>There are niggers in my beautiful country right now

>fucking negros in the country that my ancestors died building

>there are filthy disgusting african men fucking white teenage pussy in this country right now

>there are paki rape gangs raping young European women in this country right now with impunity

>those pakis and niggers will be recieving benefits and welfare

>meanwhile British men are being arrested for saying shit on twitter all the while being replaced and lambasted in the media non stop

>there are ugly communist niggers that hate whites in our parliament right now

>walking their filthy nigger feet on the palace made from the blood of our ancestors

>Anyone who opposes this filth is arrested or killed by the state

I am so filled with incomprehensible rage all the time I think I'm going to crack, if death squads don't start forming in the next 5 years I swear I'm going to go on a rampage myself if I have to

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/]

>Implying we didn't build up your country
Just getting what is due to us.

It's only going to get worse

I'll fucking kill you you pathetic cuck, even pretending to be a nigger is pathetic

>implying you're actually a nigger
>implying that Britain didn't find niggers throwing spears and shitting in huts until the 18th Century

Friendly reminder that blacks built this country. Your racism is showing, mate.

Make sure to target the kikes in charge first and foremost.

Rampage with what?
a spoon?


Let's just relish in the savage destruction of the weak.