
Stopped watching porn about 5 minutes ago.

i could settle with only watching hentais

is that good enough ?

Im on nofap right now vargposter

How else will I spend my time when im bored? I'm being honest, most of the time I watch porn because I have nothing better to do.

you live in india. go out and rape. it's not like you don't have literally hundreds of women and girls going out in public and pulling down their panties.

Does anyone else dislike pornographic videos especially, or is that just me? It's easier to make a good still than even a bad vid, but there's so much effort spent on moving images. Come on. It's the motion you're imagining that matters, not what you're seeing, and you can imagine better from a picture. At least, I can.

stop masturbating too

only retarded mongols disagree with varg, prove me wrong.

>pro tip: you can't

they pull them down to shit on the beach, not to fuck.

Just think about what your ancestors would think of you diddling your fiddle instead of manning up and getting married.

I stopped watching porn one and a half year ago, except for the occasional image I stumbled upon inadvertently. My life is a lot worse today, because I started having a fuckton of health problems half a year ago.

Sorry to hear that brother. Stay strong

It's harder than y'all think.

What does it have to do with anything? You still improved in one area of your life. Or are your problems related to porn in some way?

As a sperm donor, it's an essential tool of my profession

What about naked/scantily clad women? Can I keep watching them?

Why not just make your deposits directly into the women?

ok, i wil stop watching and start to bang my gf

oh wait, there's none

I don't, not anymore at least.

I get paid $125 per pop to sire children all over the USA, Australia, Canada, and the UK. 10-20 family units (2 or 3 kids per unit) in each country.

