What makes effective propaganda?


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making it clear that you have a power dong

A message which amplifies feelings people already have.

At least some truth has to be told in order for it to be truly effective. This is why HBD totally destroyed egalitarianism on the web in less than 10 years.

it has to have some truth in it.

There really isn't any single criteria.



Hey OP look in the mirror

Now imagine the Perfect human specimen


Rooted in truth, showing an ideal which the viewer could project themself onto. Not as a reality, but as a potential. "I can be this", etc. It should be inspiring


This did always creep me out desu. This type might be to remind people where their place is in a passive way

This, as well as an US vs THEM sentiment

Money and lie.

I think it's cool.

Funny how we always hear about that spooky voodoo nazi propaganda. Maybe it turns out that telling people the truth and inspiring them actually makes them passionate

>it's true
>it evokes emotions (funny, epic, etc.)
Basically all information that is contrary to mainstream brainwashing is good propaganda. Watch out for using trigger-words that normies have been propgrammed to shut down their brains when confronting, i.e words like ''RACE'', ''JEWS''.

I like this piece a lot. Seeing comments like ''not a nazi but this is cool'' is exactly what propaganda should ideally result in.

Color is by far most important. It is the First thing that catches the eye, and certain colors transmit certain subconscious thoughts to your brain. google.com/amp/s/www.helpscout.net/blog/psychology-of-color/amp/


IQ distributions. It is a meme that elegantly debunks the current paradigm, often in one single picture.

Brainwashing,Subliminal Messages/Images, Psy-Op's & Tribal Nature/Loyalty.

[KB's: archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/]

Indoctrination also plays an important factor.

this, but also has to invoke emotion in people who may not have those feelings yet


This would actually be good propaganda if the design was done better. White type on a black background is one of the harshest things you can do to the human eye. So you'd better pick a pleasing typeface and leave enough space for your brain to process it without needing to move the eyes around so much.

Is a good example of proper use of type.


-You have the make the people think that they came to those conclusions all by themselfs, that makes the propaganda acceptance rate 100%, but you were guiding them the whole way.

the could have used a prettier woman on the left. fuck me, she's ugly.

And fashwave.

Ugly women fight more.

This. If you're strictly preaching to the choir you won't gain any support. See the entire Democratic party.

Tell the minority their oppressed and that the majority needs to pay.

It has to have a symbol or be connected to symbology in order to maximize what the propaganda is.

It has to evoke emotion: anger at something wrong and hope for the future

It has to intermingle just the right amount of facts to it's "truth" in order to be deemed correct, but simultaneously not highlight the downsides.

> that hairline
> youth

The truth.