Help the Jews to reach the pile of gold in America

Help the Jews to reach the pile of gold in America

America invades Nazis, clears the way for Jews.



i think the nazis are the solution to this problem.

I realized I didn't leave enough space in America

Use this fixed map

whoever drew that flag like that...


>inmigrant human shields
>overwhelm the nazis
>drown a few
>burgers feel bad so they take some inmigrants
>they'll also take the jews by accident

>Sup Forums tier thread
>Kekistani Flag

This is a perfect example of a thread made by a cancerous, underage, newfag who has just recently started visiting Sup Forums. This thread is shit, and shows you have no actual political thoughts other than "muh Jews", so you make a shitty game thread. Fuck off and enjoy your summer break, you fucking newfag.

You didn't even check my trips you colossal faggot and you call me new?