>Decide to improve my english
>Find some English conversation event at US embassy while lurking FB
>Why not?

>Reach embassy
>They make me walk through a metal detecting machine
>they take me to some room and take off my shoes and strip me
>"You can't take your phone or any electronic devices with you"
>It could be used for explosives
>They also take my USB flash drive that was in my keychain
>Get dressed and walk out
>"wait you have to pay a fee of 20 pounds for every electronic device we'll hold for you"
>OHFUCKME.jpg pays
>As I walk out the guy calls and points at my water bottle "That better not have any explosives haha" he and his bitch friends are laughing
> Was about to punch him
> realize he has a gun and all his bitch ass friends are carrying huge rifles
> "haha n-no don't worry" and walk out quickly

>Finally wait for my conversational partner in some waiting room alone for like 30 minutes
>They call out my name, so I go in
>Some lady behind bullet proof glass is sitting there, as if I'm going to blow up the place
>Glass doesnt even have holes. we speak through some telephone so the voice goes through glass
>She asks some random questions
>Asks what I would do if I went to America and someone called me a terrorist

>Start to sperg out
>Talk about the lavon affair and USS liberty and that jews are behind everything
>Say americans bombed tons of innocent ppl

>She says I have to leave and calls in to buff guys in suits that escort me out of the embassy

I went home and even forgot to take my phone

REE fuck english I'm learning french


>20 pounds.

Wanna know how i know youre full of shit

>being an ethnic terrorist
>mad for being treated like a terrorist
I'm glad you're staying in your shithole terrorist

They use Egyptian pounds in Egypt


i wish this actually happened

>American education

Autistic Egyptoid fails to act civilly and spergs out after voluntary cucking himself. Cool!


This is what you get for wanting anything to do with the accursed anglo-germanic barbarians. Serves you fucking right.

Now revive the gods of Egypt.

Try stop bomb christians Ahmed.

>be me
>go into basic level government building for government stuff
>think one level above post office
>forget I have knife on me
>the refuse to just hold it until I come back
>go throw it in car
>they xray everything including my fucking keys and cellphone
>force me to take a drink of my water to prove it doesn't have poison in it
Its just an average day in America user, surely you just don't appreciate freedom

>forget I have knife on me

Found your problem. You're a dumbass.

Found the commie. Every male over the age of 12 here has a knife.

over 9

over 2

At least you guys have security
>Going to goverment building for some tax shit
>No guns allowed
>Fuck that, im not leaving it in the car to get stolen
>drop it in my wives handbag
>get to metal detector
>wive puts handbag on tray
>we go through metal detector
>they give handbag back to wive without opening it or anything
>do business
>exit has no metal detector to just walk out
>take back gun from wive

>Every male over the age of 12 here has a knife.
But only irresponsible dumbasses forget that they have it on them.
t. NC

>being a rural community fag
at birth

I don't understand the concept of security guards being niggers either

>A person from a country I literally forget exists in modern times.
>Oh noes! He hates my country!

>Go back to oiling my gun, eating my burger and reading about the off season hockey trades in the nHL.

>Forget Egypt is still a thing as soon as I close this thread.

Nice try akmed buy once again your terrorist skeems have been foiled.

What was the point of this thread? Were you just trying to prove what a retarded faggot you are?

It's a slide thread. Sup Forums is being raided.

sorry I dont walk around larping as a ninja all day.
if I need it I know its there but otherwise I think nothing of it.

Serves you right you fucking sandnigger. Stay in your own shithole and fuck off back to your camel

Fuck off we're full

So we have been raided since Donald Trump got the nomination? That is some serious shill dedication.


Non-Americans can't understand the concept of freedom. Strangely democrats can't either.