How do we fix journalism?

How do we fix journalism?

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automate most of it

Just like you fix a lot of things, remove women from it.



Stop listening to journalists, and reward reporters.

Zyklon B


Remove women and Jews from it

Came here to post something to this effect.


Bump for hilarious hypocrisy


You stop giving them money.
You stop giving the views.
You stop giving them attention.

There is a horrible, horrible "newspaper" in Portugal that makes the rounds basically selling the most sensationalistic crap you can imagine.
Picture a newspaper where the headlines are "Man shoots his balls while trying to catch mouse" or "Girl, 15, in terrible family drama" and then when you actually read it, the "man" just shot a pair of soccer balls on the yard and the girl's "terrible family drama" was that part of her family wants to keep working abroad instead of returning to their home country.

After a great wildfire, decades ago, the government specifically requested people to not release footage that might distress the families of the deceased. Guess what "newspaper" published a close-up of a woman's charred corpse as the front page cover? That's right.

My Business Administration professor used the newspaper as an example very often in class, asking students if it was "a good newspaper". Everybody always said "no". His reply?
"Wrong. It's a bad newspaper as far as quality is concerned, but it is VERY good business. In fact, you'll notice it has been the top-selling daily newspaper for the last 5 years."

The problem is people eat it up. Just recently people have started to wise up: during the last wildfire, when 64 people died in the rural areas of the country, that newspaper (which now owns a TV channel) decided to report LIVE at the scene, 5 meters away from the body bags with comments such as "The firemen haven't collected these yet, for some reason".
People got tired of their shit and their average viewers dropped down from 110,000 to 80,000.
But there are still too many people who like this shit.



>raised by dykes
>has sex with father
>is actually prod of herself
Yep nothing wrong here




underrated fpbp

no you fucking transhumanist. We don't need metal niggers running the press too.

hang a few propagandists


What the literal fuck is wrong with these people?

It's already happening, look up Automated Insights. There are tons of similar companies right now.