you say i can never be western but pic related proves otherwise. in 20-40 years your white countries will be brown paradises
a fucking leaf
>brown paradises
aka shithole
You posted this shit last night.
The retard posting his identity on Sup Forums.
It's sad because our woman are so shallow now a days they'll shack up with a literal retard like you.
>White country
I fucking love Canada.
All stale Canadian jokes aside, it is a wonderful place on Earth. Muslim shitholes like Germany, France and even the UK got nothing on Canada.
You would never want to come here, it's literally HELL, my grandmother died when a peaceful truck rammed against her guard tower at our local Christmas Market.
>rampant crime
>extensive poverty
>police state
>garbage in the streets
>no jobs
One of those documents is a birth certificate. Why would I have a problem with people being born?
>Canadian flag flying over the mantle with precious family photos.
This man and his family is obviously proud to be canadians. Stop trying to shill race and ethnicity subversion. My fellow citizens are not the enemy.
Based Indian
Fuck white "people"
Lol, that is not how it works. look down at the color of of skin - it is a mark of failure.
timestamp you turkroach retard
>quintessentially a leaf
You do know your race dies as well? (((They))) don't want any strong feelings of community or togetherness. They want light brown/dark beige robots. That means White's and blacks being mixed destroying both in the process.
We should meme the migrants/immigrants/refugees into sharing their personal information so they can be recognized as good members of society like this stupid fuck. Canada, what the fuck are you doing?
>northern wall when?
The jews will take care of that problem and turn the earth back to a white only club so.... You lose nigger!
There is nothing special about you...
You are not gods chosen people
No, in 5-9 years canada will become like your homeland
>canadian nigger with freddie mercury teeth
>Now a fucking leaf
Good job retard, you played yourself
Guaranteed replies eh.
Such a shame.
enjoy your chink paradise
You look Aryan to me user, i see no problem here.
I hope you choke on a dick you goofy looking towelhead piece of shit
muh dick paradise
white women love brown men
Only the ones with STDs and GEDs
why do you people think that's how it works? How long do you think """brown""" people have been trying this shit? The left think this whole minority shit just started like 10 years ago. Its been probably hundreds of years that """minorities""" have been trying to take """"white mans"""" land and now you think its going to happen? Just because the (((media))) says so, and you blindly follow wishing and hoping its true because that how much of a sheepol your kind is.
>1/10 b8
>made me construct critical thought on reply
If its a brown country its already a shithole dumbass...
Holly fuck you some ugly ass nigga bro, what sprt of delusion have you acquired to make you think you'll get laid. P.S Can/cucks/ are getting riced not paki'd, you'll just be another slave for the red dragon.
Soldier on brother!
>Brown paradises
Does not compute.
Exactly. Post colonial Africa is a perfect example.
Adam Sandker with a tan?
>i can
Keep that image on Twitter
>your white countries will be brown paradises
Right now white countries are brown paradise. When white countries cease to be white, then the paradise will end too.
Shitskins have shown that they are incapable of building and maintaining functional societies. Shitskins are basically locusts. They destroy everything and then migrate, looking for something new to destroy. When their migration is checked, they fall back into stasis.
True. But once whites are done, all that will be left is a shit hole planet ruled by chaos and violence.
When parasites kill the host, the parasites die, too. Good job, mother fucker.
Real talk dude. Destroying our race only destroys theirs. Classic sand nig logic
Holy shit, I read your post after I posted this: Exactly it.
Western means white.
You're nothing but a street shitter who learned to use paper.
I hope
Why are you so mad? We give you free money and it's illegal to say anything even remotely critical of you and your people. All while you destroy society.
> Brown
> Paradise
Nice oxymoron there.
Who's going to give you welfare when that happens?
>in 20-40 years your white countries will be brown paradises
Why didn't you stay in the brown paradise you were born in? Or was it not a brown paradise?
canada was lost a long time ago nigger
Canada go down the drain faster than jew take away shekels from goy hand. In 20-40 years canada will be poor shithole.
I look at Zimbabwe, Somalia, Sierra Leone and every other piece of shit country on the planet and then I look at Scandinavia, Canada and New Zealand and I feel very, very sad for the future of humanity when I contemplate the extinction of the white race.
The race that has provided the entirety of human achievement for the last 500 years - the race that put man on the moon, created the computers that we're using, invented the medicines that made life in Africa semi-bearable - is being bred out of existence in favour of races that haven't yet discovered that cannibalism is bad and that rape is not an acceptable pastime, races that have discovered and contributed less to humanity in the last 50,000 years than the white race has in the last 5 years.
When the white race goes extinct, a Dark Age will descend on this planet and it will have no end. Forget the dreams of colonising the stars, discovering FTL travel and terraforming alien worlds; when the shitskins rule the planet, we'll live in mud huts and slaughter each other for a handful of stolen food or a pair of Air Jordans.
>Brown leaf
Is this some kind of b8?
I mean your flag does not match your claimed location.
Additionally, how brain-dead would you have to be to post THAT kind of information on 4chin?
>how brain-dead would you have to be to post THAT kind of information on 4chin?
Not brain-dead, just brown-skinned.
Pick one
>1 post by this ID
When that happens what country will you try to escape to?
I know this is bait, so sage, in any case:
>brown paradise
Just like your home country, right?
Feels bad, man.
But the very worst part for me is that not only will our age end, it will be like it never existed.
Many have seen the footage of ISIS fucks destorying historical artworks and other treasures in Syria (and elsewhere?). And that it was fucking Middle Eastern/Muslim. But it didn't jive with their caliphate vision.
Now, imagine what that means for the fucking Louvre one day. Just for one example.
All this to the tune of, "diversity, yay!"
I can hardly imagine a worse fate, and honestly, it's tough for me to cope.
IQ diversity is our strength.
>Subsaharran dindu
> no european genes
No you are not european
>Pick related proves otherwise
>A piece of paper makes you western
>Literally saying you'll destroy the west, not join it (which you can't anyway)
Have fun in Canada
You do realize ISIS has been pretty much wiped the fuck out at this point right? Between the Peshmerga in the north and IDF in the south they're getting dragged through the sand face first and barely straddling the border with Syria. You give these idiots too much credit Sup Forums.
If a rag-tag group with old AKs and IDF can take down ISIS with little to no intervention by the US are you seriously worried about those retards taking over the US or even Germany/EU?
When the dam finally breaks it's likely to just be another purge and they'll be on the receiving end of it as most every country at this point is fed up with their bullshit ideology.
Every goddamn time
Yes, brown countries are "paradise" which explains why you all run away from them in terror like a bunch of pussies into our white countries.
First thing : sage
Second thing : the fact that you posted your identity in Sup Forums define your stupidity. Prepare for being visited by some people not so much tollerant, shitskin
Yes, I know. But the invading muslim hordes haven't, and apparently, will not stop.
Under the ISIS flag, or another, I fear that one day what I described in my post will become reality.
i didnt move yet white retard. in a couple months ill be fucking the leaf women tho in their tight pussies :-)
>Reverse image search
LARP harder, Turk Faggot.
Hahaha your people are not intelligent enough to breed stable families, you only breed shit. Your families cannot thrive in civilized societies, you will end up in jail, brook, and/or homeless. That's why your called shitskins. Time will prove me right. Look at the blacks in America, we have wore them done over the years and will continue to do so. The current black and Latino lifestyles are your future, I look forward to watching your daughter clean my toilets.
>fucking the leaf women tho
Pick one and only one, faggot - you're more likely to be balls deep in more of your troglodyte mud women.