Israel would take care of the Muslim problem if we let them. This is a fact. Why don't we let them?
Israel would take care of the Muslim problem if we let them. This is a fact. Why don't we let them?
Other urls found in this thread:
No they wouldn't, and you don't know what you're talking about.
Kahane got elected on that platform and the left-wing cucks that are enshrined in the supreme court booted him. To be fair, his political party was associated with violence against Muslims... but there are Arab parties that have done much worse and they haven't been booted. Lots of left-wing cucks in the political establishment in Israel and they basically run the courts and the supreme court has a lot of power. FFS, they banned a democratically elected parliamentarian.
Netanyahu just wants to stay in power and not actually do anything. He has no vision, no goal.
Israel is behind most of the wars going on in the Middle East today. That is just a fact.
>UN Reveals Israel’s Support for ISIS
>Israel buys most oil smuggled from ISIS territory
>How Israel and ISIS are joined at the hip By F. William Engdahl
>Saving their sworn enemy: Heartstopping footage shows Israeli commandos rescuing wounded men from Syrian warzone - but WHY are they risking their lives for Islamic militants?
>ISIS: a Frankenstein monster created by the US and Israel
>Israeli commando filmed rescuing Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria
>Why Aren't ISIS and Al-Queda Attacking Israel?
>ISIS Proven to Be a Creation of the USA and Israel
>The Fraud Of ISIS Exposed: Iraqi Forces Seize ISRAELI Supplied Weapons From Captured "ISIS" Positions
>The US/Israeli Created Fraud Called ISIS IS At It Again: ISIS/ISIL Documents "Found" In Pakistan State How ISIL (ISIS) Will End The World
>Analysis: ISIS poses no immediate threat to Israel
Fine with me
NO they would not you fucking mong, Israel is a bunch of fucking pussies who start shit, then the second someone hits back they cry to big brother USA to protect them and tell them to remember the 6 gorillion.
You so funny
Good I hope they glass that sandnigger faggot Assad
Go back in my oven, jew.
You can't Mossad the Assad, kike.
How exactly would they solve it?
Like it cares by creating ISIS?
is right though. They rely far too much on US military support to the point that they can fabricate claims.
That's just common goy from JewSA, their love to yids knows no limits.
Israel is the Muslim problem big nose.
israel would also take care of the 'U.S' problem while its at it
Israel IS the muslim problem retard.
Go to hell, faggot
Muslims would take care of the Israel problem if we let them.
How? By throwing their poop at them? Don't you have a dick to suck right about now?
Not an argument. The U.S is the only thing propping up the Jewish Supremacist state of Israel.
Make a coherent argument or fuck off.
>No they wouldn't, and you don't know what you're talking about.
They would, you disgusting stinking muslim shitskin.
how do you get those images?
i want a folder like this. should i lurk on /sg/?
Because then we'd have an even bigger and more problematic Jewish problem
Israel needs to expand, the middle east will become a paradise. Why is Sup Forums defending shitty muslim dictators over Israel, a strong democracy in the middle east that represents the west?
Killing muslims is always a good thing to do.
They're called allies, and I love Israel. I'm glad we prop them up you muslim cock sucker
I remember! Cool huh?
Their "Muslim solution" is to send them over to the goys sp that we have to deal with them. Don't worry no mudslimes allowed in Israel. Only ethno state the west supports
>Israel would take care of the Muslim problem if we let them
>can't even deal with hezbollah
those sources. top kek
Israel didn't make you open the floodgates, your shitty socialist politicians did
The problem is, people on here are retards who are incapable of recognising the clear difference between zionism and globalism. They're pretty much polar opposites.
Zionists just want their own ethnostate, which is exactly what Sup Forums is in favour of and by all rights should respect, but because they're le Jewish boogeyman they're reviled on here.
It's pretty sad that Sup Forums thinks that a bunch of Brooklyn liberal hipsters who write articles about how white people need to check their privilege are representative of all Jews. If they bothered to acknowledge that western liberal Jews are opposed to Israel they wouldn't come across as such retards, but then that doesn't fit their narrative about le j00z.
Also, yeah, Israelis and Muslims hate each other, but again because Sup Forums doesn't have the mental capacity to understand the difference between patriotic zionists and the "Islam is a religion of peace, let them all in!" western globalists, they're bedfellows.
Just kill yourself, you stupid shitskin/LARPing 89IQ bydlo
>the_donald will adopt Sup Forums values and get redpilled
>kekistanis will get redpilled
>they wont become the new JIDF and shill for Israel.
1. Israel doesn't do a whole lot about the large number of Muslims in the country now, so much for fucking dealing with them.
2. Israel creates a lot of problems with Muslims in the region, how exactly is that dealing with them? Israel had problems with people like Saddam and Nasser, secularists who actually dealt with Islamists pretty well in the region.
It's because they're in the business of free capital.
Because they didn't earn SHIT!
>Their "Muslim solution" is to send them over to the goys sp that we have to deal with them.
Try it harder, muslim shitskin.
I'd rather the $15 billion go to the muslim countries and they take care of the jew problem.
Jew actually, I converted because I love Israel so much
>Jews killing their Muslim semitic brothers
lol halal and kosher are one of the same
You're all fucked now.
They are unfortunately their way of dealing with the problem is to send them all to Europe
Converted Jew here, not larping. I got a .308 for you though, just like grandad did
My grandpa was a jew and he even raped a nazis wife in ww2 as he was slowly bleeding out
Why don't you own your own problem without resorting to a scapegoat?
>>can't even deal with hezbollah
>1. Israel doesn't do a whole lot about the large number of Muslims in the country now, so much for fucking dealing with them.
Cause the western leftists and also JEWISH leftists start whining the moment Israel starts to remove kebab.
You 89IQ muslim shitskins and generic anti semites are this fucking BLATANT shills, and STILL Sup Forums kiddos fall for your stupidness.
Careful assuming Sup Forums is unified on any issue. That said I will agree that few of us disagree with their domestic policy. However the fact is they are associated with globalism because they lobby incredibly strongly for it. Not just the politicians directly supported in the US. Take any issue, for example mass immigration to europe, and the strongest lobby in favor is comprised of two groups; israeli jews and european jews who financially support zionism. they certainly are bedfellows just follow the money.
Post proof or it didn't happen.
>Tump deporting mexicans, ending gibs for nigs and illegals XDDDD
>OMG u stupid muslim, stop criticising Israel! They NEED gibsmedat from US!
Good for him
The problem is, people on here are retards who are incapable of recognising the clear difference between zionism and globalism. They're pretty much polar opposites.
Zionists just want their own ethnostate, which is exactly what Sup Forums is in favour of and by all rights should respect, but because they're le Jewish boogeyman they're reviled on here.
It's pretty sad that Sup Forums thinks that a bunch of Brooklyn liberal hipsters who write articles about how white people need to check their privilege are representative of all Jews. If they bothered to acknowledge that western liberal Jews are opposed to Israel they wouldn't come across as such retards, but then that doesn't fit their narrative about le j00z.
Also, yeah, Israelis and Muslims hate each other, but again because Sup Forums doesn't have the mental capacity to understand the difference between patriotic zionists and the "Islam is a religion of peace, let them all in!" western globalists, they're bedfellows.
Don't fall for socialist sandnigger propaganda. Come to /ptg/.
The migrant crisis in Europe has nothing to do with Israel. Them closing their borders is completely inconsequential. Why would an Arab willingly repatriate to Israel anyway?
You might as well also blame North Korea for it.
Obvious shill thread is obvious.
>post 1 controversial 1 sentence topic
All I want is to live inside a Walmart.
Is that so much to ask?
14 million jews VS 1.6 billion muslims?
my money is on mordor, desu
>and the strongest lobby in favor is comprised of two groups; israeli jews and european jews who financially support zionism. they certainly are bedfellows just follow the money.
Try read a book on this topic, you sound dumb as shit.
good goy
Apples and oranges
She can have all of my sperm
(OP) (OP)
The problem is, people on here are retards who are incapable of recognising the clear difference between zionism and globalism. They're pretty much polar opposites.
Zionists just want their own ethnostate, which is exactly what Sup Forums is in favour of and by all rights should respect, but because they're le Jewish boogeyman they're reviled on here.
It's pretty sad that Sup Forums thinks that a bunch of Brooklyn liberal hipsters who write articles about how white people need to check their privilege are representative of all Jews. If they bothered to acknowledge that western liberal Jews are opposed to Israel they wouldn't come across as such retards, but then that doesn't fit their narrative about le j00z.
Also, yeah, Israelis and Muslims hate each other, but again because Sup Forums doesn't have the mental capacity to understand the difference between patriotic zionists and the "Islam is a religion of peace, let them all in!" western globalists, they're bedfellows.
Diaspora jew bump for this.
Leftist US Jews are hated in Israel.
Not sure why that's so hard to comprehend to some
>no cuties doing the nazi salute on /ptg/
thanks user, but no
>Posts: 13
>Arguments: 0
>They're called allies
With friends like them...
If you're an American and support Israel you're a fucking cuck.
Israel loving American Jews hate them too
By "take care of" I assume he means "patch them up and give them a juice box like they did for ISIS".
>Not sure why that's so hard to comprehend to some
Whether they are leftist, muslim, whitepower skinheads, or State funded shills.
Yeah, allies and brothers. Nazis sided with muslims, suck a dick
If you're a fascist and don't support Israel you're a shill.
Note the meme flag on this poster. He won't take it off because either he's an Israeli shill, or an American, which makes him a fucking cuckold of the highest caliber.
So you're a cuckold by your own logic. Got it.
Taking care of their Muslim problem means sending the Muslims to white nations.
We need to take care of the Jew problem.
The only reason we have a muslim problem is because ZOG pushed for policies that led to muslims coming to our countries so we would hate their enemies.
Notice the flag, again, he still won't take it off. He still is sucking Israel cock. Possibly an American, who not only is okay with Israel blowing up his own soldiers, but is also okay with them spying on us. This is the nu-Sup Forums.
We wouldn't even have a problem with muslims if it wasn't for shitty israel and jews doing 911.
You know 2006 really wasn't that long ago...
And you are muslim shitskin leeching of the American tax payers until you prove otherwise.
Ye, Muslims are the REAL enemy goy, a petrodollar for you by the way goy
Fuch you with this breitbart comment section level shilling. Israel and zioniss should be reflexively hated by any white nationalist. Our enemy is the jew, and israel is the nest of the jews. White nationalists should support israel being dissolved into a one state solution.
Classic JIDF tactic. Hate kikes and Israel? Muslim, I'm sure you're saving the "MIDF" one for last right Jew? Gonna bomb some more US ships? Gonna spy on the US too? Gonna leech 3 billion and fire on US Military life boats?
That's the spirit white man. Never take your eyes off the real enemy.
>Germany raging a muslims
>self-hating muslim confirmed
Have you chosen your preferred truck of tolerance yet Mohammad?
Of Jews who support the Jewish ethno-state, most also oppose all other ethno-states and advocate for "multi-culturalism" and open borders. Most Jews are also Leftists.
The effect, whether deliberate or not, is racial and cultural clashing and chaos in Europe and one day the U.S, while the Jews in those nations have an ethno-state to flee to. Native Europeans have no such alternative.
It is an evolutionarily cunning strategy for the destruction of other races and cultures and the protection of one's own.
The Jews have survived as a diaspora by being highly exclusive, ethnocentric, and discriminatory, behaving in ways which benefit their "tribe" even to the detriment of the tribes which were naive enough to accept them into their cultures.
One of the reasons Nazi Germany was such a threat to the Jews is that they ripped off several of these evolutionary tribalist survival strategies to which the Jews owe their longevity and durability as a people. This made the Nazis seem a viable competitor and threat to Jewry. I have observed this for years, and found out about the great book "Culture of Critique" which details it greatly.
The Nazis were not even that concerned with the Jews until the "Judea Declares War on Germany" thing happened. The Jewish boycotts and assassinations of Nazis abroad began. Until then, the chief enemy of the Nazis (in their own perception) was the Catholic leadership, followed by other groups like Bolsheviks, and the Jews surprisingly further down the list.
Your enemy is your retarded brain
You sound dumb as fuck, like 80IQ.
The problem is, people on here are retards who are incapable of recognising the clear difference between zionism and globalism. They're pretty much polar opposites.
Zionists just want their own ethnostate, which is exactly what Sup Forums is in favour of and by all rights should respect, but because they're le Jewish boogeyman they're reviled on here.
It's pretty sad that Sup Forums thinks that a bunch of Brooklyn liberal hipsters who write articles about how white people need to check their privilege are representative of all Jews. If they bothered to acknowledge that western liberal Jews are opposed to Israel they wouldn't come across as such retards, but then that doesn't fit their narrative about le j00z.
Also, yeah, Israelis and Muslims hate each other, but again because Sup Forums doesn't have the mental capacity to understand the difference between patriotic zionists and the "Islam is a religion of peace, let them all in!" western globalists, they're bedfellows.
>Posts: 18
>Arguments: 0
Globalists are the enemy.
As I said, zionists are the opposite of globalists.
How many western liberal Jews do you see openly announce their support of Israel?
Par for the course.