>niggers have got to go
>ohh I hate niggers
>boy I wish they'd let me join the Ku Klux Klan
>tired tired tired tired tired of niggers man
>niggers love to keep it real..........real dumb
>niggers don't read
>books are like kryptonite to a nigger
>fee fii fo figga, I hate a nigger
>I don't think a black woman can be the first lady of the US
>If Barack Obama really want's to be president, he's gotta get a white girl
>black women get mad when I say that shit
Is he /ourguy/?
Niggers have got to go
>Whites finally realizing that even blacks hate niggers.
its the newfags trying to fit in i think who think
then you have the people who spam stupid shit like
>hurr based black man
they dont seem to notice that EVERYONE hates niggers just like legal mexican immigrants fucking hate illegals
Exactly, however I don't think its just a newfag/normie issue as well. There has been big signs of stormfront psyops as of late.
Whoa, calm down there Bubba, who hurt you?
>niggers have got to go
This is a good slogan.
>calling a respectable racist bubba
KYS Reddit faggot scum. You don't belong here.
That's a lot of "niggers"
>Is he /ourguy/?
He only sought to profit from degrading his black brothers via skits and black on black racism.
He's an OJ Simpson.
I be he doesn't even know any black people anymore.
Look everyone is racist and all but being a self proclaimed one is fedora tier.
>KYS Reddit faggot scum
>Saying this when you are reddit spacing
Stay butthurt and I've been here for a decade now.
Other than niggers, r_thedonald faggots also have to go. The only "psyop" going on on Sup Forums is controlled opposition kikes like Pussysobiec and "I drink my wife's breastmilk" Cucknovitch pushing for "muh civic nationalism! Degeneracy and the loss of white identity is fine as long as muh constitution isn't violated!"
Sup Forums has been, is, and always will be a racist, fascist board. Lolbertarians were welcomed in '08 in support of Ron Paul, but they quickly learned that libertarianism (a la Smith) is only possible in a high-trust- homogeneous white society that shares common values and history. Stop pretending that 80 IQ subsaharans and sandpeople who want to kill you and enslave your daughters can co-exist with us in a market-based system.
>stormfront psyops
i dont know if its a psyop thing
i think those people legitimately think all black people act like chicago hood rats
>"But Bruh! NAXALT! Look at this BASED BLACK MAN with a trump hat!"
If you want to play the NAXALT game I highly suggest you shoot yourself in the head, since NOT ALL people who get shot in the head die!
>Muh Sup Forums has always been a NatSoc board
Get the fuck out of here nigger.
It has pretty much been documented that stormfront is getting very active lately through out the internet and more so on Sup Forums because there is idiots and newfags that fall into it very quickly. For example a person I knew went from Communism to Nazism and back to Communism. Its nothing but meme ideology at this point.
No one is playing that game except for you faggot. kys.
>claims to have been here for a decade
>uses the "Reddit spacing meme," not realizing that people have been using this spacing here for a decade
>is an anti-racist
I'm serious faggot, go back. You and your gay little alt lite friends ruin this board with your pathetic virtue signaling and cuckery.
>there is idiots
Almost as bad as "your an idiot"
No, he's still a leftist niggerfaggot despite that routine. I can't believe how gullible some of you are.
>Uses the exact definition of a NAXALT argument
>Le edgy ironic use of word nigger to describe someone who is not a nigger
>Pretending to be oldfag
Go back to plebbit to stroke off Sargon you fucking kekistani refugee. Maybe if you suck the civic nationalist cock long enough they'll let you have a taste of the nigger dick you so obviously crave too.
>Implying being a Nazi was this fashionable before.
>Implying reddit isn't here in masses now.
>Muh styling
>Thinking being a racist is cool.
Really activates my almonds hearing shit like this from someone who obviously never been outside nor been her for more then a year.
>Attacking grammar like a redditfag
>Not knowing the true spirit of this place is to to call anyone a nigger
>Has to post le smug anime girl.
Chris Rock is a leftist jackass. He is not /ourguy/
He's not your guy, he's a nigger who think he's funny.
This was from over 2 decades ago.
Still one of my most favourite comedy routines.
He's just being brutally honest.