>Pres Trump Saluting US Troops on Bastille Day parade 7/14/17
>Bastille Day Parade 7/14/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS @ Bastille Day parade 7/14/17
>Pres Trump interview w/Pat Robertson on CBN 7/13/17
>Spec Pres Envoy McGurk on Global Coalition to defeat ISIS press brief 7/13/17
>Spec Pres Envoy McGurk on Global Coalition to defeat ISIS opening 7/13/17
>State Dept press brief 7/13/17
>Attny Gen Sessions/HHS Sec Price announce healthcare fraud actions 7/13/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania dinner w/the frogs 7/13/17
>VP Pence listening session w/Philantropy Roundtable 7/13/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Macron joint presser 7/13/17
Trump Playlist
>Trump & Women
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
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/ptg/ President Trump General - Destroy All Russians Edition
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>this triggers the drumpftard
While liberals are already claiming victory saying "demographics are destiny", they are missing a crucial detail: Trump's interest in White Immigration
Trump and Loyalists like Bannon and Sessions want to increase Immigration for whites. While Blocking immigration from most of the third world. He's interested in replacing the 1965 immigration act with a modified version of the 1924 immigration act which would benefit white immigrants. The whites will probably come from Europe/Anglosphere/Southern Africa when it comes to the country of origin. Instead of Southern/Eastern Europeans being blocked in this modified immigration act. It will target the most third world instead, As they've been flooding the US nonstop since 1965 with little to no success. It could also make immigration numbers shrink from 1 Million to 250,000-500,000 immigration arrivals, Most of which would be from Anglo or European countries. This immigration proposal might completely reverse the demographic downfall of America as the nonwhite birth rate is started to shrink, and since less and less third worlders would arrive the number of nonwhites births will shrink while the US will gain 1% of white growth in America each year because of this Pro-European/Anglo immigration plan. This, Along with the RAISE Act, Mass Deportations of both Illegals and Dreamers and Lowered Taxes could keep America a white majority country.
Related Links:
Sessions Praise of the 1924 Immigration act
Pat Dollard's White Majority Project
Donald Trump’s Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration
Lyin' Ted will rip up the treasonous Lion of the Senate's legacy!
>beat the new york mob & vegas mobs to make billions
>loretta lynch and obama think they can get trump with basic sting operations and wiretapping
sure is amateur hour
>On Fox News
>He said, “There’s one thing we KNOW FOR A FACT! Russia interfered with our election to get Donald Trump elected.”
>”Why are there so many shadowy Russian figures surrounding the Trump campaign?”
Well, /ptg? Do you stand with Russia or do you stand with America? #literallytreason
you forgot to hide your leaf
The Chinese Conspiracy: WE’RE ALL BEING PLAYED
The MUH RUSSIA shit is a deliberate distraction. The CHINESE are the REAL meddlers.
>Chinese are a much bigger long term economic threat
>Chinese lobbyists everywhere
>China owns $1.092 trillion of US foreign debt (as of April 2017)
>They’re constantly stealing IP
>Huge trade deficits (CHYNA!)
>China's buying of resources and investments in Africa and the Indian Ocean
>Chinese purposefully engage in trade policies with the intent of killing US competition
>Ex: Apple forced to build data center in China to comply with new cybersecurity law
>Ex: Boeing forced to build plant in China; expanding its business in China
>They're buying up chunks of Hollywood to this day
>They'll have a rare earth elements monopoly within 10 years
>Buying up all the land in Canada, western U.S.
>Literally building Islands in the SCS to act as forward military bases to project power
>China very recently opened its first overseas military base in Djibouti, Africa
>Shareblue owned by Chinese
>The left and MSM strategically freaks out every time Trump shit talks/stands up to China or legitimizes Taiwan
While Congress and everyone else is afraid of the Russians, the Chinese are playing us all. And the Media knows it.
There is this whole group of bakers that happens to post from US flag, baking was never so covered in all times of the day as it is now. And, the most amazing thing, most of them don't even post with a trip meaning people only know them by their particular way to link the next thread or their choice of OP theme.
God bless all you valiant and thankless OPs of all flags and styles.
It begins
God bless you and maga anons
Anyone else miss the Sarah press conferences? She was my thiccfu
seems like another low energy day
I'd vote for him T B H.
>Jew dismissing and totally ignoring Lynch's role in getting that "government" lawyer here without a visa while actively downplaying the emerging sentiment of setup as "insane"
Alinsky was one crafty kike, I'll give him that much
they keep pushing this bullshit
"everyone already knows the Russians did it to get Trump elected"
Well I don't know that, why didn't Obama stop them?
I want to see a Trump/Kid Rock rally
>tfw Wikileaks leaking Hillary's campaign emails ends up taking out Bernie too
So is Macron fucking falling in love with Trump or something?
Were Trump and Macron wearing the same suit?
Can someone give me a quick rundown of the whole Trump Jr. thing? It's so hard to follow.
> Pocahontas tie Kid Rock to Trump
Kek, is she trying to get him elected? Because that's the best endorsement a candidate could get in recently flipped Michigan
> hey rural and suburban retards that elected Trump. Kid Rock is his friend and partied hard at the white house, you wouldn't elect him would you?
looks like nazi larp leaf got btfo last night.
has he been back?
>Good to see you back, friend. Aside from TrumpOP, and Portugal, we only have Norway and Crusader, and they bailed on us
kek, he seems a bit salty.
The supposed "WH user" said to watch the headlines and that news items that might not immediately seem beneficial will serve a greater purpose.
Grassley alleged this Russian guy was working with Fusion GPS. He was with the Russian lawyer in this meeting. Fusion failed sting confirmed.
Whether the Dems were on board at the time or were willing to simply spread false info later needs to be determined.
>bernie's wife was a hillary plant
man who thought he was cuckolded found out he was even more cucked
>Whether the Dems were on board at the time or were willing to simply spread false info later needs to be determined.
Fusion GPS worked for the DNC / Hillary allies. This is known.
oh yes!
why do people keep posting the altered version, atleast post the original
The Obama Administration arranged for a Russian lawyer to enter the US so she could meet with Trump Jr on the premise that she had dirt on Hillary. They used the opportunity to illegally wiretapped Manafort's phone and used the meeting to justify wiretapping Trump Tower.
>same suit
let me take a wild stab in the dark and guess that you dont own a suit.
I think so. Overall it was a weird visit. Macron is weird.
I know that. The funding alone is enough to draw a solid connection. It would be nice to get something even more obvious.
Haven't seen him, did someone finally stop his sperging out ?
I bet he doesn't even drive his r8 around any more. poor little sandals.
delet this no summon
> Kid rock receives a meeting request to talk about potential dirty on Hillary, coming from a lawyer that happens to be Russian
> meeting was set up, took place. Russian has no dirty on Hillary, wanted to talk about lifting adoption ban laws
> 20 minutes and DonJr told them to pound sand
> said lawyer happens to be with an expired visa and was allowed into the country with a special dispensation by Lynch's DOJ
> said lawyer was find out to not only be a rabid anti trump but also with ties to FusionGPS of pee pee poo poo dossier fame
> nothingburger
Even if it doesn't put them in prison, Bernie will have to spend all his loot on lawyers and be tainted in the future
he was exposed as the dirty leaf he is when he forgot to turn on a meme flag one post.
he tucked tail and ran off in shame.
>I know that. The funding alone is enough to draw a solid connection. It would be nice to get something even more obvious.
Guy from Fusion GPS is already dodging Congress calling him in. Really makes you think.
Reminder that Podhoretz was/is a NeverTrumper and that wing of the GOP helped fund this dossier investigation into Trump.
Kek, what said. No summoning
>wake up
>see pol
>see missed texts
>bullshit everywhere
Yeah whatever nigger
Kid Rock was there, too?
the lebanese leaf strikes again
Wait, wtf, I clearly recall writing DonJr
Awesome, I really don't get the leafism, why would they come here to shit up the threads, it's silly !
We won't listen to his Nazi bullshit, I just skip over it.......
Shitty part about this is that it's going to be way more expensive than it was in 2009 because catastrophic plans are still going to propping up the gibs for the rest of the mandated coverage. Still, it's better than nothing.
Wish they'd just give single-payer to MUH PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS and leave everyone else alone.
Kek !
Macron has delusions of grandeur and has decided to stand out, roll up his sleeves, and do some diplomacy to show Europe he can lead and work with others. He wants to be the emperor of Europe
he's a leb not a leaf.
Kid Rock is Trump Jr
He's here
>2:45 PM Vice President Pence participates in a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada
You think Trudeau tried to show Pence his socks?
Leb ?
>Awesome, I really don't get the leafism
I think some of the leaf shitters are from AdBusters. It's basically a Canadian version of ShartBlew. Hard core leftist fanatics.
I think the Trump team is waiting for the media to finally exhaust every thread of this story, then will start pushing the "here's what we know about Fusion GPS and who funded them" angle. It's already beginning on social media/talk radio.
l e b a n e s e
he's a dirty shia scum. deserve genocide. insha'allah.
> Wish they'd just give single-payer to MUH PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS and leave everyone else alone.
Yeah, right. Why the fuck would they subsidize people that clearly skipped on their obligation and went for years without insurance only to find out they are sick for a while now and can't simply enter a pool?
Doing that for pre existing condition is the equivalent of saying: "why don't the govenment bail out on uninsured people whose house burn down and leave the rest of people alone".
A little Mulvaney action for all you Mulvaney groupies:
I see.......
I hope Pence brought jumper cables
> He wants to be the emperor of Europe
That's fine if he's a trump plant
So a muzrat, I hate muzrats !
One word will bring down the entire Trump White House: Russia.
We must stop the Kremlin Klan.
why is hillary crying in this pic? google says sean spicer and others just give me PANTS OF SHITposts
Ginsburg dead next week.
Black. List
Crooked H
Maybe cause it JUST NOW got thrown out there? It was such a nothing Burger even the trumps didn't think anything of it at the time.
at least you tried.
>One word will bring down the entire Trump
Yeah, but shitlibs gotta use that word 1 TRILLION times
They are already halfway there
You guys reading this? Everything keeps boomeranging back to Obama and Hillary.
Threadly reminder:
Antifa is supposedly staging nationwide chimp-outs tomorrow, July 15.
Dems have also sent out email referencing this weekend being important for "action" or some such.
Tomorrow may be an interesting day.
I mean you define it to expensive, chronic shit that drives up prices for everyone else. Stuff like diabetes and heart disease and whatever else like that.
Yes it sucks but at least then we can put them on medicaid for cheaper than how it works now.
Dont know about McMaster but add Graham and Sasse to that list along with Amash.
yeah, but (((media))) has not reported the ties back to Obama
>1.9% growth
Still better than Obama's numbers, though I trust they'll get 3%.
Look who it is again, ID namefag. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag? Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "namefag" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.
Kek, we'll see how long that lasts
I linked it once but /ptg/ is fucking ineffectual right now
Paul Ryan
Mitch McConnell
>D.C judge strikes again
>Morin was appointed judge in 1996 by President Bill Clinton and previously served as presiding judge of the court’s criminal division
why did that make me laugh
Oh how Heather spreads through /ptg/, wonderful
First for Daniel Carver
She did a bit more than laugh if I recall
Will Trump ever uncuck his administration and go after the establishment?
Mommy Bess is a cute!
Talk about sticking your head in the sand. I bet most of you who scream "shills" are actually Russian shills