Hmm...... this changed my perspective....
Hmm...... this changed my perspective
Other urls found in this thread:
>history books are about white males
Well white males are the ones that DID shit to the world
>why dont the police use cats to smell drugs
He's right, you know.
This privileged white male needs to step aside to allow a colored woman to hold the office of prime minister. The fact that he hasn't already resigned shows the depth of his racism and sexism
Does he even know what he's talking aboot? Women make the same here asas men. Can't pay them less because of their gender.
And of course history is about whites, Niggers were too stupid to invent books or a written language.
>women get lesser pay
This argument has been refuted so many times.
>wage gap meme
Really makes you think....
That leafs are cucked beyond repair
>Cats can also sniff out drugs and explosives.
>However unlike dogs they go in the opposite direction.
>Dog gets high/gets blown up.
>Cat escapes safely.
>Humans praise dog's sacrifice.
is this fake news?
>I'm a dumb substitute teacher that wants to advance women's rights.
>how you ask? I'll give millions to fake charities that pay male employees more than women.
Your PM is such a living joke.
If you're right you lose, so he's wrong on purpose, he is a master of the 4D chess. He knows exactly what he is doing. He hasn't lost yet, so that means that the opposite of that statement is correct. Just ultimately brilliant.
Can we get some books about how the inuit genocided the dorset?
>cat sniffs explosives and drugs
>police member sneezes
>cat gets spooked and runs under something
>cat gets eaten by literally anything bigger than it
Dogs do a better job.
>history books are mostly about white males
Dats rite.
Now reflect on it and try to understand why that is.
Sacrificing their lives for our glory is indeed a worthy talent. The chinks also agree.
In ancient times, fags were beheaded.
He was a teacher, I'm sure he knows more than any of you
I guess only British dogs die when they find anything. They should be replaced by Arabic dogs. I hear they are better.
This can't be real
Is this a fake tweet? People say things about Trump tweets, but this is a new level of retarded.
By "teacher" you mean snowboarding instructor.
>Implying Arabic dogs can be trained as sniffers.
There are a few specific breeds that make good sniffers. The rest of the dog species can't even do that much.
He was a substitute drama teacher.
Tell me how drama class made your life better. Tell us all the things it helped you with in the real world.
Escapism? Denial of reality? Helped you LARP on a Taiwanese crab fishing forum?
still more knowledgeable than frog posting basement virgins on pol
This guy is an absolute idiot reading scripted lines from his masters.
The symptom is not the problem. History is about white males because they're the ones who did anything worth shit throughout history. If you want to be in the history books you gotta make history. And not just by being the first woman to do something a man did. But doing something that no ones done before.
>rattles Adderall bottle
How intolerant! You said something bigoted so youre going to speech jail!
My mom went on a big feminist kick for all of a week, basically here was my explanation to her.
Her argument was "women in the middle ages where treated like cattle and sold."
>Oh, so your saying that women where oppressed in the middle ages because they where fucked and had children, meanwhile teenagers where sent to war to die because kings and queens had a tiff?
>Mother gets angry, I dont understand.
>She still dosent get it, and continues to claim being raped is much worse then death.
Ya, because we all know there is no coming back from being raped, like when I got raped by my uncle RIGHT BITCH!
>She tries to use the argument that even queens where slaves to men.
Oh no, the poor queen, well fed and sheltered and clad in gems and all she had to do was open her legs and take a dick and shit a kid, meanwhile entire family lines where snuffed out because that queen winked at a duke.
I was harsh with her, but I have no time for the shit, it took awhile, but she finally began to see how things where when I told her "which would you prefer, to be protected and fed for the exchange of dick, or would you rather me be killed in a war over land?"
TL;DR women have to create stories of how oppressed they are because they are so fucking boring, its similar to soap operas. Its an escape for well to do women to act like victims because they never really where ones to begin with.
>Friend of family "not mine"
>Her son dies in an accident.
>She acts like she is the greatest victim in all of this.
>Ask how the dad is doing.
What about them bitch, you was in the bathroom putting in eyedrops to help you cry!
>history books are mostly about White Males
Macron admits niggers are retarded so Trudeau tries to one up him by admitting White Supremacy.
To be fair, women weren't given much of a chance in history.
>browsing Sup Forums
>Stumble up and OP with "controversial" image and one line of text of no substance
>mouse over OP's id.
>mfw it has ONE post in the thread.
Looks fake, link?
The more people keep shit talking those who keep the system running will be the ones who suffer first when the system collapses.
Do you people have term limits? When is he leaving? Think they'll vote for the polar opposite of him and he'll cry and make his own shadow government.
Identity is a spook, I refuse to accept anyone's identity
>Be American.
>Go outside.
>No pavements or sidewalks as they are known in half-ebonics.
>Don't have a car.
>Walk to shop.
>Police squad surrounds me.
>Get arrested for jaywalking.
>Police pointing guns at me.
>Fumble my mom's spaghetti.
>All over my top.
>Police freak out and shoot me.
>Wake up in hospital.
>Dr Goldstein walks up and hands me a bill.
>$13 million.
>Insurance doesn't cover getting shot by the police.
>Curse the police under my breath.
>Get overheard and shot again.
>In my last fading moments I spot that the receipt has a strange surgery listed under a kidney being removed.
>Second circumcision.
Just another day in the US of A.
>be black in america
Fixed it.
>be british
>walk home from the bazar
>walk past muslim
>dont smile back at him
>police baton you down
>sent to jail for hate speech and for having a spork
>wife leaves you for 34 year old muslim "child" refugee
Neither are males but males overcome that by proving themselves
>He thinks that his 3/5ths country is White.
What the fuck is a bazar?
You seem to be mixing up continental Europe and London with Britain. I know it's difficult for your puny American brain to comprehend but there is more than one country in Europe.
You poor cucked limey fool
>britbong talking about whiteness
Mohammed BTFO
>4/5ths country teaming up with a 3/5ths country to shitpost about London.
I guess you haven't been to your capital cities recently?
>brit thinking his country is more country than others
>Amerinigger can't even write a sentence that makes sense.
>not understanding that basic sentence
I guess stupidity is just PART AND PARCEL of living in Britistan too.
Not really.
>The economy will fix itself
>if you kill your enemies they win
He just gave millions to women's rights, to a charity that pays women less. That's about as smart as rewarding terrorists for acts of violence, that he also did this week.
Even mildly retarded frog posters are smarter than him.
Mate you are 3/5ths White at best and that's including the entire Middle East. The UK on the other hand is less non-White than the population of London alone.
yeah sure, keep dreaming buddy
>be British
>stop at red light on new moped
>thieves who want your moped don't brandish knife or gun because banned
>take acid splash to face and be permanently disfigured
>wishing you had just been stabbed
Keep telling yourself that, it could come true one day. Hell, maybe the EU will easy up on the gun held against your countrys head and let you say it in public without sending thought police to you!
>this changed my perspective
how can you be dumb enough to vote for this cuck in the first place
>Facts are racist.
>Men refuse to respect their identity
Women are the ones treating themselves as sex objects that exist to please men. Men are just going along with it because muh dick
In your 'country', yes. Youre catchin on
good one buddy
Any random UK plot of land is Whiter than every city in the USA. Even including London and using the American definition of White.
feminism has the least respect for female identity. It penis envy hatred against men in the form of jealousy and hatred against women in the form of inferiority.
No,. they refuse to respect them because they want to have their cake and eat it too.