Uh oh....
Uh oh
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Goldstone's e-mail to Trump Jr. used trigger phrases designed to allow the warrant.
go away jack no one wants to buy your shitty book
so there were collusion between the government and russia after all. can't trump jr sue for entrapment?
can you say nothingburger? this is nothing. you people should go get some shut eye. im getting very sleepy.
Ding ding ding
Not entrapment, it was attempted entrapment since he committed no crime.
If anything he can sue for damages to the Trump brand, since he runs it now. 99D chess.
>Goldstone's e-mail to Trump Jr. used trigger phrases designed to allow the warrant
They dems accuse their opponents of the crimes they (the dems) are committing. It's not gonna work this time.
And the best part of it all is that the teflon don is so squeky clean that they couldn't find shit.
Trump must be the most honest politician we've seen since the international banks were created.
Ignoramus mass suicide imminent, this truly is my favorite possible timeline
It used key phrases and words that would be later used to justify/trigger spying.
This is such an obvious setup.
The question now is: how stupid are the democrats that they set someone up for something that A. isn't the least bit illegal and B. 85% of Americans give no fucks about? No wonder they've been thrown out of power at every single level of government nationwide, they're incorrigibly stupid.
Hey wow, get this, if somebody is suspected of committing a crime, they can be surveilled and wire tapped. Surprise!
Careful being reasonable around here, the hystetical tweenage hero-worshippers are going to dogpile you
This is a well-laid trap by Trump.
>Hey wow, get this,
has any post that started like this ever been worth reading?
>They dems accuse their opponents of the crimes they (the dems) are committing. It's not gonna work this time.
how much you wanna bet it is only black people who end up going to jail? dem'aristocrats never change.
bingo. (((Goldstone)))
Could you give some examples? I'm not familiar with this stuff. Is this a common thing?
Triggered nigel? it's pathetic that you live in this great old country with tons of history and culture and yet you waste your time posting shitty memes about american politics
>This is a well-laid trap by Trump.
Or by whoever is supporting Trump, don't be naive.
>dem'aristocrats never change.
It'll keep those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years
What is Fourth Amendment.
What is probable cause.
When you plant evidence you have committed a crime. When you've falsified evidence on a FISA affidavit, you get raped in prison.
Tick fucking tock.
What they tried to set him up for isn't a crime though.
That being said it's no surprise at all that the Lynch DoJ has no idea what the law is given their mealy mouthed excuse for why Clinton shouldn't be in prison.
Muh Russia is the shiny object Trump dangles in front of the left to keep them all permanently distracted so they don't get in his way.
>how stupid are the democrats
The thing is that Democrats didn't think in a million years that Trump could win, thats why they were very sloppy doing all this shit.
And that is why Hillary said "if that bastard wins we all hang".
>tfw you realize bathhouse barry is a nigger!
lock him up!!!
Right. Let me guesss- it's because brumfpfp is sooo stuuipppiodddd?
he is using that random twitter person as his source. Until i get a better source this sits on the back burner
I've got no reason to support a corrupt born-rich elite who resents common people and good, moral simple living. Not sure why people assume hes looking out for them just because he's not a lib in this newest reinvention of his public persona. Political tribalism thrives in this environment of low-info vitriol I guess
In reality they already knew Trump Jr was doing shady stuff.
Very easy to justify the tap. Yet another blown out angles.
There is a reason Mueller is assembling the most progressive team in history snowflakes
No, Trump is a genius, but if you believe that he won the election by himself and is doing all of this by himself you are retarded.
>What they tried to set him up for isn't a crime though.
Sure, THIS particular meeting. If they were already surveilling Trump & co. then, that means they were already under suspicion before this even happened.
the irony is that this entire rant is a fallacious, pigeon holing strawman. He's insinuating that all Trump supporters only supported him becuase they didn't like brown people and thought vaccines caused autism. That's fucking retarded.
That's like saying all Hillary voters only reason for voting for her is they thought it was a woman's turn to be president.
>mfw they were planning the collusion narrative before Trump even made it into office
I fucking knew it, but the shill faggots don't listen.
Trump is deliberately encouraging the left to think he's dumb. They underestimate him that way. That tactic worked during the election and it's working now because the left never learns from their mistakes.
>Jack Posobiec
Anyone have sauce on the claims that the Russian lobbyist worked for state Dept part time?
I love this meme, can you find where you land on pic related?
Keep in mind Trump keeps reaffirming his unconditional love for israel and the jewish people, as well as for his jewish daughter and son-in-law, who seem to be his top confidants
yeah. i still don't trust this guy. anyone else on this story?
Meant for
It's pretty clear he's pointing out a prevalent trend friend, #notallrepublicans
This is what that nigger holder was talking about.
More is going to come if he was so assblasted on Twitter last week. All this Don jr nonsense is to try to disable the Oabam spyring story.
For two years now, the constant narrative from the kike media who runs the democrat party is
And then whatever they're harping about blows up in their faces. This is why:
>democrats have lost 1,200+ seats since 2010
>hillary got shit on in an electoral landslide
>the recounts shows massive voter fraud for the democrats
>our supreme court is now shifting right
>celebs have been bawing and crying for assassination
>the media is in a tail spin and being called fake news
>a bernvictim committed suicide by cop trying to shoot up the gop practice ballgame
>two more scotus justices are going to step down in the next year
>the media has run out of ammo and now has to try to attack trump jr.
The left in America is finished for at least two generations. Stick a fork in them.
Are you american? Do you not see how quintessentially american the preisdent is? Never let it not be said that the only one who made this happen was the Hand of the ALMIGHTY.
Trump is ross perot if perot cut his teeth murdering six gorillion kikes on the mean streets of fifth avenue. So yes, he won. The LORD willed it, but Trump won.
Just imagine all the Shekelbergs tearing their hair out for months to get a single angle on him, so bad they have to invent sources and run tabloid nonsense.
This is treason by the Obama administration.
We all know it's becoming a Progressive witch-hunt not interested in finding the truth but in prosecuting Trump.
>two more scotus justices are going to step down in the next year
I thought it was only 1?
Oh? So he WAS wiretapped? You coming around to telling the truth already?
Except even The Hill has debunked every last one of those stupid talking points.
Oh. The irony of you.
Hello, Share Blue.
ginsberg is like 84, so who knows how long that hag is actally going to be alive for, and i think there is another justice getting up there in age.
What made you think he was trying to refute what the guy said ?
No need to answer, we know that poor written comprehension is due to a lower-than-average IQ and/or low level of formal education.
Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.
Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.
On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.
If you're suspected of a crime, you can be wiretapped. How the fuck should I know whether or not he actually was? Dont fucking get smart with me you fat faggot
>this copypasta again
Do you get paid per post or per (you)?
>so squeky clean that they couldn't find shit
Trump is guilty, but of grabass compared to what most DC insiders do before breakfast. They can't bag him without exposing half of the political class to retaliation financed by wealthy Trump supporters who would be out for revenge.
They are also afraid of you lot now. Even before the /hwndu/ shit, user's exploits of weaponised autism had attracted a lot of attention. NORP as they are, they know this isn't your final form.
That's not the point dumbass. Remember when Trump said that him and his team was being wiretapped by the Obama admin and the entirety of the media said that was wrong? Well now there is evidence saying that Lynch did wiretap Trump Jr.
Fuck, how many times do you post this per week you stupid shill.
Nope, just another kike strawman argument. Why don't you head on back to rebbit now.
ever notice how there are never decent anti trump arguements here as news breaks. is always a day later so the share blue can all get the same talking points from thier handlers.
So the media was wrong, what the fuck do I care? I dont listen to what the media says. If he WAS wiretapped, it was either with a warrant because they were suspected of a crime, or it was the same warrantless all-pervasive surveillance that we all already live under. Either way I'm not surprised.
>If you're suspected of a crime
What crime? You cannot preemptively wiretap people dipshit.
What the fuck. Yes you can preemptively wiretap people. How do you think this works? You wiretap them AFTER they commit a crime?
If the media was so adamant about something that was proven to be true afterwards, why wouldn't they also be adamant about something now?
Make no mistake, Mueller & Co. are not the real instigators behind the Russia investigation. The media is trying to hold a trial in the crucible of public opinion. And it's one that they aren't winning.
Link to medium or archive plzthx
it also means that there is a record of the conversation proving the accounts of what the meeting was actually about, checkmate.
She's going to hold out till Trump's second term, then what's left of the democrats will shill for him to wait and let the next president decide her replacement, it's not fair, Trump already got to pick one, reeeeee, change my diaper.
wow you got a commie mentality if you think that. courts need probable cause. you law much dumbass?
Showtime? Is this it? The domino that falls that knocks them all down? The great happening?
I love that fucking movie of his so much. The absolute best bad film ever made.
No. You need a warrant to get a wiretap. So that means that Lynch not only let this person in with special dispensation, but also filed for a warrant to tap the conversation.
This whole thing sounds like entrapment.
That is some of the kikiest kikery ever kiked.
"In the midst of our bountiful October harvest of Trump grotesqueries, the Russians and Julian Assange organized a WikiLeaks dump of private emails from the Clinton campaign. These revealed a shocking and scandalous fact about the former Secretary of State: she is a politician. Indeed, the documents represent one of the most reassuring moments of this calamitous campaign. The overwhelming impression is of the candidate's and her staff's competence and sanity--and something more: a refreshing sense of reality about the vagaries of politics...
When Clinton says, 'But if everybody's watching ... all of the backroom discussions and the deals ... then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position... ' Clinton is speaking an essential, uncontroversial truth about how things work in a democracy. And yet, for much of the public--and too much of our media--her sentiments are perceived as shifty, further evidence that she can't be trusted, as if a willingness to compromise were a sign of weakness, not a necessary strength." - Joe "The Kike's Kike" (((((Klein)))))
>need probable cause
spoken like a true cuck sasuga
Please archive or screenshot archive.is
>comparing an article to an opinion piece
Righty retards
>y-you need a warrant! probable cause!! reeeee
Did you guys forget about the fucking Patriot Act? christ on a crutch. And what if they DID have a warrant? You don't have any way of knowing either way
I remember reading this article when it was first published. This is definitely one of the things that made me physically go out and vote.
>final form.
who knows?
Yes but assuming they had a warrant (which is a completely reasonable assumption) it still begs the question why Lynch herself personally let this lawyer bypass the rejected visa and then wiretapped a meeting? If she was so concerned about foreign agents why was this woman allowed in the US to begin with?
you know we had a revolution and one of our main reasons were warentless searches? how could you be so stupid? our founding fathers were not cucks. you on the other hand have real manhood issues. or you a dumb bimbo.
She is the Machiavelli of my heart
What crime? Where is the warrant? What does the warrant say? What evidence was the warrant founded on? Hmm?
This is America. Our rights are natural rights endowed by our Creator. This isn't some faggot marxist euro cucktry. This is the United States of America.
How are shills still this bad at fitting in? I don't get it. I thought these guys were supposed to be professionals. Fucking newfags
Guilty of what?
Driving on the green? Eating pizza with a fork? Knowing people that speak Russian?
No. Clean as a whistle, faggot.