HIS NAME IS Rinat Akhmetshin



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Sounds super duper exciting, leaf.

It's over for Drumpf Junior

>TFW the Drumpf family will be in prison before the Clinton Family

Second order effects: details about DTJ's tweeted emails indirectly prove the piss tape is real

This is IT! Zlompfald Qumpf WILL be impeached! Say HELLO to Madam President Clinton, the signle most qualified President in American history! #ImWithHer

Any news on Jared Kushner leaving the White House?

STFU Cannuck

Har har. Interesting that Pence isn't even answering questions if he's talked to russians, we're probably going to skip him when shit goes down. Ryan knew a lot too.

I'm ok with future president Hatch.

When does all this hysteria end? Ffs the left didn't even investigate Hillary this hard and she was waving her foundations money under people's noses.

None yet. He needs to face 5 years for lying on his security clearance form.

DJTJ will get nothing though but Drumpf is fucked.

they mean Veselnitskaya brought her translator who also part times translated for Johhn kerry's delegating
OP hasnt kys yet?
So sad..



>52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510

>(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

>(g)Solicitation, acceptance, or receipt of contributions and donations from foreign nationals. No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section.

What qualifies as solicitation under the act?

>A communication that provides instructions on how or where to send contributions or donations

Now lets look at Trump Jr's email chain:

>offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary

>Trump Jr: Great. It will likely be Paul Manafort (campaign boss) my brother in law (Jared Kushner) and me. 725 Fifth Ave 25th floor.

Trump Jr sent an email (a communication) to provide instructions on when and where to meet (a solicitation under the act) for foreign nationals to donate "Political Opposition Research" including "some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary" (a thing of value) to "the Trump campaign"

Trump Jr also forwarded the whole email chain to Kushner and Manafort prior to the meeting, which they MUST have read to discover the time and place of the meeting, and which they attended.

>B-but "muh information" isn't a thing of value!!!!

The Federal Election Committee already ruled (> in an advisory opinion that any "uncompensated volunteer services" from a foreign national to produce any type of work for a campaign constitutes a "thing of value" and therefore violates the act.

The foundation was legal, and no quid pro quo was evident. It was, as some say "a nothingburger".

I like a side of onion rings with my nothingburgers.

I'm no medical doctor but I fear you may he suffering from TDS, there's no cure I'm sorry.

>On April 4, Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, wrote a letter to the Homeland Security department seeking information about Akhmetshin, saying that Akhmetshin admitted to being a Soviet counterintelligence officer. Grassley said Akhmetshin had failed to register as a foreign agent even though he had been lobbying in the U.S. for Russian interests. Grassley also charged that Akhmetshin had been working with Fusion GPS, an opposition-research firm that had compiled a highly disputed dossier on Donald Trump.

Tick tock hillary and DNC. This all leads back to you

Why is it always Canadians. I swear you care more about our politics then we do

The classic tactic of the left is to accuse your opponent of doing exactly what youre doing. So even if you have solid proof, it sounds like youre the weaker one coming back with "no, you were doing it."

Trump needs to stop playing nice. He needs to convince sessions to go full fascist and start dropping the hammer on these corrupt fucks. People need to start being hauled in handcuffs. This tangled conspiracy from democrats trying to set Trump up is no doubt the tip of the iceburg as far as their corruption goes. I am tired of the media colluding with the dems and the republicans letting them get away with this shit.

>What qualifies as solicitation under the act?
Let's put it this way: if all one had to do to not be guilty of soliciting was to let the other person make the first move, no one would ever be convicted for it. As it is, you only have to agree for the deal. And I think "I love it!" qualifies.

looks like little drumpfy is going to prison soon

daddy drumpfy is next up sweetlings

Heh, it's literally nothing, a big nothing burger with extra lettuce, a big Hillary big burger of nothing with Obamasauce. A big noddign bugger from Trump Hillary burger. A nothing bubger made from libtard nothing Russia. Trump. A nothing burger of Ukraine Trump Hillary collusion. Big burger baby eats a shit in my Trump turd mouth. Turd tower. Donal Turd Man Junior burger.

>The classic tactic of the left is to accuse your opponent of doing exactly what youre doing.
This is funny on a level you unironically can't appreciate. Thanks for the giggle.


If you lived in a shit country that nobody cared about where nothing ever happened you'd be interested in your neighbors too

Reminder that this is all a setup
The first question you ask is whether an individual who is a foreign national, according to
the definition in 2 U.S.C. 441e, may volunteer his services to the Committee to the same extent
as would be permitted under the volunteer services exception in 2 U.S.C. 431(8)(B)(i). As you
know, 441e prohibits any person who is a foreign national from making "any contribution of
money or other thing of value" in connection with any election to any political office. It is also
unlawful for any person to solicit, accept, or receive any prohibited contribution from a foreign
national. The current prohibition on contributions by foreign nationals had its origin in the
Foreign Agents Registration Act Amendments of 1966. Pub. L. No. 89-486, 8, 80 Stat. 244
(1966). At that time the prohibition applied to "any contribution of money or other thing of
value" by an agent of a foreign principal in connection with any primary or other election to any
political office. 18 U.S.C. 613 (1970). The scope of the current statute, 2 U.S.C. 441e, clearly
reaches beyond elections for Federal office, and the term contribution as used here expressly
includes "money or other thing of value." Compare 2 U.S.C. 441a. Accordingly, the Commission
concludes that a foreign national artist would be prohibited by 2 U.S.C. 441e from donating his
uncompensated volunteer services to the Committee to create an original work of art for the
Committee's use in fundraising.

yeah, i remember reading in the email that the laywer is bringing a former russian counter-intel person to the meeting. it doesn't sound like he was dragged along unanonunced to entrap the trump campaign at all.


It ends when you give baby his bottle.

Remember this and never vote Republican again, shitlord.

If the Dems were trying this hard to set up Trump, why the fuck didn't they do all this before the election? Ya'know... when it mattered...

Yes those nasty dems made junior go to that meeting illegally and tweet the email describing it.

Giustra pays well

>Obama birth certificate hysteria

The information would only count as volunteer services if it had been gathered under direction of the campaign
Volunteer service is not synonymous with unsolicited service

I was never a birther.