
What do you think? Wet dream of Poland / V4 or promising geopolitical project?

What about you Russian guys? How is it presented and described in russian media? Joke or dangerous idea?

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>Crimea in red

user, I...

For the purpose of this disscusion, fuck Ukraine, Belarus and Crimea. Let's pretend it is Russian land or doesn't exist.


Crimea? I love you Poland but dont fucm with Russia, you will get assfucked quicker than the last several times.

>including bosnian Serbs but not Serbia
Good luck retard

Servshits are russian cock suckers. We don't troyan horse in our Intermarium

Most eastern Europeans are butthurt or Russian cocksuckers so I don't see the problem

Putin has suggested the butthurt-belt forms its own alliance as early as 2000, instead of sucking EU and americuck dicks.
Now you have this "idea" 20 years later and are asking russians on the opinions?
I distinctly remember watching some press conference where putler was in europe and he was telling the V4 retards to blanda up, there's just way too many kiddos on the internet

It would take DECADES for Poland just to reset relations with the Baltic states, let alone Belarus and anything south.

* don't need

>How is it presented and described in russian media? Joke or dangerous idea?
I was watching state tv channel two weeks ago and there was a story about polaks and their butthurt over popularity of Bandera in Ukraine. He is praised as their national hero, but poles say that Ukies can apparently fuck off with heroes like that.
Other than that, there isn't much talk about balts or western slavs at all, at least in the news. Its Syria/USA and Russia most of the time.

poland, much less it's fantasy neverland, doesn't constitute more than humour section in russian media

>anything further south than Croatia
>hohol land

>promising geopolitical project
You really think slavs are capable of getting along? Won't be long before they all begin killing each other and you have yugoslavia 2.0.
Only reason Poland and the other slavshits are not warring with Romania, Baltics etc. is because America rules over them and beings them to heel under the superiority of white men.

feels dirty man

>trusting Romania


Why do I have the urge to call Ivan and partition this?

>crimea and eastern ukraine still belonging to ukraine


V4 + Croatia, Slovenia + Baltics. The rest would screw up things.

>I was watching state tv channel two weeks ago and there was a story about polaks and their butthurt over popularity of Bandera in Ukraine. He is praised as their national hero, but poles say that Ukies can apparently fuck off with heroes like that.
Oh wow Russian state media that is actually correct about something in Poland, now that is unusual.
you actually talk about this shit in your media? It's a fucking Sup Forums meme, the thing closest to the intermarium that can actually happen is three seas initiative but it's shifted to the west and doesn't include hohols or Belarus.

proper map of the three seas initiative

Putin didn't invent the idea of Intermarium you dumb fuck it's been tried by Józef Piłsudski after WW1

Lets face it.
Western europe is falling. No go zones, victimisation of rapists/murderers (immigrants), incoming civil war, incoming sharia etc.

Sooner slavs start to get along and actually build something the better.

And I personally would love to see Intermarrum created in my lifetime.

why is she so fat


I would like to fug Kersti t b h



I think Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and Belorussia would be retarded to partake in this.

I'm afraid that she might have a dick

For Bulgars and Romanians, in case of shit hitting the fan, is: eat kebab or pierogi. I would prefer pierogi.

It's just autistic nonsense, like when turks talk about restoring Ottoman Empire. All these nations have to little in common and too much conflicting interests, a union like this will fall apart immediately.

Sell oil pls

Russia has a GDP equivalent to Spain, and ist military is aging
Either they develope more industry or get divided into independent states

Russian military aging?/, lol

fuck, confirmed not aging, what other arguments do you guys have?

Depends on its format. If Polacks believe they are going to run things same as Commonwealth or Germany in EU, then they can fuck off.

Cucked bottlenecked trade ports.

Pic related
Intermarrium when germanics tell them they'll close gibraltar or baltic sea passage.

I'm not sure if I want to put my dick or my boot in that

>Adding Belarus and Ukraine onto that map when they aren't part of the group.

We don't need the Turk cocksuckers either.

Gibraltar is controled by the Brits and there's 0 chance of it being part of the EU again.

Denmark is preparing to leave the EU as it has seen the German madness.
They have had trouble with German Antifa gangs on the border and Swedish LGBT ''hooligans'' for years now and the media has been openly reporting on it.
Norway also has a say in this.

Face it the EU is done for and we are only milking it for their funds and to steal their industry.

not gonna happen as long as gibs are coming in

the gibs will stop in 2020, no?

> with the Baltic states
Are Latvians and Estonians also so butthurt towards us like you? I don't think so.
Besides, we are making small steps, like via Carpatia/via Baltica, your PM speaks Polish and he wants to improve our relationships (so do we), we stopped financing anti-Łukaszenko media in Belarus (average Belarussian likes Poland, there is 0 negative feelings between us)

> anything south
>what is V4
>what is really good relationship with Croatia
>what is love with Hungary
and further south we do not have any conflicts
only Germans, Russians, Ukrainians and Lithuanians. But it is pretty easy to make it Germans and Russians only, if you know what I mean (aka 1919)

she is THICC

> slavs start to get along
not going to happen

Blanda up like the American Football player who played both QB and Placekicker?

>the gibs will stop in 2020, no?

And with western Europe permanently damaged, you'll have good competitive opportunities.

Trump is trying to help with the Three Seas deal.

v4, croatia and slovenia are getting along just fine, and we don't have to invite anyone else

Estonia should stay away from Slavic untermensch.

Should have included the rest of the balkans too

If us, serbia and montegro enter EU we'll join you

>krim should be red

>wat is suez canal?
>Wat is belt and road initiative?

I hate it when Sup Forumstards and poletards think Intermarium is just großpoloniums where all those smaller countries get dominated by Poland and somehow accept it. That's not how it's supposed to work, retard.

WEW, she better have frozen some eggs or something, that there is some prime baby making genetics.

But I want großcommonwealthus

Esti is balto-slav

why no serbia?

AFAIk it's pro-russia

because Russians are the only European power that came to their aid against the muzzies, where were you guys when your slavic brothers needed help? Helping the croats who were allies with the bosnian muslims???? Jesus wept.

We genocided you all the way across the ocean. But you're forgetting two more aspects as to why Servia isn't a part of the initiative, it has no strategic importance and historically it was a part of Ottoman oriental persuasion.

If that was between 1795-1918, then there simply wasn't any Poland then.

Sorry pal, Austria-chan is ours!!

Viro is Finnic.

I really don't wan't to join some union again after Yugoslavia,since all unions that we entered was really damaging to Serbia.
Don't worry nobody really gives a shit about Polish Commonwealth 2.0 here.

Lithuanians are probably the only ones who butthurt cause of all the history.

That being said what do you guys mean by interrmarum or whatever its called, what is your definition of it, first time i heard this and am confused.

You haven't genocided shit,and Oluja was more of exodus then a genocide.
>it was a part of Ottoman oriental persuasion.
There are also Bulgaria and Romania in that map and they were also part of the Ottoman empire.

But as I said nobody really gives a shit about this union.

Forgot to add, buthurt cause of history and polish bydlo minority crying and being rude sons of bitches in vilnius


Intermarium = Three Seas Initiative
Basically uniting Eastern Europe because ebul Germoney and Russia.
Additionally Ukrainians are also butthurt because of history, but they aren't in TSI.

So its basically slavic EU? Or are the countries more autonomious?

Probably slavic EU (or pre-EU), but with more fairness (hopefully) and no progressive bullshit.

Just don't try to claim Transylvania again and we're good.

Looks like Greater Austria me

Russia has the second most powerful military in the world and has a GDP the size of Italy

So why isn't Italy or Spain feared like Russia?

Maybe because they don't spend their money on worthless refugees and social programs that don't benefit anyone? Maybe efficiency is more important than some random numbers thought up by jews?

i think the centralization of power is inevitable in a long run, it always falls on the people to rise up when its too much

honestly, I would be fine with intermarium if that would mean that they would save us from degeneracy (assuming we cant do it ourselves) and some for of eugenics (encouragment of reproduction of people with high IQ and discouragment of reproduction of stupid adidas gopniks, and their whore blonde wives)




What kind of fantasy bullshit magic is actually gonna hold these nations together?

"Hey lets fill a bag with cats and dogs, then tie it shut and kick it about! That'll work!"

>Intermarrium when germanics tell them they'll close gibraltar or baltic sea passage.

>capable of actually closing sea passages whether they have the right to or not

Lol, are you retarded? I dont think you realize just how neutered Germany is

compatible languages, (most slavs can more or less understand what other slavic countries are saying)
duno about the culture, i assume their similar.
It COULD work
also the pic, are you a fucking commie?

I guess when the somalis start flooding our countries, that alliance wouldn't look so bad. Would never happen though, we're doomed to fall, but yeah.

>he doesn't know about the Battle of Vienna
>he unironically believes serbia fought harder against the Ottomans than the Poles
Serbs delusional as fuck like as always

bad meme, this better

Austria doesn't want you muzzies, austrians are actually normal people unlike you retarded G*rmans

do you think germans want muzzies, if you look at the census, dont have it right now, but 62% say that muzzies dont belong in germany, 21% say they do and the rest I assume are unsure

Bulgaria is kinda pushing it. They're p much macedonians anyway

Sure, and Macron is a right wing nazi. G*rmans deserve rape and murder at this point, same with the A*glos


a fucking leaf criticizing baguettes and marmites

its my wet dream desu.

Wet dream
All the countries in the proposed V4 hate each other

no serbs, but take in belarus? are you fucking retarded or smthn?

>i think the centralization of power is inevitable in a long run,
I hope that we evolve by that time into something efficient or we create tensions to dissolve in a peaceful manner if we create the same shit.
We don't hate Slovaks lol, and Serbians aren't even there. Hopefully all other autism inducers have calmed by now and we'll make it work.
Does it matter? Austria appears only slightly less cucked than Germany.

There is no way a bunch of orthodox and catholics are going to get along so easily.

Orthodox countries have a stronger affinity to Russia and don't view it as a threat. I am not against the idea of Intermarium as long as there is also a Balkan union and Ukraine and Belarus are not contested territory.

you are a fucking retard if you think germans collectively decided to let them in, actually nobody fucking asked them if they wanted muzzies, it was merkel and her coalition in brussels who tyranically made the choice. Germans dont deserve it and no nation deserves it. fucking grow up.

>I hope that we evolve by that time into something efficient or we create tensions to dissolve in a peaceful manner if we create the same shit.

Power tends to attract powerhungry people, some mentally ill person ones in a while always end up on the top. The honest person most of the time isn't interested in politics, only gets involved when the parasites make a mess.

You're such a dumb ass pole, he meant if you're gonna include serb bosnia into commonwealth, you better include serbia too since you're gonna get buttblasted like the cuck you are otherwise. So don't split up the nation.
Your response: we dunttt ned ur country serba sanywaysss.
Neck yourself.


I knew it was gonna happen one way or another desu.

Dude, Belarus is the only neighbour that wouldn't remove us from the map if they had one chance.
Behind the dictature's wall, they look like a fucking cool nation