So this man seriously regrets cutting his penis off
So this man seriously regrets cutting his penis off
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And now you know why they all kill themselves.
You would think they'd at least be certain it wouldn't make their personal problems even worse.
Guess I've underestimated human stupidity.
maybe it should transition back.
is that even possible?
It's a 1 way trip.
I mean it's really a 0 way trip since they just slice up your penis and reshape it into something that superficially resembles a vagina (if you squint) which is somehow supposed to cure "dysphoria" so you never actually get female genitals, but you get what I'm saying.
Man when the dick is off, it's off
And this is why you shouldn't just dish out those surgeriea to every faggot who wants them but try telling that to libtards.
Who'd have guessed fucking up your hormones and lopping of you dick would fuck you up mentally?
Wouldn't it be asexual now because it doesn't actually have real sex organs? Not educated on this stupid shit because I am not mentally ill
With all the hormones that trannies take even if the dick was still attached its probably too late
>My vagina
Umm sorry mate, its a open wound where your dick used to be, not a vagina
did his mutilated cock get necrosis?
About half of those who undergo transition regret it.
It's a fucking eunuch, it's the current year.
>you will never rub your dick against the inverted hole formed by inverting the hairy ball sack
I honestly feel sad for these people reading all these stories on Sup Forums these last few days.
These people need help not surgery.
>inb4 gas
It's a 100% proof irreversible population control method you retards. Anyone stupid and weakminded enough to fall for this tranny trap shouldn't replicate.
Yeah against white people, schlomo
Good god, the way this thing is written, only -literal autists- would believe it was written by a trans girl, and not some edgy T_D faggot.
Probably written by OP and posted on reddit for some fag lulz
Dickgirls are the best girls
Never go full tranny
natural selection never fails
It's does also seem a trend that has increased along side the porn. So consumption is fueling this madness.
We know it is irreversible.
I am just stating the fucking obvious.
He will never accept that,maybe when he actually tries to suicide but i have my doubts.
Yeah, I never understood why anyone would take their perfectly functional genitals and turn them inside out. If it works, leave it alone. You are a dick girl. That is who you are. Accept that you have an odd fetish and move on... but do not fuck with your plumbing, for God sake.
What happens to trannies when they die and go to hell?
I can't help but feel sorry for these people. They've ruined their lives because people around them and online communities encourage this instead of treating it like an illness. Imagine if other mental illnesses were treated the same way? It's absolutely mind boggling.
If it's not a real vagina how do you explain my periods?
earth is tranny hell they just send you back help
I wonder why I see so many MTFs who regret it but never once seen a FTM who regretted it.
Don't they shape penises for FtM-trannies with body skin?
I mean it'll never be a functional penis again but why shouldn't it be possible to transition back if their mutilated junk can handle another op?
>you can still have kids, adopt sone african babies
Great idea
Probably because FTM's don't get their genitals skinned and inverted. But hey, you know, those FTM's regret it and break down when they have to act like me and be held to men's standards.
Suicide incoming.
It's not like 80% of post op trans commit suicide in the first 10 years.
>Imagine if other mental illnesses were treated the same way?
I have no idea why the surgery is encouraged when it's widespreadely acknowledged that this is a mental self-identity issue. You would think that the #1 treatment for this would be therapy and drugs but instead surgery is the number one option. 200 shot proof retardism,
You just got the penis, balls and ballsack cut up, sliced up and diced worse than a piece of dog meat in a Chinese restaraunt.
Problem in head. One of my theories is that these "i believe im a girl people" never got enough testosterone surge during puberty or any point at their life. Prescribe them some fucking TRT so they can feel like a real man for once in their life.
What's funny is how trannies getting operations is starting to make regular homosexuals or even cross-dressers look relatively normal by comparison.
Just being gay and engaging in sexual activity with the opposite sex is starting to seem kind of old and stuffy, you start getting black and white pictures of suspiciously sensitive single men with no interest in women who live in discreet apartments in leafy parts of London spending a lot of time with their male best friend.
"I dare say old chap, have you ever seen Winston in the company of a lady? I must say, I never have - I wonder, could he possibly be one of those homophiles, have you heard of them? You know, fellows who prefer the affections of other men to those of the fair sex?"
"Why I had never thought of it that way! What a thought! The modern world is certainly a marvel of discomforting novelties, indeed."
If >her problem with having a neovagina is that it's a fake piece of shit that requires constant maintenance, doesn't function as a proper sex organ and doesn't feel good during sex a second SRS isn't going to change that. The damage is done.
>I don't know what to do with my life. There's so much of it left and i feel like I ruined it by Trans. Or I ruined it by getting FFS or BA or SRS or whatever other stupid initialism I thought would make me happy.
TFW you fell for the sales pitch, paid for it with a lot more than just an x amount of money and end up with a permanently mutilated body instead of some shitty product.
Maybe the enforced positivism surrounding transgenderism/sexual reassignment treatments isn't such a good thing after all eh? Who'd have guessed.
I bet these surgeries will be viewed in the future the same way electroshock and lobotomy are today.
Slippery slopes are actually slippery despite what some people say.
>tranny writes a post about how getting mutilated failed to cure his depression and ruined his sexuality
Because mtf are still men and ftm are still women and women are incapable of accepting their mistakes. So they just end up going through a bunch of mental gymnastics until they arrive at the conclusion that their decision was just.
Whereas men always question their decisions and constantly weigh the outcome against what might have been had they made their decision differently. A product of the strive for self improvement.
>Will I have another chance?
>How can I do it better next time?
>Oh hey maybe I should have thought a little harder before CUTTING MY DICK OFF
I wonder how long this people will live before offing themselves. I mean when was the last time you saw a 50 year old with his dick cut off?
>people like this are allowed to actually exist
>when are the bombs going to drop
>tee hee
>don't my flaps look suckable?
Include the pictures, faggot
Can they surgically implant a g-spot or is it like being fucked in a thigh wound?
>I bet these surgeries will be viewed in the future the same way electroshock and lobotomy are today.
Wrong, those treatments were usually administered against the patients wishes where as transitioning tends to be presented as a deepfelt desire by the prospective patient.
Transgenderism and more so the madness surrounding it is a societal ailment, not a systemic excess.
God this shit makes me hate the Jews more than I thought possible.
the fuck...
Serious question, Sup Forums.
Which would you rather see between the legs of a tranny if they tricked you into the bedroom?
>a normal looking penis
>a malformed faux vagina
They can move the nerve endings around a bit and call your penile remains a clit, for what that's worth.
Pls no
I was feeling depressed for the last month and I suddenly feel so fucking happy reading about the misfortune of transfreaks. It really puts lifr into perspective.
There's nothing "faux" about this, baby.
I'm all woman.
It's a medical scam is what it is.
It doesn't have to be a world controlling conspiracy to be a conspiracy.
Look at the heroin epidemic. Doctors are making billions pushing opioids, and they'll make even more pushing these "transitioning" treatments.
Who profits? That's always the culprit.
>be mentally ill and depressed
>liberals and leftists goad you into thinking that "changing" your sex will make you feel better
>offer your body and mind for extreme surgery, hormonal treatments, and experimental medicine
>you're now a freak, neither male or female, and you will never experience orgasm again
>mental illness still there, doesn't get better, just gets worse
Thanks liberals.
>I was feeling depressed for the last month and I suddenly feel so fucking happy reading about the misfortune of transfreaks. It really puts lifr into perspective.
You sound pretty fucking pathetic burgerbro. Have some empathy.
Anyone feel unusually secure and happy about their own lives every time they pass one of these in the streets?
No way. Penis is essentially destroyed in the surgery. Testicles are gone. Best they could do is something like the female to male skin graft dick that looks like bologna roll and can't even get erect.
the penis because when I immediately turn to leave I won't throw up
be happy with who you are, because you arent' going to get any happier trying to be someone your not.
>Still thinks they're a girl
>Doesn't realize they're just a mutilated man with fake tits
Thank god for dr goldberg or else these freaks would escape darwinism.
>mwf no clit
Also true. Men who go on hormones for any length of time are sterilized by it, i think?
The wonders of modern science. Can they install a clit in other places, maybe the inside of my elbow, so I have something to rub during boring meetings.
Honestly, they are the victims here. It is the enablers who are to blame. If someone thought they could fly and jumped out a window, would you blame them or the person who opened the window and told them to follow their dreams?
Asexuality doesn't exist in humanity, being asexual means you can reproduce without a partner. This person just no longer finds joy in sex because they lost most of the sensation in their genitals due to the surgeries they had.
It's mostly Jews doing this.
Caring about dead trannies is a spook
Somehow packs of cigarettes need to have pictures of black lungs on them but all that mentally troubled 'genderdisphorics' will see and hear is how great life will be post-transition when they "can finally be themselves".
So progressive.
You would think mental health professionals would adhere to the Hippocratic oath and try to convince them not to mutilate themselves instead of encouraging it. Trannyism, like homosexuality, is a mental disorder often stemming from bad parenting and childhood trauma, exacerbated by birth control pills in the water supply and estrogen leeching out of plastic containers
>don't learn to cope with your wishy-washy """dysphoria""" after getting your fake tits in
>doom your dick to be an infertile, necrotic, puss-shooting roastie that you'll have to maintain forever instead
>angst about losing your niche fetish appeal as a shemale and your total loss of prostate stimulation on plebbit
Imagine being 32 with a mutilated dick which you once felt, but now never will again.
He'll off himself before 2018
>castrate yourself due to delusion
>"i don't feel a need for sex now, i think i'm asexual"
>He fell for the body dysmorphia meme
y-you too, "european". Doesn't that just mean "homosexual"?
>He'll off himself before 2018
>and can't even get erect.
Actually now they put an air pump in the fake balls so you can inflate your skin dick. Not sure how they let the air out
It's in there, just use your tongue to find it.
i guess this is the kind of thing that happens when you let sex make every decision for you
This. You degenerate westerners are making us rich
>that dick cheese
God damn that's depressing. I'm a licensed psychologist but fuck what the APA and the DSMV have to say about gender dysphoria, mutilating your genitals and shaming the world into playing pretend with you is a fucking barbaric way of 'treating' a mental illness.
It's like when you're jerking off and you're thinking about how hot it would be to lick the cum off your hand afterwards, but then once you actually cum the thought disgusts you and now you have to wash cum off your hands. Except in the case of trannies they've already lapped it up and now have to hold it in their mouths forever.
FtM generally transition better since testosterone is one hell of a hormone and many were dykish looking beforehand. Worst case they look like doughy men with a baby face, where MtF worst case is an ugly man with long, dyed hair and lipstick.
Thats such a real thing too
Once they finish FTM they realize "oh fuck, nobody gives me ANY attention anymore, its like I dont exist" and for former women that is MINDBLOWING