Can anyone redpill me on the hunger plan?

Can anyone redpill me on the hunger plan?

Did it really happen? Was Hitler planning to kill all slavs?

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bumping again


last one before i give up

unironically, you should go to r/askhistorians and ask this there. you'll get way better quality answers than the people here and from people who are on average a lot more knowledgable

((Wikipedia)) this is another Jewish post war plan to make sure no one can support them filthy nazis looking to starve innocent people

>The premise behind the Hunger Plan was that Germany was not self-sufficient in food supplies, and to sustain the war and keep up the domestic morale it needed to obtain the food from conquered lands at any cost

Goddamn. How is it possible to shill these useless nazi's when they needed jews to make their shit and Russians to farm their food?.

What were these people capable?. Did they even breathe on their own? or did they have like those gas mask looking life support things breathe for them?.

Everything I read from ask historians seems to be just
In this format
>take real history
>Leave out key moments
>Plant in Jewish/Leftist cuck propaganda

>Push it as 100% facts

reddit is full of lies, i would read wikipedia and save me the trouble if thats what i wanted i guess
but what about the Lebensbaum? were they planning to genocide all people of slavic descent? stormfront seems quite fixated on the idea that he wanted to for some reason

Russia would go on to foil the German plot but then starve themselves anyway because not real communism

Listen to his speech after operation Barbarossa

He mentions that he could not stand and do nothing as Eastern European countries were invaded by communists , doesn't sound like someone who wants them to die anyway ?

Why not let the communists continue killing them by hundreds of thousands like they were doing

this is the one right?

Yes. Despite what people tell you Hitler did not want to take over the world. He wanted to take over Europe, kill anybody who lived there he didn't deem German enough, and replace them with real Germans. The war was supposed to provide "living space" for the German people

but why did he fight alongside italians croats spanish hungarians then? he also had slavic ss divisions like the galicia division in ukraine, doesnt make sense if he'd just genocide them afterwards

It's not as hardcore as says.

Rural Russians wouldn't be starved but they would be essentially lower caste, something which a regular German would not come into contact a lot with. They would be (paraphrasing) "just educated enough not to get hit by car on autobahn". Also, Russia would've been taken over up to Urals, east of which would remain this Jewish-Mongol Soviet empire. Cities would be sieged, and starved if migration was not initiated (as was the attempt with St. Petersburg). That was basically the plan for Russia.

The only "evil" Hitler commited in the European context was in my opinion treatment of Ukrainian and Poles, which was simply undeserved. If I would go into metaphysics of it, I would say that it was no coincidence that "Providence" which as he said often ensured his victory abandoned him around that time.

>but why did he fight alongside italians croats spanish hungarians then? he also had slavic ss divisions like the galicia division in ukraine, doesnt make sense if he'd just genocide them afterwards

He needed the manpower and was more than happy to exploit local grievances between populations to get one lot to murder and control the other.

Also the living space was for those Germanic enough not just ethnic Germans or German speakers, if you seemed Aryan enough he might Germanize you, usually by abducting ideal children and giving them to German families or abducting qt Aryan looking Slavic wives for German soldiers to breed.

The living space was not going to be all of Europe, mostly eastward claiming the Black Sea area and the Volga River Basin to create a breadbasket for the burgeoning Germanic population of his Reich.

So he would have left most friendly Mediterranean Regimes to their devices at least in the medium term.

Let Mussolini larp as a Roman Emperor.

>treatment of Ukrainian and Poles

were those crimes not commited by the soviets though? like the katyn massacre

where did you get the plan for russia? I thought he made clear he wanted to end the soviet empire once and for all.

> starved if migration was not initiated (as was the attempt with St. Petersburg)
you mean emigration of russians to make room for germans?

>Also the living space was for those Germanic enough not just ethnic Germans or German speakers, if you seemed Aryan enough he might Germanize you, usually by abducting ideal children and giving them to German families or abducting qt Aryan looking Slavic wives for German soldiers to breed.

was the kidnapping of children real as well? doesnt make sense that a man who cares about family traditions so much would take children away from their homes, were these children not in broken homes or anything by chance?

Regardless of how real that plan may have been, it sure seems much more rational than the claims of mass gassings during hololcaust. So I would rather believe that than muh 6 billion.

but this is actually bad unlike the holocaust, and it actually seemingly happened! he massacred fellow slavs

>were those crimes not commited by the soviets though? like the katyn massacre
Yes, but also by Germans. Generalgovernment was pretty tough on Polish inteligentsia. Erich Koch's treatment of Ukrainians as basically slave labor for resources during war was also a big mistake for Hitler (this sentiment was also expressed by Alfred Rosenberg).

>where did you get the plan for russia? I thought he made clear he wanted to end the soviet empire once and for all.
His stance shifted during the war. Hitler had no love for the Soviets, but I have no recollection of anyone mentioning taking all the Russia. "Up to Urals" was mentioned in his talks few times. He would grace Stalin (which he respected as a leader to extend) with eastward teritory. Source: Hitler's War by David Irving.

>you mean emigration of russians to make room for germans?
No, that was more of the case with Poles. Starving and carpet bombing (forcing emigration) in Russian cities served more purpose in basically breaking the resistence, and probably flooding the enemy with their own people. Whether he would attempt to rebuild and repopulate I don't know.

I see, well thank you for your informative posts. I am kinda dissappointed after having watched The greatest story never told, I wish they had at least mentioned these things. Hitler was my role model up until now, I feel sad he had no love for slavs.

I do remember reading about him saying the bolsheviks were not ethnic russians so I thought he'd spare the slavs, and also the wermacht officer saying they were not fighting against russians but rather bolshevism. ah well

Hitler had issues with slavs only insofar as they were displacing his people. That is why you see hostiltiy towards Poles, but not for example towards Serbs, Croats etc.

Russians he despised in a sense because they allowed themselves to be taken over by Bolshevik Jews (such sentiment is generally expressed).

Do not think however that he was conquering Russia because it was lowly slav clay that was to be taken merely because his people are superior. Attacking Russia was more of a tactical necessity. He attacks them, or they attack him.
But one might say "why keep the land at all". His philosophy at that point was "to victor belong the spoils". He wouldn't return Belgium and parts of France either.

There is another dimension though contained in phrase "walking the Teutonic path", but if he was not threatened by Soviets I doubt he would lay claims on their teritory.

In Hitler's book, war was basically ensured ever since he took control over Czech teritories, and virtually everything afterward was more reactive rather than expression of supremacy, if you see what I'm going for. It didn't really matter how much of Polish land he took, he'd get war either way, so tactically it's the best to take as much as you can.

Strange how 6 million dead jews is a big deal, but the nazis killing 27 million+ slavs isn't really mentioned.

very informative!
>He wouldn't return Belgium and parts of France either.

do you not think that if he had won the war he wouldnt have laid off a bit? give them autonomy once all threat had been neutralised?

>do you not think that if he had won the war he wouldnt have laid off a bit? give them autonomy once all threat had been neutralised?

Probably, yes. As much as he would towards Russians and Ukrainians. Somehow I'm not so sure about the Poles. I sort of think it went too far and unlike in other cases the context was more of a direct action rather than the take-over being a peripheral thing. What I mean by that is that he did not take over Belgium or Ukraine for the sake of Belgium and Ukraine, but rather for the sake of fighting a bigger power where the teritory in question was just part of the offensive and thus peripheral. That was not the case in Poland, he went there consciously and for it alone.

That being said, Europe would exist in context similar to EU. Germany on top, being the master of the continent. I think in a way that it's almost impossible to avoid. Context is a bit different than today though. Himmler wrote somewhere that in following decades Europe should prepare for the final clash with the Asians. I think the underlying vision was basically European empire with Germans at the top.

. Himmler wrote somewhere that in following decades Europe should prepare for the final clash with the Asians. I think the underlying vision was basically European empire with Germans at the top.

wow, so did he plan to eliminate the asians? i thought they were considered honorary aryans