Do you see what you guys are doing? Grow up and stop supporting a sick man and a sick party.
Do you see what you guys are doing? Grow up and stop supporting a sick man and a sick party
Other urls found in this thread:
>My 2 year old just asked if the people in Trump hats were constructing gas chambers. I said I don't know.
>I said I don't know
Oh, I wonder why his child got scared.
>A 2 year old knowing what a gas chamber is
My new born baby turned around and asked me about man's inhumanity to man yesterday. I had to say I don't know. Literally shaking right now.
Fake story.
Very convincing.
I told my child that Donald Trump would nuke our home and our entire family will be dead in an instant. He started crying. Fuck Trump.
Come on, a 2 year old? This is getting too much of a parody to take it seriously.
Why are crying and shaking the equivalent of Purple Hearts for leftists
There is a tweet out there somewhere almost exactly like this. Parent tells their child that Trump is going to personally murder them or some shit. Blames Trump for the child crying.
more efficient to burn them down inside industrial ovens
My 3-month old baby just asked me if Trump is planning to bring back Jim Crow laws. I told him I didn't know. Shaking so hard right now.
Mike, get the gas
One day I was scratching my balls and the sperm in my nutsack asked if the orange man on TV noticed that he sounded just like Hitler
i beat up a 0 year old and told him that trump did it
I hope that parent was jesting just like we're doing here. There's no way the left can be that oblivious to their own actions.
why censor the name tho?
How good did your fingers smell after scratching your balls?
My sperm just asked me If Trump was going to make niggers sit at the back of the bus. Nothing happened because my sperm are white
A two year old asked me if there is any purpose to life. I said I didn't know. He started shaking. It made me question everything.
My two month old just asked me if Trump plans on bombing Hiroshima again. I said I didn't know. He started urinating in his diaper.
if only they were m8s
I just asked my two month old if Trump's economic plans will hurt minorities. He said he didn't know. I am shaking, but proud those were his first words.
My two year old asked me when he could get a job. I said go for it, we high-fived.
I am, but not for the Jews
My 2 year old just asked if people in shareblue were making shill threads. I said I didn't know. He started shaking. So scared rn
>mommy is there a boogeyman under my bed waiting to kill me
Love when these fucktards use their children as excuses to be politically insane
My 2 day old asked me if the holocaust was real, I said its a lie. Hes been shitting himself everyday since.
it's cause he remembered you cut his foreskin off
Grow up and stop supporting a sick man and a sick party.
We did, thats why we fired obama and hired Trump.
Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch.
My daughter turns 2 on August 1st but I'm overseas and my wife decided she wants a divorce and full custody.
It'll be a long time before she can ask me about gas chambers now.
someone needs to call child services before this loon sacrifices their kid to make a point.
You made maybe day
They're from reddit probably.
Fuck women. Hang in there and get the biggest kikiiest like lawyer that ever existed
My 2 year old just asked why mommy is a whore that cheats on daddy. I said I didn't know, but you'll be just like her one day. She started shaking. So pissed rn.
My two-year old just asked me about time-dilation in relation to traveling the event-horizons of black holes. I said I didn't know. He started folding inwards through spacetime collapsing into himself. So scared rn
>Started shaking
What the hell is she shaking her two year old kid up for? Is this what causes leftist retardation?
why do trump supporters want to traumatize 2 year olds? look what you've become
Usually it's 8yo in those fake tweets.
Because the name was already censored when he found it on reddit and reposted it. That's Sup Forums now, circlejerks over stolen reddit content.
My 2 year old just asked if Trump was going to kill all of the niggers. I said I didn't know. He started shaking. So scared rn
My wifes 18 month old son asked if the neo-nazi trump supporters were busy developing a weaponized fully airborne dispersal ready variant of H1N1/09. I said how can I know. He started shaking and vomiting.
>be me
>have son
>tell son Holocaust wasn't real
>he starts shaking
>his shaking becomes so erratic and quick that he begins to turn into a blur
>he vibrates through the fabric of space time and disappears in front of my very eyes
>2 seconds late reply he pops back into existence, and the blue that is my son starts to coalesce into a coherent image and his shaking slows down until I can see my son again
>he brought me a beer from my fridge
>it's all foamy from the shaking
I'm still working on the prototype.
some psych grad could do a study/paper on why 8yrs seems to be the preferred age for shit like this
My wifes prenatal/biracial son asked me what this comic meant. I had to say I don't know and he kicked "nigga you don't understand basic surrealism" in morse code from the womb.
My 6 month yearold just asked me if needing an ID card to vote is racist. I said that I didn't know. He literally pissed his nappy, I'm black and shaking him right now.
That's nothing, my kid wrote a thesis on the duality of human nature while in the womb!
I asked my two year old if Trump was going to bring back slavery. He said he didn't know. I'm shaking. So scared m
Thought you were going with a Dr. Manhattan joke but somehow it was worse
>nıgnog recites r/the_donald tier talking points, receives over 6 million retweets. Can't wait to repatriate him to Africa.
It's a fucking parody tweat.
My one year old thanked me today for not aborting him. I started shaking and said your lucky your not a Nigger.
> 2 year old
> knowing about the gas chambers
my sides
Why does a 2 year old know what a gas chamber is?
Stop shaking that Registered Nurse.
You could hurt somebody!
>my 2 year old
This is stupid.
Just stupid.
What the fuck happened to my country?
They get indoctrinated early
My sperm asked me if Trump was another Hitler. I told them I don't know. They all cried in fear. So scared atm senpai.
My one month old asked me if she's going to be deported if she wears her hijab to school. I told her yes and she started crying. FUCK DRUMPF
My 3yr old asked me after trump was elected how long the liberals were going to cry. Made my day. Such a proud father.
>I'm black and shaking him right now.
>leftists support antifa: a group of commie thugs that attack people and destroy property
>leftists support communism: an ideology that killed over 100 million people in the 20th century
>leftists call anyone that isn't the left Nazis to discredit and discourage people from having different ideas and opinions regardless of what they are
You won't need to worry about being gassed when the Left Wing Death Squads rob you of your property, starve you, ruin your country and turn it into an industrial shithole, and then put a bullet in the back of your head in front of a crowd on national television to make an example of you for your thought crimes even if you did nothing wrong and just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I admit it, I lol'ed.
Thanks for brightening my day senpai
I love how the original image actually triggered leftists, so they had to put a H-dawg Pepe over Beanz's name as not to offend the Mexicans who are in their opinion "Too stupid to get the ironic joke."
>>he vibrates through the fabric of space time and disappears in front of my very eyes
>with a flash of golden light I watch my son transform into a man, achieving unimaginable greatness
>reappears through the golden light
>my son is hitler!
>"neon father, the holocaust WAS real"
>check the news, no Jews in sight
>my iPhone disappeared in the temporal shift
>world is now a paradise
Thank you son
A 2 year old does not ask such questions and therefore that tweet is pure fiction.
Quick, where's the artesian cheese maker turned rebel soldier??
My dog asked me if Trump was going to make him get in the cage. I said I didn't know. He started shaking. So scared m
I know the woman who made this tweet. She actually lives in the same town as my cousin. I can assure you, this actually happened.
I have the creeping feeling that the author of that paper was WELL past eight.
>low enough IQ to think this is believable
>watches star wars
It checks out.
THIS. I will tell you a real story. My liberal co-worker related a story how her 5 year old sun voted in his school's mock election adn she asked him who he voted for. He proudly said TRUMP, she was taken about and asked him "oh well why didnt you vote for Hillary" saying she respected his own right to pick whoever he wanted and he replied
"ARE YOU KIDDING! I'd never vote for KILLARY"
the memes are working boys, this was in liberal Jewyork
My 2 year old ask me if people in trump hats were constructing gas chambers - I explained that real Americans only want dangerous criminals executed, and as long as the American people have our military, our personal weapons, millions of trained patriotic veterans among us, and a willingness to fight any and all threats to our freedom, we need not fear any of us will be genocide victims.
A rosas crl
no shit, most of the tweets posted on here are by Sup Forumstards
if someone starts a thread with a tweet from a literally who it's probably by the OP
>My two year old asked if they were constructing gas chambers. I bought him a soap making kit..
Of course a fully grown adult didn't write this to attempt to make it look like a child did...
>I said I didn't know
You do know.
And you're being disingenuous.
You know they're not
You know anyone with a MAGA hat is 90% likely to be a rural American Conservative person who's sick of the shit way Obama ran the country.
Now fuck off you sack of shit
>2 year old
>Knowing about gas chambers
Either the kid was a Jew who had to be indoctrinated into the Shoah myth early in life, the parent has no respect for innocence and taught a child about the "genocide", or the stupid bitch is lying.
My new born asked me if Trumps proposed tariffs on imports would truly bring back manufacturing jobs to the United States or if it would be more productive to focus on education the jobless so they can fill new higher tech positions. He's literally shaking right now and I don't know what to tell him.
I have never started "literally shaking" before. What does it actually look like?
My wife's fetus asked me how trump would use economic sanctions to avoid nuclear strike with North Korea, and if reunification was even possible. I said I don't know, and he went into a gestational seizure.
What's funny is this is what should really worry people.
>MAGA bat
Top laff m80
My grandson asked if Trump was literally Hitler
I told him no and then he told me I was racist and stole my Parkinson's meds
I'm literally shaking now