Brit/pol/ - A Cheeky Brexit Edition

>'Ladies and gentlemen' banned in Tube tannoy announcements

>Theresa May 'shed a tear' at election exit poll

>British MEP sparks furious Brussels row as he accuses Spanish of empire hypocrisy

>Visa declares war on cash with plan to pay British businesses to ban coins and notes

>Brexit BOOM! British exports in RECORD SURGE after vote to ditch the EU, new figures show

>Charlie Gard has 10% improvement chance, says US doctor

>The anti-immigration party trying to recruit immigrants

>Illegal immigrants able to enter Britain unchallenged because there are no checks at half of small ports

Cleaned up the links a bit.

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Big Soup.

Fat Controller.

Sut mae, Saes?

First for banning acid lads


Spectator today about Moggy.

He's "based" apparently


any of you lads used to be emos?

>no falklands


Is there any way to solve the random sideways upload thing?

>The original Le Happy Merchant

>volunteer at youth scheme called NCS
>basically a summer camp for young people
>advertised as "chance for 15 to 17 to embark on exhilarating challenges, and build skills for life and work"
>its a fucking leftist indoctrination camp

>one day participants go to a public speaking workshop
>teenagers made to speak in front of the group about why they love diversity and why multiculturalism is a good thing

>as part of evening session, "mentors" give kids a character profile, then ask them to take steps forward and backward depending on their character's answers to questions
>"mentors" then berate the kids furthest forward, the kids with the straight white male characters
>the kids with the "fatima the transgender paraplegic muslim" character get pats on the back

>leadership team constantly make non subtle digs at brexit, trump, and tories
>openly bitch about why brexit is somehow illegal and invalid

>as part of the kids final community action project, two of the teams are sent to a refugee charity and effectively make and distribute pro refugee propaganda around town as part of their "project"

why the fuck is this allowed?

please just fucking nuke us

>Germany still there
>Will somehow train and encourage rape dolphins to colonize Europe if it can't bring in Arabs.
>bow to your Rapephin masters, peasants

I'd let him control my fat anytime

Can you Britbongs make this more interesting or will I have to create Sweden Yes memes again?
Because honestly I expected more for the famous ''British humor'' and i am not really geting it

r Rapephin

Did you just invented a word? Has anyone ever used it before you?

Get out our thread slavshit

Fuck off. We're full.

Or drop your larp flag and you might get better bants, leaf.

We're not too concerned with entertaining eastern subhumans. If you have nothing better to do than spam British threads, I can tell what type of "man" you are.

Oi m8 da Rich need 2 pay the fare share yea coz da ENN HAITCH ESS is underfunded yea i dun pay taxes yea cos I dont work I need me benefits

T. Working class person

Daily reminder that the working class are subhumans

Lads, should I knuckle down and get a degree?

Age 22, went into work after A-levels.


Depends, what degree do you want to do?

What do you work as and how much do you earn?

Those fucking tories cutting our enn eh chess. The nhs is failing, everyone has a better health system than we do. Oh wait....


Either business or economics.

Cinema manager and not enough.

Reminder for ongoing demotivation and lack of clarity campaign.

Shills pitting Anglo against Anglo and just generally trying to muddy things up since the brexit campaign.

That's hateful and unasked for.Why so butthurt?

HAHAHAHhahhaha. Just educate yourself and build your own life instead of doing pointless busywork for 3-4+ years. Unless you're content to be a jobber your whole life for mediocre wages.

Here user


Do you like your job? I haven't been to a cinema in about 5 years man. Gangs of feral yoof and ridiculous prices are off putting.

It's utterly undemocratic to push for a hard Brexit on the basis of the referendum.

Almost half the country wanted to remain. As such, if we assume (and that's not entirely safe to assume) that everyone who voted Remain would - if we don't get the option of remaining - prefer the softest possible Brexit, a deal only need to satisfy 2 percentage points worth of Leave voters to have the support of a majority.

It's what the far-right neoliberal loons want in the Conservative Party. Permanent austerity, US style health care, zero welfare, minimum working rights, minimum human rights (coz we're plebs and only the fabulously wealthy deserve them). David 'death penalty' Davis is one of them, and he's the Secretary of State for Exiting the EU. So is that antiquated twerp Jacob Rees-Mogg.

People like Rees-Mogg believe they have a right-to-rule, they don't really give much of shit about democracy. It's no coincidence they are trying to use the Henry VIII clause during the Repeal Bill. Henry VIII was a tyrant, and the clause exemplifies the antipathy towards the democratic process in our Parliament.

t. I'm the 48%

>because of niggers and pakis we now have to have a license to own acid

Because you're pathetic. I don't care about you insulting our country or anything like that. I care about the fact that you're such an obsessive little prick about all of this. It's absolutely pathetic. How many women have you slept with? How many have you even had eye contact with? From the way you post here, I can tell not many.
You're honestly a fucking disgusting human being. Get gassed.

I'm a working class bloke and I'm considering suicide. Seriously lads we working class folk are so stupid, inferior, ugly and trashy compared to our middle class superiors. I think we should end it

Thank fuck I never did this shit when I was of age to do so. I did DofE instead with my school, none of that leftist shit there thankfully as you got to choose what you did. I know quite a few people who went on NCS though, but I never asked what they actually did. It doesn't surprise me though that it's leftist indoctrination; the only way they can get people to becomes leftists is to indoctrinate them. Otherwise the real world redpills you on the true nature of diversity, and the only time you're shielded from this is if you live in an ivory tower. Fucking champagne socialists.

How big?

Hinestly I will try to move to UK if it does not work well I will try with the Germany but they speak different language and are usually smarter then British so it would be a bit harder

An awful system that drags the political debate down to the lowest common denominator.

>not exploiting third world countries for there natural resources and free labour

No one bought toblerones st Christmas so they fucked themselves desu

More cute than cringeworthy. I'm not expecting some rag to be up to date on the hottest memes.

>considering suicide
Nigger what. It's like you want to give the UK up to the mudslimes who aren't killing themselves (suicide bombings excluded because they take others with them in the name of (((jihad))) ) because suicide is haram.

We don't want you here. Stick to your own country rather than leech off others, you subhuman parasite.

It's ok I suppose. Good and bad sides though.


Make enough to live on, dont have to travel far, don't pay for films ever, free drinks/snacks and company meals, expenses-paid business trips to other sites across the country.


Realistically can't advance any further without a degree, long ass hours, unpaid overtime, regularly have to deal with the British public.

Even my low class slag bitch bird, Chantelle (pic related), left me for a BIG MIDDLE CLASS COCK. Why can't we compete lads?

Gov funded news supports gov funded health system

Am i supposed to beleive your commie shit?

Forgot pic - forgive me, I'm working class VERMIN

>Leaving Israel

Probably full of Common Purpose drones, there's a chap who's a teacher who knows a friend who has done an article about the left wing bias in education today in the Mail.

Plus, what do you have against chinks apart from them being communist?

Haribo swollen gonads

Easily a 8/10

There's this widespread belief that EEA = EU membership but without a say. That's just not true, and it's a damaging falsehood. Inside the EEA, we are excluded from some of the worst parts of the EU - the Common Agricultural Policy, the Common Fisheries Politicy, and we are also crucially outside the Common External Tarrif - free to negotiate trade deals across the globe (or, if for some reason, you are anti free trade - we'll be free to not negotiate free trade deals.) There is a reason countries like Norway stay in the EEA but are not EU members.

We can still take back a lot of our freedom and stay in the EEA. Yes we would be bound by freedom of movement, but our NHS and other vital services would be crippled without it. If you are annoyed by the minority of migrants who don't work and use benefits then pressure the government to use actual EU legislation that allows us to remove migrants that are unable to support themselves when they move to this country.

If we do move to a Swiss or Norway style agreement, that allows us to make trade deals with non-EU countries. That means you can directly compare economic growth from trade within the single market, to economic growth from trade outside the EU, as Brexiteers might say "unhampered by the EU customs bloc, and its trade bureaucracy". In other words, it's a natural experiment to demonstrate whether the Brexiteers are or are not full of shit.

You could maybe try the Open university? You can keep working while studying for a degree part-time

This thread is called Brit/pol/ for a reason
Kindly fuck off subhuman

>tfw middle-class

One night at the bar I went outside for a cigarette. I started chatting to some working class girls, they were "aspiring middle class" I suppose. I just started sweet talking them with my creamy middle class accent and they started giggling and stoking my arms. It's actually quite pathetic. I've shagged working class girls, who are cheating on their bfs because they are trying to "trade up". If you're a mediocre, working class lad, you're pretty much fucked when it comes to women. The best of the working class will marry into the middle-class, and the worst of the working class will shag muslims and niggers. Sorry bros.

Woke up this morning on my birthday to a big pool of semen on my belly. What a way to start the day. How the fuck do I still get wet dreams at 22?

>trusting the (((BBC)))
kek. The NHS is failing because they employ a fuckton of people who literally do nothing but sit around and drink fucking tea all day and contribute nothing, but are happy to take a fat paycheck at the end of the work day which they haven't earned. You could fire all these parasites and the NHS wouldn't even notice. In fact it would probably help their finances no end.

Here's a (you) for (((you))). Bait post but I'll bite.
>almost half the country wanted to remain
>this means that over half the country wanted to leave
Suck it up faggot, I bet you voted for Comrade Corbyn didn't you? A filthy socialist who will be dead long before the sky-high taxes his suicidal economic policies will demand in the future have any impact on him. It's no coincidence that people like (((Bernie Sanders))) are old as fuck and still socialists. They know full well that they'll be dead long before the public can begin to hate them when the tax hikes begin.

Phew dodged the bullet their, i remember on an open evening at school looking at what college to go to and their was an NCS stall their who's woman tried talking to me.
Luckily my dad interupted and said "he's working and wont be able to do it."

>he's working and won't be able to do it
top fucking kek, I'm sure that hag loved that comment

your mummy was playing with you when you were asleep~

Class is less relevant than ever in the current year.

>tfw £80 million net worth NEET

Get on my level you gaylord. I slay any pussy I want.

Happy birthday user. It's my birthday next week.

I've looked into it but 6+ years for a degree feels too long. If I did do it, I'd rather do the degree full-time and have a part time job then possibly change careers in 3/4 years time.

Because you dont masturbate

pfftahaha, why are you lying on an anonymous image board?

I hope not.

Thank you good friend

I actually jerked it the night before

>Woke up this morning on my birthday to a big pool of semen on my belly.

You need to start asking your dad questions user

I ain't lying buddy. Phoneposting while waiting for my next shag to arrive in an hour.

Fuck off mate middle class Bois , are cucks Ur women want string working class men to sort em out.


Fair enough. Good luck with whatever you do anyway m8

>Even my low class slag bitch bird, Chantelle (pic related), left me for a BIG MIDDLE CLASS COCK. Why can't we compete lads?

you have an ID, lad....

I swear you fuckers have such dirty minds on here.

Look at the Balkans and the flag of the person I replied to.

underage b&

>ISIS fighters throw gay men from rooftops
>The "good" Muslims fighting against ISIS throw ISIS fighters from rooftops

Hmmm gets those old neurons working

That was a joke really tho middel classes r cucks... Soz

>Plans to close half of London police stations unveiled


I'm sure you're a millionaire, lad.. lol

>The Assad govt kills and oppresses the peoples in its territories
>The FSA kills and oppresses the peoples in its territories but just for the crime of being loyal to their country

Hmm gets those old neurons workin

Holy what the fuck.

This could seriously be the beginning of the end. Complete chaos will reign in London if shit like this continues.

I work in an construction site little sissy boy you work in an office I do real man work

Start stockpiling weapons.

At work our Head of Security is ex Met and he said they have essentially given up proactive policing in many parts of the outer core areas of London.

Wish I was a girl tbqh. Like, I don't feel like I'm a girl inside or something, I just wish I had been born one.

British people are just social construct you are Island with over 200 different ethnic groups from all over the world.
Your capital London is the most multiracial city in Europe by far.

>>almost half the country wanted to remain
>>this means that over half the country wanted to leave

That's exactly the point. There is no mandate for a hard Brexit.

I don't know why you're bringing up Corbyn and socialism. He has been one of the most Euroskeptic MPs for the last 30 years, and most socialist/communist parties in the UK backed a Leave vote.

>Harriet Harman tells talkRADIO: 'Trolls called me a saggy-breasted old cow and threatened to kill me'

Who was in the wrong here?

They don't need police stations anymore as they're only interested in arresting white people and there won't be any of them left soon.

Well you are Italian. You're major faggots

When you have punching power of young George Foreman you don't need those today

>sugar tax that is so vague it will be applied to anything containing sucrose type carbs also being phased in

At what point will people realize this nanny police state is not a great place to live.