>no link
thanks for stopping by
>During the meeting, Akhmetshin said Veselnitskaya brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents that detailed what she believed was the flow of illicit funds to the Democratic National Committee. Veselnitskaya presented the contents of the documents to the Trump associates and suggested that making the information public could help the Trump campaign, he said
>Akhmetshin said Veselnitskaya’s documents were provided by the Russian government.
>she left the materials with the Trump associates. She either handed the documents to one of Donald Trump Jr's employees or Jared Kushner's assistant
This is what Donald Drumpf Jr said
“No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information. She then changed subjects and began discussing the adoption of Russian children and mentioned the Magnitsky Act. It became clear to me that this was the true agenda all along and that the claims of potentially helpful information were a pretext for the meeting,”
Why was the lawyer specifically let in without a visa by the Lynch DOJ? They knew who she was and let her in specifically. Why did she has anti-trump posts on her social media? Why was the "Russian operative" involved with Fusion GPS, the firm behind the piss dossier? Also, there is zero proof that Trump Jr got his hands on this information. All we know for sure is that he agreed to a meeting. Beyond that, we don't have definitive proof of much else when it comes to the meeting itself.
I wonder what illegal things she did.
Are you interested in those user?
In the interest of being fair and balanced?
>Why was the lawyer specifically let in without a visa by the Lynch DOJ?
In January 2016, dipshit.
Shill your FOX news crap elsewhere.
>OP posts dumb shit
>OP has fag flag
>OP confirmed faggot
>OP is a faggot get opinion completely invalidated
>over 6 months since trump won
>still going on with "muh russia"
they are trying hard to set friday's tone. trump should shitpost something.
What's wrong with getting dirt on politicians from wherever u can find it?
The News Media ain't doing it, and they won't leak it themselves.
Putin himself could have hacked Hilary with Trump on his side while teaching him the craft and I wouldn't care
there is no contradiction here
Sorry for phone screencap i stepped out for a smoke
So you'll ignore the earlier event then?
>Akhmetshin said he does not know if Veselnitskaya’s documents were provided by the Russian government.
nice try homo
one week later
1 week later
>literal fag samefagging his own thread
6 months of not talking about the contents of the emails is 6 months of winning for leftkikes
not one paragraph in thousands of emails about helping the country, just pure corruption.
Info is free and considered valueless unless it is exchanged for a thing of value. Oh wow its literally nothing.
>private citizen isn't allowed to get damaging information from another private citizen about a third private citizen
Since when is this illegal?
Oh good, that means this will blow up in the establishment's/deep state's face again, because now it's entrapment.
It's not... the entire story is blown up in hopes someone "finds" something.
They are milking any and every corning of the Russia accusation in hopes of creates a negative outcome for the Trump administration.
Its only illegal if the person supplying the info is a foreigner (she was) AND was given some form of compensation or "thing of value" in exchange for the info (she wasnt).
No laws broken, more at 11.
Obama playing 4D chess and fucking someone over longlined.
the hook sat soon, the line is long and the death painfull.
ello me mates;)))here is your mate williem back to teach you how to waggle your willy like a willy wanking bishop;;')) ohoy me mates;;))) now some of oyu guys are confused on how to waggle your willy eh???so u wanna be a willy wanking star,big deal.u gotta learn the willywanking game in 5 easy steps.cumon me mate lets leurn to wank our willies together with me mates gordon charlie and bill and even lilttle cousin nicky;))
GRAB the willy!!you have to wait for it to turn into a sasuage stick, dont worry if it doest happen in 10 seconds like me!!!just grab an issue of your beano comic your mummy bought you at the newsagents, flip to a page with minnie the minxes bum and bbengin wanking your willy!!!
step #2
move your hand up and down your willy,ur getting there me mate;)))if possible do it with your mates in your tree house so your mummies cant see or hear you!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!;)));)))
you will be feeling your willy about to explode!!!!!it's going to hurt a lil;;)do dont worry;)))because your willy is going to EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!just shout AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MYWILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and there will be goy wee wee verywhere thhat is very goeey;))if you finish before your mates then help them by waggling THEIR willies;)))
> Triggered Trumpcuck detected.
Must be weird for reality to collide and win with Right Wing fake news narrative. Though I noticed the mounting pile of evidence has started to sway event he most solid Trump blowjob dipshits.
ITS FINALLY OVER!!!! #TreasonousTrumps
>muh liberal tweets say he's REALLY in trouble this time, Blompfguhtrkins!
Oh, wow. It's literally nothing -- again. You come across as really desperate and a little unhinged, OP. Don't let me stop you though, as it's very entertaining.
Gonna go ahead and pop a sage in here as well, just for good measure.
Better luck next time, sweetums.
Just like #Benghazi. Would you say that "milking" was successful?
Any patriot would want to hear about potential illegal activity from their opponent.
As long as they drag this out, and all the proles like us get is the "drip drip drip," there will still be people saying "Ha! It's nothing, checkmate libtards." They were even doing this with Nixon, right up until he resigned. The consensus about Nixon nowadays, though, is set in stone. Enjoy it while it lasts Trumpkins.
..Oh wait no he fucking won't you liberal retards.
Hahaha Drumpfkins, they gave Fredo proof the DNC was accepting illegal funding from foreign governments! How will you recover now that there's proof the Russians gave Junior documents proving the DNC was illegally funneling foreign money through illicit channels into their coffers? This is a violation of our democracy! Drumpf is toast now! NO SCOOPS FOR TRAITORS!!
The Trumps are liars.
Who cares? Since when is getting dirt on your opponent illegal?
....snnnniiiiifffffffff...oh yes dear...sssnnnniiiiiffffff...quite fragrant indeed...is that...dare I say...sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?....sniff sniff...hmmm...yes...quite so my darling...sniff...quite pungent eggs yes very much so ....ssssnnnniiiiiffff...ah yes...and also...a hint...of...sniff...cheese....quite wet dear...sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely...sniff....please dear...another if you please...nice and big now...
...Oh yes...very good!...very sloppy and wet dear...hmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm....let me...let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling....hmmmm...hmm...yes...that is a delicate....bit of chocolate dear...ah yes...let me guess...curry for dinner?...oh quite right I am...aren't I?...ok...time for sniff....sssnniiiiiffffff...hmmm...hmmmm I see...yes...yes indeed as well curry....hmmm...that pungence is quite noticeable...yes....onion and garlic chutney I take it dear?....hmmmm...yes quite...
...Oh I was not expecting that....that little gust dear...you caught me off guard...yes...so gentle it was though...hmmmm...let me taste this little one...just one small sniff....sniff...ah...sssnnnniiiiiffffffff...and yet...so strong...yes...the odor...sniff reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep no immunities sniff...hmmm...is that...sniff...hmmm...I can almost taste it dear....yes...just...sniff...a little whiff more if you please....ssssnnniiiiifffff...ah yes I...have it now...yes quite...delectable dear....quite exquisite yes....I dare say...sniff...the most pungent one yet dear...sssnnnniiiifffffff...yes...
So where is the dirt?
And the Clintons are squeaky clean.
How does it feel to be a corrupt virus of this society? To actually be this dishonest and psychopathic
Rinat is Guccifer 2 and he threatened Trump Jr in that meeting
>lets bribe this news org much less than its counterparts, we gon need it later when our partners cred gone to shit
So you're saying they can prove Clinton committed crimes?
Excuse me?
This is fucking disgusting!
>How dare he expose the DNCs disgusting and undemocratic, let alone illegal behavior to help get their favorised nominee elected
>This is criminal!
I mean, receiving information about potential illicit dealings isn't illegal. Don Junior didn't do anything wrong/illegal and nothing will happen to him.
This whole obsession with Russia is for the credulous and desperate.
You call him Mr. President, but I call him Drumpf... I call him Drumpf.
I hear Trump is likely going to be getting another Supreme Court pick as well. Mmm, that'll be nice.
Get it through your heads. The only way to remove a president from office is impeachment. You can only impeach Trump with Republican support in Congress. They will only vote for impeachment if their voters want it. No matter what you think you've uncovered, Republican voters will never want impeachment. You could find out that Trump and Putin had been meeting twice a week for the past 30 years to plan Trump's presidency and I would still say, cool, I knew Putin was a good guy.
Think about it, he wanted to give him this info and then Guccifer 2 leaked it right afterwards. Why would he go about doing all of this? Why would he begin with opposition research against Trump?
Name of the Case: International Mineral Resources B.V. v. Rinat
Akhmetshin, et al.
Individual: Andrei Melnichenko
Pertains to Archive Folder: International Mineral Resources B.V. v.
Rinat Akhmetshin, et al.
Plaintiff: International Mineral Resources B.V.
Defendants: Rinat Akhmetshin, Patrick P. Salisbury, Salisbury & Ryan
LLP, EuroChem Volga-Kaliy LLC
Date of Complaint Filed: November 12, 2015
Court: Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York
Jurisdictional Justification: This Court had jurisdiction pursuant to
CPLR § 503(d) because the Defendant S&R was a partnership with its
principal office in New York County.
In early 2012, S&R and Salisbury engaged Rinat Akhmetshin in
connection with the above mentioned ECVK matter, asking him to gain
access to private sources of information concerning IMR. The attorneys
at S&R including Salisbury, were familiar with Mr. Akhmetsin’s past
work as a former Soviet military counterintelligence officer, as well as
with his expertise in running negative public relations campaigns.
Allegedly, the Defendants then used the information obtained by
Akhmetsin’s hacking to assist ECVK in their Dutch litigation and inflict
damage on IMR. In addition, the Defendants initiated a smear campaign
against IMR by disseminating this stolen information as well as other
negative information to journalists and third parties. This was allegedly
done with the goal of harming IMR’s business reputation. The
Defendants then used the negative articles written by the individuals to
whom they had disseminated the negative IMR’s stolen electronic
information in the applications made in the early mentioned lawsuit
against IMR.
Trump will be empeached, morans. Then Hillory will be president forever!
Woah there, you're sperging out buddy
literally who? can you americans stop posting. no one gives a shit about your reality-tv politics. meaningless and irrelevant.
>reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep
Fuck off
SO.. What did he do wrong exactly?
The way Don Jr spoke of the encounter, I got the impression she did try to give them information, but everyone at the table realized it was bullshit.
If this really was a honeypot, then Natalie would have been instructed to leave damning evidence behind. It would have been her mission to leave the documents, no matter how retarded they were, in the possession of Team Trump.
At this point one can only hope that Don Jr and Manafort kept the folder.
If they went "This is complete nonsense. There's nothing in this file. We're going to throw it out." then that just makes them look guilty in the public eye.
If they cough up the folder and go "Look. None of it makes any sense, and we didn't even want it, but Natalie insisted. Have a look for yourself." then they'll look better I think.
There isn't even a law against collusion with a foreign government unless some other law is broken - like aiding and abetting a crime, such as hacking, stealing, murder, etc.
But this is a war of public perception. If Natalie left the folder with Don Jr and Manafort, let's hope they still have it.
How is he fucked? List the exact law he violated. Don't give us hyperbolic bullshit about treason! Blah blah blah. We get that 24/7 on CNN. Have a brain and show some actual facts or STFU.
Are you dense? He broke the law
Except that both the lawyer lady & Jr. have told the exact same story.
This new player is not to be trusted I think.
We need a confirmation from lady Veselnitskayay that the Russian turned American was infact at the meeting. Anyone can SAY there were there with docs. They have to PROVE they were there.
What law. List the law. Copy and paste the exact law he violated so we can all see the legality of the situation.
Oh how naive you are.
You aren't winning this one.
The winds of shit are blowing. You're getting McGoverned and for the last time.
Hillary released "Grab them by the pussy video"
This is slander and she was removed from the election.
Sup Forums is just ridiculously biased... Going on about shillary's emails and then completely ignoring this DTjr. fiasco... Stay golden
Opposition Research is a paid service for which there are literally thousands of material examples. People are employed in paid consultant roles to provide this service, it meets the test for 'being of monetary value' a thousand times over.
At some point shills around here need to pull their heads out of their asses and realize that Mueller is going to have a goddamned field day now.
When you see him in court then you'll know he and Kushner broke the law. But do you know what happens before court? Handcuffs
Covfefe News Network GTFO
Will the impeachment and thousands of smug liberals telling us we defeated hate be worth it just for /ptg/ and r/the_donald meltdown?
Trump should just throw him under the bus. Eric and Jr. are legit inbred retards.
Just keep Ivanka, and Tiffany doesn't do anything anyway.
If there is "dirt" on Hillary doing something bad or illegal, wouldn't this be worse for her than Trump Jr.?
>s from wherever
thing of value
Cooperating with a foreign adversary to undermine an election is against the law.. also if nothing illegal happened
Use your noggins
What makes Clinton dirt more valuable than regular dirt?
And was it exchanged for monetary value?
bruh you dont even live here, fuck off. you waste your free time memeing about OUR politics. i don't even know what the capital of your shitty country is.
>no archive
>Implying Libs haven't ignored shilldogs emails
>Implying libs haven't ignored Russian setup plan in the WikiLeaks emails.
>Implying Loretta lynch's Russian slut didn't setup Don Jr meeting.
At the ballot box, maybe. But she isn't gonna run again. Trump is, presumably.
So let me get this straight. A Russian lawyer brought evidence of how corrupt the DNC is to Trump Jr. and he never even used this info but he is the evil one here because he talked to a Russian. Is that really the story they wanna roll with...?
just wait until the 27th, all the shilling will come to an end
Someone hasn't been keeping up
>people think hillary wouldn't have traded our entire nuclear arsenal to North Korea if they had a 10 second video of trump saying nigger
>be liberal faggots
>messiahs caught breaking numerous laws
>W-what should we do?
So now more muh Russia, pee-pee in the bed, two scoops, etc. Op is confirmed for kike faggot. Sage
The amount of shit that the leftists are making up about this story tells you how big of a bombshell it will be when it comes out they orchestrated all of it to collude.
No mong that's when the first visa expired. She came in in June with support of Lynch's DOJ
Trumpism is a cult. Cant wait for ypi guys to pull Jonestown in trailer parks all across america when they ruin Trump
OP is brainwashed by the kike Hollywood/MSM propaganda machine and he's nervous because it's all crumbling down, get out of here lobotomized swine. It should be legal to euthanize leftists.
this is the end...
I feel like liberals are unable to foresee counter arguments. If you come claiming that Don Jr broke the law, you shouldn't be surprised when people ask, what law did he break. If you claim Trump is racist, you shouldn't be surprised if people ask for examples. But they always just state their official party line opinion and then act dumbfounded when you ask the obvious questions about why we should believe it. YOU MEAN YOU AREN'T ACCEPTING THAT HE BROKE THE LAW WITHOUT ANY PROOF JUST BECAUSE I SAID HE DID?!?! YOU'RE THE PROBLEM!! I WANT TO FIGHT FASCISTS LIKE YOU!
Any...day.... Now...
It's still HER turn...
She WILL be president soon....
Say bye bye to Drumpfy boys....
Any.... Day... Now...
It's almost time to impeach, just you wait....
Drumpf will he out of the wh so fast his head will spin....
That stupid Cheeto Drumpf is about to be impeached just you wait....
Seriously.... Any day now....
Okay maybe next week.... No wait the week after...
Soon! Soon he will be outta there
Any..... Day..... now......
But they had no proof to back up the dirt. They never said they didn't have anything, just that it amounted to nothing substantial.
What is an "in-kind contribution", Alex? It's a fucking donation to the highest operatives of a Presidential political campaign BY OPERATIVES OF A HOSTILE FOREIGN POWER. I recommend heading down to the local library and reading "Federal Election Laws for Dipshits" user, it'll blow your mind.
Wtf are you talking about fag?
>Russian's may've acted illegally
>says nothing jr or campaign did was illegal
Fake fucking news
No go find a dirty random asshole to lick like a good faggot
I already know whats going to happen Trump Jr is going to deny it which will force them to publish the info. whatever it is. is going to super damaging for the DNC/Clintons
does it mean that Jeb still has a chance?
Unfortunately. So tired of MUH RUSSIA!