Why don't more politicians have beards?
Why don't more politicians have beards?
Beards are too manly and virile for subservient sycophants.
This is our district attorney
Because despite their failings, generally politicians at least make an attempt at professional appearance. Beards are for old men and the untermensch.
t. beardlet
Just the modern trend. Back in ye old days some politicians had epic beards and mustaches.
Because the majority of the electorate is over 50 and peole over 50 don't like beards
Assuming beards popularity maintains for a few more decades you'll see politicians with beards in the future
Beards are culturally not considered to be of the utmost appearance, which politicians try to keep.
Also a lot of them probably can't grow nice-looking, thick, full ones.
because they don't want to
Usually peoples beards are hiding their tiny weak jaws
Knew a guy from uni who had the biggest beard there, and got quite the attention for it...
Then he shaved it all of cause he needed a professional job, and he had t he smallest fucking jaw you'd ever seen. Looked like a damn baby.
Then this other guy, marine, strong, tall, massive beard down to his nipples (shed everywhere, looked like massively long pubes, just gross)
Finally he shaved and it was legit shocking to see he had female level facial asthetics
Trump had his beard removed with electrolysis.
Merkel uses Immac
Beards are for faggots now.
They are a pain to keep and they smell like shit if you neglect them.
Because they're straight
we have many politicians with beards here but unfortunately most if not all of them is sandnigger wannabes
Beards have always been seen as hiding the face.
Look at nearly all politicians from Europe, the most they'll have is a moustache.
some do.
>Beards have always been seen as hiding the face.
That is exactly what it is.
Commies ruined the whole beard thing.
There's an old saying in Finnish that goes something like "a beard doesn't grow on an evil head", or "ei pahalle parta kasva". Maybe modern politicians are evil.
Maybe in todays world. I've always looked at beards the way you would look at a lions mane. It's protection of the neck.
God gave man the ability to grow facial hair. Take advantage of it. It can help your face aesthetics, makes you look much more masculine. Unfortunately, the beta hipsters and fags have tried to claim it
>Beard down to nipples
here's a (you), (you) one post faggot
Could Trump, Putin or Macron even be able to grow a beard?, they are full of estrogen.
This is why nobody takes you seriously.
Guerra de la Triple Alianza was justified, but they shouldve finished you off.
Also why did you fuck up our flag? Cunts
He got that beard because of an accident that left a scar. Maybe we need to organize a knife fight tournament between our politicians
>Guerra de la Triple Alianza was justified
falling for the anglo jew meme
paul kruger had a beard and was fucking based. guy practically invented the conservation area.
>confusing long scraggly beards with thick ones
common beardlet mistake these are shit beards
Westerners, like Japanese, have shit tier beard genetics.
What the fuck this beard looks like a fake beard
Beards hide your face. A crafty politician has nothing to hide.
Also, there are rules. You must wear a suit and act like the rest or you won't be taken seriously.
Do you take an bearded hipsters seriously?
Who have good beard genetics then? Inb4 muh arabz
Fuck off I don't have a weak jaw. My beard hides my double chin.
he's a gommie too
Semites really do have good beard genetics.
low testosterone people tend to be smarter. and you see, perfect people (tall, handsome, high test, big dick) tend to not achieve a lot. why ? they think their life is good already. see, we, imperfect people, never see our life as good enough, that's why we work more and aspire to achieve more
I too suffer from brown hair red beard.
When I grow it out it tends to surprise people and gets me unwanted attention so I stick with clean shaven.
I can grow a full and thick beard but I shave it off as soon as it becomes more than stubble. Real men only need subtle displays of masculinity. Hipsters are fucking pussies. They lack masculinity so they try to make up for it by doing things they think are manly, but only the superficial traits of masculinity. For example growing a long beard, drinking whiskey and getting haircuts at old timey barber shops that are actually more expensive. Hipsters are faggots trying to overcompensate for the lack of masculinity in their personality.
Trudeau has a beard, she's called Sophie
>Having anything more than short stubble
Me too brother.
My hair's not even brown but I too have the ginger beard.
Why? It looks distinguished
Not even a ginger, I'm pretty swarthy
the good ones do
I've seen that show. He is a manly dude but he emphasizes it too much which makes him look mentally weak and inconfident.
Beards are for disgusting ape-men
Only fake nationalists have beards. Pic extremely related, especially for OP.
>He is a manly dude but he emphasizes it too much which makes him look mentally weak and inconfident.
You mean:
>He is a manlet, dude, which makes him look mentally weak and inconfident.
topkek m8
>People hating on beards
but why
Only subhumans have beards.
t. someone who can't grow a proper beard
>*eats maggot-infested burger*
oh yeah
>takes another bite
that's great
>dislocates jaw to fit entire meal into gullet
I don't give a fuck about his size. The way he talks to his wife and their task division was mostly what I was talking about. You can tell from watching the show he's not a cuck. But the big swords and Scottish steampunk style make him look like he's trying too hard to be manly.
Divide and conquer as always.
>I don't give a fuck about his size. The way he talks to his wife and their task division was mostly what I was talking about. You can tell from watching the show he's not a cuck. But the big swords and Scottish steampunk style make him look like he's trying too hard to be manly.
t. manlet
>Why don't more politicians have beards?
Because only MEN have beards not power-tripping lib/cuck cunts or "males" with no balls.
Is this an 1860 austro-hungarian reference ?
I'm not a manlet, I have Dutch genes you dumb fuck. But I'm not gonna say that people who are smaller than me cannot be real men or that people who are taller than me cannot be complete faggots.
beards are a symbol of weak men in this day and age.
you do know you can dye beards
t. sub 2 meter tall manlet
Lol gay
lol no, we have the best beards, it's just the low T cucks that can't grow it properly.
You? Wanna fight?
Beards make you look untrustworthy.
semites have pubebeards
Because turns out, there's a phobia of facial hair.
And the politicians don't want ti risk votes.
>Like I thought, a manlet. Sad!
Because beards are now for degenerates in genera - fags, kikes, sand niggers, SF Giants, etc. I've never seen so many pruned looking faggots in all my life. Portland could braid all of its faggot hair to the moon. Insecure faggots.
Because of birth control estrogen in the water supply. It makes women want effeminate partners.
but I believe Macron is the real closet homo
Faggot leaf has beard.
People who are against beards can't grow beards themselves.
Beard growth is directly a result of testosterone. If you can't grow a beard you are not a man.
t. paramedic
Yeah, all ''politicians'' are sissies.
poor little boy can't grow a full beard
It must be sad never knowing what you are supposed to look like.
it's so they can look professional, anyone nowdays could grow bears including trannies
>Everyone who, by doing what makes them happy, makes me feel insecure, must be a hipster.
Enjoy paying tithing to the razor blade jew for the rest of your life
Most people if given a year without shaving can grow a beard but it doesn't always look nice I would say around 55% of men only look slightly better with a beard it definitely helps if you have a weak chin or bad lips, that and Problem with growing a beard is the early stages of neckbeard + moustache combo, where you just look like an unwashed loser especially if you have blonde hair.
This is why I always shave it into a goatee or shave it all off.
Tell me about it, some kid in Sixth grade has a beard thicker than most European adults.
Beards are unpopular amoung the women electorate
Looks like odenkirk
Every man should grow a beard.
If you cant grow one, youre a faggot.