I need proof that Slavs are subhumans.
Scientific proof which shows and compares their haplogroups with Chinks etc. Anything that denotes them.
I've noticed that Slavs are always short, bald and has a big forehead,
I need proof that Slavs are subhumans.
Scientific proof which shows and compares their haplogroups with Chinks etc. Anything that denotes them.
I've noticed that Slavs are always short, bald and has a big forehead,
Hi shlomo
You have to go back to Russia.
>hold strong, controversial opinion
>"give me some reasons for why i believe this stuff!"
What does height have to do with inferiority/superiority? Jews are short and are basically the intellectual master race
>intellectual master race
top lel, they are just extremely tribal, that is literally it
slavs are based
I'm 1.92m tall, hairline receded very slightly, forehead also could be higher. That being said I am russian to the core.
I'm not even saying I disagree, but asking for facts to back up something you already claim to believe is intellectual faggotry.
> Over 20% of Nobel Prizes despite less than 1% of Earth's population
> High IQs
> Disproportionate overrepresentation in the sciences, economics, finance, etc.
It's pretty much undeniable that they're really smart
> Einstein
> Landau
> Susskind
> Von Neumann
> Feynman
> Gell-Mann
> Steven Weinberg
> Bethe
> Pauli
> Bohr
> Born
> Oppenheimer
> Bloch
> Vitaly Ginzburg
> Zhores Alferov
> Emmy Noether
> Yakov Frenkel
> Nathan Rosen
> Podolsky
And that's just off the top of my head
Found the slavnigger. Jews aren't short and if they're not intellectual, what does imply to the rest of the world who is inferior to them? I mean, you're a slavnigger. The fuck do you and your people do besides squatting, begging for money and wasting vodka bottles?
big forehead to accomodate our big brains
You have to go back.
Even if they weren't before then they are now after the commies killed off anyone who wasn't a worthless piece of trash.
>jews giving other jews prizes
Show your flag, faggot.
don't worry i plan to go back and i'm taking as many federal reserve notes as i can with me
Uhhh try again honey
short bald people huh?
>The system is rigged!!!!
Cry about it nigger.
Is that why they gave most of the prizes to white gentiles?
Swedes giving Jews prices.
abe argat
imame nie muzicko skolo u skopje?
>South """Slavs"""
The cherrypicking is real. You south slavs are not genetically the same Slavs which can be found in Poland, Russia etc.
Shut the fuck up, this thread isn't about south Slavs and you know that. Slavs don't even like south Slavs.
>you cant be jewish and [nationality]
We lost the second world war, the dream of securing the future of only the Aryan race isn't going to work in today society. Openly calling yourself a national socialist and hating other ethnic groups such as slavs or celts would only damage our cause.
ALL of the European peoples are facing extermination at the hands of marxists and jews, what we need is to get the common man to oppose this, but no fucking way we would win in a democratic way if we openly declare ourselves National Socialists.
So west slavs like poland are the same as east slavs (russia)?
stop cherrypicking you dumb faggot
still mad, whiteboi?
Yes. Haplogroups and genecodes prove it.
Fuck off Russian shill.
yeah no
there's a linguistic and genetic difference
pic related
Here's a comparison of an average russian skull with that of a white person.
The russian skull is on the left.
Isnt WW2 proof enough for you? After all, only subhuman can defeat true aryan germanic ubermensch and make him a bitch he still remains to the present day.
> Using an abo skull
Hiding your Israeli flag, Chain Shekelberg?
russian skull resembles the neanderthal who was proven to have more brain mass than humaniggers
>reverse image search
>aboriginal vs Caucasian skull
Really grinds be almond butter
No, there is no genetic difference between Poles, Belarussians, Russians, Ukrainians and other Slavs in that region.
See You and Jews will be on the first day of the rope.
Yeah, slavs are pretty shit.The country had gone to shit, but swines like these still can't shut up about muh GREAT VICTORY, even though we'd probably be better off losing that war. Maybe we would've had less alhocolic degenerats and fucking churkas.
>1500 years of separation
Fetch the (((you))), pale creature.
holy fuck you albanian subhumans really are tiresome
the only lifeform on earth inferior to albozergs are t*rkroaches, but that isn't much comfort
for fucks sake even niggers are superior to albanians
show your flag tonibler sljadoljedov
>a russian isn't a commie degenerate
It's kind of funny how paranoid slavniggers are about Jews when slavniggers immigrate to Israel if they can't get citizenship in the west.
only correct statement itt
The baltic countries aren't slavic. No slav country is even in the top five.
90% of russians are commie retards.
Putin is commie tsar.
More evidence. Russian IQ is literally Africa tier.
You mean alboniggers go to fight israel?
because that happens
your statement is probably from a schizophrenic episode or something
I guess that makes white gentiles the intellectual master race by your own metric, then.
Thank you Danebro.
Mine is 112. Not much but still, 79? Holy fuck...
lol holy shit
explain yourselves Russians
Hitler was remarkably open-minded regarding diversity IF the people concerned put their lives on the line for Germany in war.
Extreme racialists don't study Hitler in practice, and the real Hitler was more politically impressive than his books or many of his followers.
Terrible warlord and should have left war to his generals (and Admiral Doenitz) but the Waffen SS was diverse yet magnificent. It was actually MORE diverse than the US military then or now!
What squandered potential. Good thing Auntie Merkel knows her Germany and will rule the EU. She also doesn't mind niggers or Arabs, and does know you cannot let either in without damaging the Jew.
Germany is out of white people. It's destiny is ideological power over it's ideologically inferior neighbors. A Kulturkampf without racialism isn't the National Socialist way but there is no other option. Merkel and Germany are certainly Socialist.
there is no fucking way that alboniggers have a higher IQ than russians
literally impossible
from alboscum alone my country should be 70 IQ
most likely a meme map
How many white gentiles are there compared to Jews?
> What is per capita
maby that traits that are valued are malleable, i think molememe said when the jews left europe the had an avg iq of 95, and now they are at 115.
That would mean that selective breeding can cause hige swings in such traits
asterisk says its from student evaluations only
makes sense that those 3 or 4 albozergs who made it to college have a larger IQ than most of their subhuman compatriots
im pretty sure that if the IQ test enveloped the whole population, the average would be cca 40-50
Being commie has nothing on winning WWII or any other war. My greatgrandparents never joined communist party, they still fought the invaders. Only plebs cower when fatherland and your peopleare endangered.
What? Are you detached from reality? Are you schizophrenic? There are 1.5 million Russians in Israel and crimes dramatically increased when the USSR fell for obvious reasons. Why the fuck would there be Albanian Muslims fighting for Israel???? Dumb Slav.
And where is US?
Am I supposed to be blown away by the fact that you're presenting false info which can be instantly debunked by a reverse image search?
fight israel
not for israel you stupid kike
also i guess i was speaking for south slavs
don't really know much about where east slavs emigrate to
Your "people" will be the first ones to shit on you when you are in trouble. Wake up, idiot. Russians don't give a fuck about other russians. Never did, never will.
What is the race of the ruling class in Russia?
Peasants are always scum no matter what race, just never mention that.
The elites look rather white to me, but I don't live in Russia. What sayeth an actual Russian?
Have they ever participated in military operations, by the way?
you lucky faggots are the only south slavs who don't experience the albozerg horde
lucky cunts
Muslims and Jews rule in Russia.
>south slavs
Just say Turks man.
About 15 million jews in the world and close to a billion whites. Even if 50% of jews were geniuses and only 10% of whites were, there are exponentially more white geniuses in the world than jewish ones. The fact that they are disproportionately represented only proves the point that jewish nepotism is the primary driver of their success.
This whole thread is about Slavs (east Slavs) you dumb fucking retard. Is your IQ below 90? Your words aren't consistent and you spout the dumbest illogical shit ever.
The elite in Russia look short and bald.
So, they're typical Slavs.
They aren't you stupid nigger.
They are a subgroup of people who branched off from Magyars
KYS you LARPing nazi antifa wannabe
>albania 82
>serbia 90
>serbia also includes kosovo
great map
Hungarians are cockroaches though.
> t. serb traitor
Shut up, you useless idiot.
this cannot be real
>saying that the image is pure bullshit based on other countries iqs is illogical
you're tired ahmed
time to take a nap
says the russian traitor.
go suck some chechen dick.
> projections
You sold your souls to jews. You're no more slavs, you're DEMONS.
According to halpoghoups, all former Austro-Hungarian countries are the same.
>I've noticed that Slavs are always short, bald and has a big forehead
Polish decent. 6 5" tall, full head of hair
Try again faggot
It is real and your daily interactions with russian subhumans ought to have proved that to you.
When will you pack your bags and return to your shithole?
You sound like you're just bitter. Do you have any russian friends? Also try helping people yourself.
Can you not see the green outline around the Russian number you dumb niggers?
> you're no more slavs
"you're slavs no more"
Fix your english, fagget.
My experience with Slavs reaffirms its credibility.
i said it was a meme map
real one here btw
>he edited the image
The slavified Greek is trying to make his masters in Russia feel comfortable.