How to spend 50k euros in order to help White race?
How to spend 50k euros in order to help White race?
Give it to me
fuck off greedy kike
Gain up to 500,000 Euros and move to the States. Belgium is dying and the Netherlands will sink into the Ocean anyways.
Buy a house in the countryside with a redpilled wife and have 10 children
If I was a kike I would have money
Invest in posters, stickers and other propaganda pieces. Hand them out to the public. Won't cost much, and you'll be doing your bit.
the only answer, though the house doesn't really matter.
put it in the bank bro
no need to spend it.
>live in countryside
>have a wife and one kid already
anyway, I can't see how living in countryside helps White race
Find a way to make 50k into 5 mil and then support your people through donations, lobbying, and influence
>through donations, lobbying, and influence
can you be more specific
expose the jewry freemasonry police lawyers clergy jwo over goyim
Donate to Red Ice or TRS or Generation Identity
Have some kids.
Give it to TRS or another group. That money goes FAR.
Buy guns.
Assist white Rhodesians to escape the genocidal Zimbabwe regime.
Buy a good hd videocamera, film muslims doing regular subhuman degenerated stuff. Upload to jewtube.
Whatever you're gaining money from, tax evade as much as you can. You shouldn't be funding with your hard work any government hell bent on the eradication of your peoples.
Most here in Sup Forums will scream bloody murder over this because most of them are authoritarian fuckwads that believe in blind obedience to the state, even if it's ZOG Ltd., but it's the truth, the most you can do is not to feed the beast, and if possible delocalize your businesses to low tax jurisdictions. If you are earning millions whatever money you use to lobby or etc the state and the interest groups that control it will have extracted 10x from you to counteract, the harder you try earning money to achieve anything with these methods the more money they have to fight you.
The main reason why Sup Forums is so against this is because these people have been indoctrinated into identifying pursuing your own good as bad and harmful to the collective, which is complete bogus. They believe that you can only help society as a whole through sacrifice, they have a martyr complex going on, as evidenced by all their homoerotic imagedy of greek statues and greek heroes from tragedies. Refer to pic attached.
go out your basement start a family
Give it to me, i white and 50k will help me much.
Learn to trade and you'll be a millionaire in 6 years, then do something actually useful.
Lauren Southern's Patreon
There is no white race
Why don't you try an preserve your actual ethnic group instead of being a whitewashed fag
Invest it in a S&P 500 low cost index fund. Preferably Vanguard, maybe wealthfront if you want to diversify it.
put it on cryptos
then rack up as much debt as you can, hastening the collapse of the financial system.
Havibg lots of kids, buying sone acres of land and develop mini community, dont do anything about ibdividual things.
Not every part of the country has the risk to be flooded, I live a few miles from Germany so it's safe here
u disgust me
Make white babies and use that money to raise them.
doesnt do anything to stop the current problems.
your kikes will just import more third worlders and you will be overrun
Lolz I work for vanguard
The racial collective communities interest, every white man that is with us has to be pro ehite life thus more whites through martiage ogmf man and wonan thus no faggotry.