Was he really that bad?

Was he really that bad?

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The worst president america has ever have. Easily

He was pretty bad, but still better than Dubya.

No. Probably the best president in the last 100 years. Only right wing retards disagree.

>at least he wasnt a nig-

Yes. He was absolutely terrible.

Leafnigger I summon the obamaleaf!

Obama cried because of Sandy Hook but bombed children all the time without crying.

A criminal who used his blackness to steal like no white man ever could. Should be tried and imprisoned for illegal wars of aggression in Libya, Syria, Ukraine.

He sat at the helm of America for 8 years and didn't do shit to stop the decline of the west. He enacted measures to actively make the US worse and just sat back and watched it happen. Then fucked off afterward.

He might be the worst president yet. Seriously.


yes, utterly horrible. psycho nigger.

Give me three reasons why he was bad, and "because he was black" is not a reason.

In what ways?

If he had been white, nobody would have ever heard of him - but because his wealthy grandparents gave him a leg up and he went to the finest private schools in Hawaii, he got a shot at playing Boss Nigger.

Seriously, if it wasn't for wealthy white people giving him opportunities, he's be managing an ABC store on Oahu.

He was kinda okay.

Not sure about that...

Bush didnt leave behind an illegal plot to out the next president.

Not to mention all the shit Obama pulled as president.

What did he do again? His 8 year presidential legacy at a cursory glance boils down to drone strikes, Obamacare and calling at the time current social events like shootings racist.

His job was to be a cheerleader for America not convince people to block the interstate chanting fuck cops.

He'll go down as one of the best Presidents, especially compared with his retarded predocessor Bush and retarded successor Trump

No, a global ebola pandemic would have been worse.

>talks a huuuge game about "Hope and Change" and doesn't practically nothing
>globalist, very pro corporate/Wall St.
>made it a point to jump into every racial dispute (no matter how small) and take the dindu side every step of the way, fueling BLM and SJWs
>didn't help shit areas like Detroit (when Obama was elected I actually wished he would help black people)
>got Obamacare through, but it was full of broken promises and big $ increases for the middle class.

This, his presidency was extremely forgettable. Not particularly good or bad, just a lot of nothing.


worst president to ever exist. muslim that was illegally allowed to become president with zero vetting just to fit their black narrative. all his history from birth to school to work is now under lock and key for next 50 years by fbi.

I thought he was terribel. A good actor and a horrible president.
However, in the last two years I've realized that he wasn't that bad but was actually severely fucked over by The Clintons and some DNC insiders.

What is the best and most objective book or other resource to learn about why everyone hates Obama? I always hear that he stole shit and he was the worst president evar but then people call him king nigger and a CIA plant so they seem pretty biased against him.

wait, you're actually serious..

No. He was as bad as Carter. Luckily, he was just there for the luxury living and golf jaunts.

He had NO accomplishments. He handed off his responsibilities to Nancy Pelosi.

Illegal plot to out next pres
illegaly wiretapping the WH
Illegaly spying on the nation
Fast n Furious
Billions to terrorists to free hostages
Weapons to "rebels" aka ISIS
encouraging racial divide throughout the country
throwing our police to the wind

Im sure im missing a ton more.

He really won't

>GDP never rose above 3% over 8 year term

The majority of Americans are worse off than they were a decade ago. This is the "secret" of Trump's victory.

he encouraged race baiting in the usa worsening our fragile race intentions he did this because he was black

>What bad did Obama do?

Hello, 1984

Destroyed Libya and made possible the current Muslim and African invasion, after Gadaffi warned that exactly this would happen

Congratulated and promoted the Muslim Brotherhood

Wasted hundreds of millions on Solyndra, paying government cash to private parties

Authorised transferring guns to illegal Mexicans

Took in, helped, promoted and rewarded devout Sharia-promoters like Linda Sarsour

Took in massive number of Africans and Arabs to the US

Invoking Obama leaf

That actually is a reason. He was voted for being black not for his politics. That in itself is terrible.

i mean, "he's black" is reason enough but alright
increast regulations, bank bailouts, release gulag prisoners early beacuse muh legacy, increased taxation and tax spending, didnt do what he got le noble price for (stop war in muzzie contries), bad trade deals, let chyna do whatever, let whore daughter spread degeneracy, le muh legalize, being a nigger, if if if if if if

No he was worse

It's like republicans forget about the massive fucking recession they created in 2008

We almost had a female president because of this shit

Considering he's a nigger I think he was alright

Barack BBC Obama

Yes nigger

Yes but thankfully we had a madman that told everyone that her husband did rape several women and she can never stand as a woman figure.

No, especially in light of this current president.

Obama was based and pretty moderate.

>I'm a republican
>reality has a conservative bias
>facts are racist
>occupy wall st wasn't destroyed by the same Soros funded SJW that now protest Trump

Get your head out of your ass son.

Literally worsened race relations even though he was the black messiah so kinda kinda.

>you like your doctor you can keep your doctor
>(((nobel peace prize))) drone extraordinaire
>added $7.917 trillion, a 68 percent increase, to national debt within 7 years
>rubber stamping EOs to bypass federal law to keep 20 million illegals from getting deported
>terrible at international relations, specifically china and the philippines

Not that his predecessors have been any better for the last few decades but Obama was dumpster tier.

Can't say greatest but he was one of the best we've had since Reagan.


This and unironically

Think about does anyone here find it funny that obama was elected more or less on the grounds of being black. But now here we are at the end of his 8 years and race relations are worse than they ever have been since the 60s. How did fuck that shit up so bad?!! I thought he was the black messiah guys what happened seriously?

>madman that told everyone that her husband
Libshit autismo

Not actually sure about that.

now we have isis

Obamacare fucked everybody forever.
Any president that fucks anyone forever is a piece of shit.

Doubled the deficit
8 years of consecutive war
Obamacare left 28m Americans uninsured
Killed children every single damn day in the Middle East
Destroyed race relations
Abused air force one to campaign for Hillary
Fast and furious
Iran nuclear deal
$500m to pay Iranian ransom
New sanctuary cities
Kept brown people poor by promising more entitlements
Impressive liar
Failed stimulus package
NSA bullshit
Appointed most corrupt attorney general in us history
Ruined our relationship with Egypt
Oh yea, and he's black

Norway always remembers

>Impressive liar
gotta put that in the pros section

Pretty great compared to Drumpfstein.


>>Impressive liar
You could say that about most presidents

Why didn't you archive?

He ironically was the most pro-white president we ever had.

Holy are you grill and if so can i marry pls :)

Gave up on immigration enforcement
Race baiting, false bigotry narratives like Ahmed the clock boy.
Forced desegregation policies.
Political abuse of IRS


He was just wishy washy.

Didn't have enough of a backbone.

>if i had a son he would be the latest negro that caved in an elderly ladies head in the news

>all those cops he got killed in late 2016

worst in my lifetime thats for sure

I think Hillary was the one holding the reins for geopolitics during his admin.

Hillary cucked Obama


Kill yourself snow nigger

Kidding or retarded?

Sup Forums is just too damn stupid to see that he inherited a mess from Bush and prevented a total collapse of the financial system, fixed the economy, wound down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, told the jews to fuck off and prevented war with Iran.

ohhhh wayyy to obvious

tone it back


>It took Obamaleaf 70 posts to show up
You're fucking slacking, you better
>70 posts by this ID

It's all true you dumb shit.

>inherited a mess
>made it worse

He was a puppet

(((They))) probably have video footage of him doing naughty things with kids

>wound down the wars
We were supposed to withdraw entirely from those regions
>told the jews to fuck off

He did mess up in Libya, but that was more France's fault than anything.
The rest is either irrelevant or fake news.
He told them to fuck off as much as any US president can do and not get assassinated.


And the response from the libshits about all that:

>he bought a gay prostitute,
>was a part of pizzagate
>supported arabs and muslims
>helped Isis and promoted crime in general
America’s first black president and he shits on the country and shills it out to the nogs and the towelheads
Why the fuck do Liberals like this guy
>he's black

In other words, just empty threats and platitudes. Not admirable at all.

I find it pretty telling that liberals can only justify Obama's eight years in office by complimenting his personality rather than anything he actually did. Literally all he's going to be remembered for is being black and acting black.

Trump is doing a lot better in terms of telling the jews to fuck off

He finally ignited the race war and began the purge of non-whites, so he's pretty fucking based

no, he was worse.

The Iran deal really pissed off the Jews since they can no longer screech about Iran being on the verge of Nuclear weapons or whatever garbage they were feeding the Goyim to get us to invade, so that was good

Shit at everything else though

Well we haven't had a great or decent real president since eisenhower. So people focus on bullshit. Most people know with a brain that yes most of Obama's actions did more harm than good.

Hey buzzfeed, what's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of how great Obama was?

>read reason #1.

>literally "he was black".

>Trump is doing a lot better in terms of telling the jews to fuck off
>drumpfettes actually believe this
Out of the US presidents in living memory, he sucks their cocks the hardest. Pull your head out of the sand.

Pretty sure you just killed a few right wing retards with that strong dose of red pilled truth and reality

Like OMG can you really not use logic? I find that very non-inclusive.

It all depends on one point: Is he behind the DNC leaks? If yes, then he's the best president we ever had. If not, then yes: worst.

Very interesting position, Mr. Goldman. Would you like a free ticket to the wailing wall?


Yea, get back to us when he drains that swamp, Hans. He talks a big game but so far the only thing he's actually done to un-Jew the country is take us out of the Paris Accords. He needs to move faster and stop focusing on the shit news media to fix the underlying issues.

fucking leaf...

is this why the establishment, deep state, media of all kinds wants him out?

Yes and your shilling too