking gun? That is an impeachable offense? Does anyone really believe that? How is it possible?

And on top of that, how does the dozens of millions donated to clinto from middleeastern countries not count as collusion then? What is the deal? I feel like an autist when I step into the normie world. How can anyone believe this nonsense?

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yes, donald drumpf is done for this time!

The real Redpill is realizing that it doesn't even matter if they did collude.

The stakes are and were too high.

Another question,
Had the russian lawyer had dirt on clinton that was true, would that have counted as undermining the election? How does true info undermine an election?

Clarify user

That's just a big nothing burger


"Those are good points user but that stuff can't really be like that" "we gave him the nuclear codes and something needs done"

Yeah I feel like I'm surrounded by bots in the matrix in my real life

You seem earnest so let me tell you what's actually happening, kid.

Donald Trump is a troll and is baiting his enemies into commenting on these stories because they themselves are the real criminals.

Everything the media accuses Trump of doing is actually something Trump's enemies have done.

They're making their bed.

The russians definitely helped the Trump campaign, but i don't believe they colluded.

However, if Congress wants to pass a law to ban paid shills and bots as a result of all this noise, I would not complain.

If trump had gotten on stage at the debate and shot Hillary in the face I still wouldn't care because she'd be too dead to be president. Even if it was all true who's to say that Putin and trump didnt team up to wrest the country out of (((deep state))) hands.

That sounds sagey and wise, and i hope it is true. What other wisdom can you share user?

its pretty obviously just a smoke screen to keep the conversation from ever landing on the actual contents of the leaked emails

which of course reveal endless corruption from Dems, they should have been hung a while ago

You'd have to be stupid or a shill to say otherwise

This is what trump supporters unironically believe, rather than in the fact that you all got finessed by a bunch of capitalists

I sure hope Zach doesn't believe the Russia shit. Guy is almost redpilled, just not quite there.

Oney is almost /ourguy/ territory though, judging by his Twitter feed.

Most normies only read the headlines, they don't know the damning details, only the spin.
It's worse than you think though because the entire meeting was bait set up by the dems to fulfill their Russian narrative and give Obomber a plausible reason to start spying on Trump's team
Trump may turn the tables on them yet, this is infiniteD chess


>How can anyone believe this nonsense?

It's the power of the fake news media whores. They are a serious danger to our democracy and need to be destroyed. They have been actively working to undermine an elected President. Their goal is to brainwash the people into believing that it's ok to remove President Trump.

>The russians definitely helped the Trump campaign

How so? Please elaborate.

only shit tier falls for hillary and podestas russia lie.

No. Pic related...this is all that's going on. Dems learned from drip-drip-drip of HRC email/server scandal that chinese water torture of scandal was debilitating. Set trap for Trump on Russia, now drag out as long as possible to hamstring his presidency/make 1 termer/slow Repub congress. The risk is, it backfires on them.

The Russians had their own shills and bots that posed as Trump supporters and amplified their message on social media. Russia has an extensive state sponsored astroturfing operation and it's likely they joined in on our very public 2 year electoral debate on the internet.There are no borders on the internet, so its likely many other countries had their own astrotrufing operations on our election as well.

>Had the russian lawyer had dirt on clinton that was true, would that have counted as undermining the election? How does true info undermine an election?
no its called opposition research and its legal. Clintons team met with Ukrainians to get dirt on Manaford.

Zach pls go

All the rulers are colluding with each other. I'd prefer Russian collusion over ISIS collusion

>However, if Congress wants to pass a law to ban paid shills and bots as a result of all this noise, I would not complain.
slippery slope, every user could be banned because without doxxing yourself they'll claim youre a bot

No, it's literally the most autistic thing ever. Some lobbying groups? Military industry complex? Italian mafia? Yeah sure, but not my country. He has no connections or business interests here, the whole thing is just ridiculous

I worship the God Emporer
Having said that
Jr could be fucked
I'm not a lawyer but either way this looks shady
We elected Trump to get rid of the waste, fraud, and, abuse.
If I wanted a bunch of shady bullshit going on I would have voted Clinton so we could kick off ww3 with a bang and maybe get a reset.

>Ruski-Trump-bots amplified their message on social media
so, voter-X was going to vote Hillary but then he read a funny robot tweet, so he voted Trump
yep, sounds like the average voter

>People still believe Trump did some sneaky things with Russia to win the election
I thought the CNN producer admitting this shit was fake news would have put this Trump/Russia shit to rest.

This is like the manspreafing shit. Nobody actually gives a fuck. The people that pretend to are only using it as a tool for political leverage.

What they don't realize is that everyone outside of their bubbles couldn't care less about it or their feigned outrage. Most people are sick of hearing about it and the Democrats are proving once again to be hopelessly out of touch with America

Hillary could not be allowed to win

>Former Trump supporter here...

Nobody was convinced by these shills or bots. If there are evidence I would like to see studies on that.

But nobody liked what Correct the Record did and I bet those shills changed the minds of a few voters to go for Trump out of spite

>its likely many other countries had their own astrotrufing operations on our election as well

I think this is a key point to all the "muh Russia" nonsense. The Dems/MSM are praying on people's lack of knowledge to push their agenda. They're making this out to be hacking, tampering, influencing the election when in reality, it's a common practice that happens in every election world wide.

If online bots qualify as influencing our election, then what would this be called?

>Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

Russians give millions to the Clintons

>Russians definitely helped Trump

Most liberals have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome they will believe anything.

>If online bots qualify as influencing our election, then what would this be called?

The sign of a shitty candidate if they lose to a bunch of bots and shills

No, it's one of the most retarded things I've ever heard. Yet liberals continue to lap all this shit up as evidence of "muh collusion". I don't even take the time to argue with them anymore; they're so detached.


was being facetious to the muh Russia grasping-at-straws meme

>liberals continue to lap all this shit up as evidence of "muh collusion"

Because that's what the media has told them over and over and over and over again since November.
It's beyond partisan, biased reporting by the MSM. There is something much more sinister and evil going on.

Well Zach said on his podcast that obama wwas a good president.

I dont know about oney

>There is something much more sinister and evil going on.

I know and it sucks. I have a feeling that Obama and Hillary played much, much dirtier against Trump than what we know. They REALLY didn't want him in.

same shit that goes on in politics everyday... but MSM is going with this narrative non-stop because it makes something mundane like meeting with a Russian seem UNBELIEVABLE! IMPEACHABLE!

I agree and I think we're going to find out why they've gone to such great lengths, both before and after the election, to try and take him down.

>being a frontrunner in an obvious shill campaign to disrput normal Sup Forums goings on and demotivate brits while turning them against their american counterparts and shilling for le based macron
>being a frontrunner in an obvious shill campaign to disrput normal Sup Forums goings on and demotivate brits while turning them against their american counterparts and shilling for le based macron

When did shills learn to green text?

The lawyer works for the Kremlin, she said she didn't, but that's a lie, she's the personal lawyer of one of the highest ranking people in the Russian government and very close to Putin.

The Clinton Foundation was not part of the election campaign infrastructure, it was a charity organization that's been around for over 15 years

It's literally a meme. The left is so desperate that they will try to impeach Trump using a meme. After all Sup Forums made him president using memes, so why can't they?

Spoiler: it's because they're forcing the meme (it will make ur meme suck and not work)

>Clintons team met with Ukrainians to get dirt on Manaford.

This is actually huge.
America was, at the time, involved in a hostile conflict with Ukraine.

Russia was an "ally" at the time DTJ met with the lawyer, and were not involved with any armed conflict with the USA.

It's a joke about the old shill copy pasta you autist

This is nothing, he took his own life. Don't look into it any further, you might become suicidal. Get some sleep, good night.

No. No one worth interacting with buys it.

What the media doesn't realize is that honing in so hard on Jr meeting a nobody lawyer for 20 minutes, it devalues the entire Russia story. If the smoking gun is Jr meeting some literally who for half an hour, than clearly Trump doesn't have such strong ties to Russia. The people want Trump and Putin in the same room talking about hillarys stanky pussy.

No you idiot.

We're fighting surveillance and social engineering.

If you agree to their debauchery you've changed nothing.

It's early and I'm probably not thinking too good but are you sure we were hostile towards the Ukraine? I thought we were on their side

...and I'm back.

Time for a heart attack.

Woopsydaisy forgot my bullshit flag.

That's how quickly all governments get corrupt.

Like my swag?

That's cause your a fag.

Why would Russia go to Don Jr. with this BS and not deliver if they were "colluding" with the Trump campaign? Makes no sense.