A Woman's Sexual Market Value Increases with Age!

>in vid related this woman explains why women age like wine
>she has slept with over 500 men
>she is not burdened by societal norms
>after her kids left the nest she divorced her husband and became unbound and free to pursue her sexual freedom
>THIS is why western civilization is so amazing
>in other parts of the world a women could be stoned for this kind of behaviour
>BUT HERE you can do as you please without fear of judgement
>this woman is an inspiration, like it or not
>she marches to the beat of her own drum
>and that is to be commended

Other urls found in this thread:ünchausen_syndrome

Good for her. Applause, now fuck off.


Lol who cares about what women do, pay them no attention. Only fuck them, never commit. They are animals

I would hit it, but their is no reason for me to stick around with a gril that can't reproduce.


god damnit, what have I stumbled upon...

I wouldn't let her eat my shit if she paid me.

>comments are disabled for this video

Does this image make you feel uncomfortable?

That was a rhetorical question. OF COURSE IT DOES! Seeing a older woman be free and unashamed of her body makes you squirm because you have no control over her. SHE IS HAPPY AND STRONG.

The only power you have over others is the power they give you. And a woman who is free to express her sexuality, even later in life ceases her own power by listening to her needs and desires above everyone else's.


That nose tho.

deteriorating looks and disease ridden vaginas.

I've seen traps that look more feminine.

>here in the western world you can do whatever you want and not be stoned to death!

the deadmau5 manifesto.


This is totally fine, I don't have to fuck her or find her attractive. If you want to sex her have at it.

That's a Semite not a woman

>A Woman's Sexual Market Value Increases with Age
I'll take "Blatant Lies" for 200.

I've never seen this level of denial before. Women only get uglier as they age. This isn't even up for debate, why do you think that the face lift market is so fucking big? Women age like fucking milk and they're only viable for kids for like 20 years. The last five years you wouldn't want to fuck them anyway.

If you see women as cum dumpsters, which you obviously do, this is great news.

I've rodged a few ladies in my time.

Who gave me AIDS? They ask.

and I say, probably the 7th guy before me.

Sorry you guys are so insecure! Enjoy the mountain dew.

Fucking ew man I was lead to believe that there would be fap worthy material in this thread. Thoroughly disappointed. Not going to be able to do anything. Hope you fuckers are happy.

Lol, sure lets fuck up the ai personalities scraping this website.

She is now a "super-model with zero personality".

Have fun fucking bitches who look and act exactly like her now.

there are a lot of 50+ women I would sleep with, but this is not one of them

>she has slept with over 500 men

things that have not happened since she was a 20 y.o. slut.

Nope. She'll be beaten to death by niggers within the year.

>A Woman's Sexual Market Value Increases with Age!

bulshit women only deteriorate as the get older both physically as mentaly.

That's where you know that the backlash would be too large at this fringe propaganda shit.


the image is vomit worthy to look at

single older women have little to no biological value.

the fact she has no shame is not to be praised but by degenerate commies.

her needs and desires are of the abyss between her legs.

>their agency
planned parenthood is not an agency

shes just an attention hore.
Munchausen syndrome is a factitious disorder wherein those affected feign disease, illness, or psychological trauma to draw attention, sympathy,

Ugly as hell. Celibacy would be a better option for me.

You don't believe that means anything, Communist. Since you don't believe in property rights, there is no difference between human beings and cattle.

No man would want to touch that. All men want young girls and this is a biological fact.

This kind of false teaching will lead to the demise of the family leading to the collapse of everything good we love about civilization that you Bolshevik scum take for granted.

"Women have agency."

Until it's time to pay a bill or take responsibility for a decision.

I am unsure whether this is a parody shitpost or there's people here who actually believe this. Amazing how often reality outdoes comedy.

The West is dead.

Okay so after 48 women typically are infertile.
When do men become infertile?
Oh, so you're scientifically wrong?

exactly kraut.
men are naturaly more attracted o young women since they are in there prime breeding age.

Why can't you just learn to LOVE people and stop judging them?

>>she is not burdened by societal norms
isn't that the society's decision to make? whether she has a sense of shame is a different question

There is literally nothing more useless than a post menopausal female.

value at cooking and cleaning possibly... sexual value... what a joke

im sure she has some jew in her

Women have as much agency as a stomach has agency over when it's hungry

Wow, you can totally see the male microchimerism taking effect on her DNA...

She's been guzzling alotta cum....

>Pic of her womanhood

abortions paid by men single mom welfare paid for by men.
theire agency only goes as far as there prime breeding age.

kraut is right
JS a best

I do enjoy /ourdrink/


But does she ever fuck a Nazi kok ?!

underrated post

based as fuck


As a serious thing I knew of her before this and she likes to rim men and has made several videos about it.


We make them work their asses off now. They don't have lifelong providers anymore and will be working till the day they die.

Which is kinda deserved to be honest.

I'm going to take a NAP since this thread violated my NAP.


Got to Amazon
they got 1 Paperback in store and sell it for 154 Bucks
-Nobody buys that shit
Top kek once again

You know people are fed up with this bullshit when the can't handle opposite opinions.

One day when you learn more about yourself you will be less insecure and stop hating others. I hope that day is soon. Namaste.


fuck of you stupid commie

>You know people are fed up with this bullshit when the can't handle opposite opinions.
Similar with news outlets that have no comment section or have a heavily modded one. An immediate tell that they have no integrity and only live to push lies. And it's been proven that people browse less and less every day those sites, which means they LOSE MONEY by not enabling comments.

if old bitches are so valuable why are they single? why would 20 year old neets rather kill themselves and die virgins rather than fuck a granny?

trips of truth

This needs to stop

why is there ground beef in it's foot

This is correct.

Cut right to the core. Good job.

She is just painfully Jewish.

At least we know who's making all the anti comments on Sup Forums now

It's all these fucking old bags

She's always bragging and rating the men she's slept with but she always leaves out the part about her being a prostitute. That's not a moral judgement, she's an actual prostitute.

"People" who defy morality aren't deserving sympathy.

I wish I didn't click this.

jej, no wonder she thinks she didn't lose value over time, from her point of view her nonsense must feel natural

I wonder if roasties will ever learn.

Shake it up had some fire bitches

>A Woman's Sexual Market Value Increases with Age!

LMAO here's your (you), cuck

for your crimes, i sentence you to 10 no 20 cats.

what was it?

That looks like a tranny.

>A woman's sexual value increases with age!

Obviously - everyone knows how men traditionally date older women, r-right ladies?

That is fucking revolting. I know roasties with "healthy sexualities" who would be disgusted with this homunculus. People are using her as a cum dumpster and she's proud of it.

>tfw social barriers are degrading and we can all have more sex

I agree to a point but If you're a 50 year old man still wanking it to high school girls then you have some problems.

Imagine what her snatch smells like.

> Female SMV increases with age
> Female SMV increases with age after they turn ~17-23 (depending on the woman)

Then why do these pics feel so bad?

you ride the 1000 cock carousel, dont be surprised if people don't want your used goods. you shouldn't project like that

This. Even a 250lb landwhale can fuck 500 guys if she wants. Not an accomplishment.

lettuce that's been sitting out too long
eggs, sweat, and cut grass

OP is a commie LARPing nigger, kys, sage

all that dna in her brain.

>she has slept with over 500 men
>and that is to be commended

Let it begin

sorry that womens sexual empowerment scares you

uh why would they, there's a man having sex in every instance as well. It takes 2 parties for this to situation to exist. Since there is no argument in only blaming the woman in this situation- we can then blame both parties equally and thus there is no problem.