Why aren't you learning a language, pol?

It's free in this day and age, you know. Go sign up on Duolingo, Lingvist, or Memrise and get started. Every larping stormfag can dramatically increase his power level by actually speaking Deutsch.

Other urls found in this thread:


"Free" at the cost of your data.
Once the true free and open source app is there I'll learn German.

Ou sont les francophones de ce forum en ligne ?

English is the lingua franca of the world, why would I?

lel just make a duolingo account on your loonix computer
nice excuse faggot
you can literally make an account just for duolingo, not even use an email

>Why aren't you learning a language, pol?

Because English is the only language in the world today that has any practical value and you know it.

There's not much reason or incentive to learn anything other than English desu, more people are learning it now than ever, it's already established as the primary language of international business, finance, etc., and the only country which will really rival America economically in the future, China, is already undertaking large-scale programs to teach its younger citizens English.
Puedo hablar español pero no es importante ser honesto.

Literally am almost conversational in German from Duolingo and now Rosetta Stone. would recommend learning better language as Switzerland is the only German speaking country that will survive.

German and English is all i need.

>Go sign up on Duolingo, Lingvist, or Memrise and get started
As a start maybe but you won't ever learn how to speak a language unless you practice talking with real people I suggest getting a language exchange partner
>speaking Deutsch
why learn German when you could learn Spanish

English is obviously the best language. English is the first global lingua franca. English is the language of the future. English is the only language in the world that is an official language in countries on all six permanently inhabited continents. The English language has the most books, the most films, the most songs, the most science publications, the most web-sites, arguably the most speakers (ahead of even Mandarin if people who know only a few words of English are counted), it is the official language of both the sea (i.e. Seaspeak) and the sky (i.e. Airspeak) and it will someday become humanity's universal language of space (de jure or otherwise). English was also the first language spoken by humans on another world besides Earth (i.e. the Moon). Arabic, French, Russian, Spanish and Mandarin cannot compete with the linguistic leadership of English.

>Puedo hablar español pero no es importante ser honesto

>It's not important being honest

Damn you also learned the culture. Muy bien.

I learnt a language and that is English. What more do you want?

what's the point of learning german when you can learn turkish?

Halt die klappe bitte, duolingo ist scheisse

>check id
I wonder who could be behind this post

I've just been linguistically lazy lately.

I need to get off my ass and start learning cyrillic & mandarin


Not so fast.

> learning cyrillic
kek, you can learn an alphabet in a couple of minutes

That still doesn't preclude you from learning other languages.

Learning another language allows you to think from a different perspective (being that they all have different rules and mechanisms), it also helps your processing.

I'm one of those people that can learn any language, I just have to not be lazy about it.

Mandarin is spoken mostly in China and, outside of China, almost only by the Chinese diaspora.

China's a paper dragon, they'll die very soon.

I can think in other perspectives and it is from that perspective that I know learning their language isn't worth the time or resources.

Spanish is taking over. Tough
Anyway I speak Italian Spanish and English and learning Portuguese what's stopping all of you fags?

>I know learning their language isn't worth the time or resources.


I think gaining a more full perspective is always worth it.

Everyone who doesn't speak dutch is a nigger

Time constraints and different subjective preferences. Also learning Italian and Portuguese (especially that) would probably be extremely easy for a native Spanish speaker, it's completely different from a native English speaker trying to learn Chinese or something.

Я paбoтaю нaд этим, cyкa.

> Muh Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Thinking generally occurs at cognitive levels below conscious langauge formation.


you need to learn other languages so that when you interact with a group of foreigners you know what they are saying about you when they talk in that language in front of you.

I delt with this in front of Arabs. Didn't know what they were saying, were talking politics. I think they were discussing whether it was worth trying to convert me or if it was worth talking to me about palestinians or some shit.

It is good to learn certain languages for safety reasons.

I took German in college. My professor was a camp survivor. He had the worn number tattoo. He never spoke of it just happen to see it. Anyway, I have forgotten most of that language because there was never a need for me use it.

BS. Language creates the ability for processing of complex thoughts in an efficient way. Each word is like a programming module full of meaning, that without language you would have to qrite in your head all at once in order to create meaning.

Language inccreases the processing efficiency of out brains in creating ideas.

Nah, I'm good. Languages are for cumdumpsters and poofters.

If we didn't have any Jews on here, there would be no one to post Nazi crap on here.

I speak English and can understand basic Spanish/Italian. Currently learning German so I can return do Das Faterland


Baise les français et toi, faggot

Pity the Muslims are out breeding the native fatherland population into oblivion. There will be nothing left for you. All you're doing is learning a dead language like Latin.