When the picture was shared on some right-wing sites, they made a new picture, saying how "open and tolerant" they are. Tolerance = Islamization.
A German High-School Class in 2017
What's your problem? Germany is multicultural. So what?
so that there are alot of niggers in germany?? its never good
>So What
How are Germans this stupid?
So 10 years until they start demanding political representation?
How long till they start writing policy?
Well, as long you germans don't drag half the world in another war... We're cool.
Why, that's not a problem at all. Germany is a multicultural country that's going under some radical changes. You're just one giant, multiracial, multicultural melting pot. If everyone is a shade of brown, racism won't exist anymore. Just ask South America!
>If everyone is a shade of brown, racism won't exist anymore.
Exactly. Personally, I'd say the government should provide special tax breaks for mixed racial couples.
Who /blackpilled/ here?
I hope some nigger assrapes you disgusting Volksverräter.
Actually you get used to not knowing if your friends are white or black. They're just brown. You don't talk about race either. Just wait for the sweet release of death.
Based Germany, atheism doesn't discriminate. Only one race exist and that's the human race
well at least you admit it
Once our abitur gets standardized this stops being a problem.
>gesamtschule aka the absolute lowest form of secondary education short of schools for the mentally handicapped
>full of shitskins
really made me ponder
Who am i kidding, they will lower the requirements of course.
Are german turkish girls nice?
The government will eventually set up diversity quotas.
I can't tell when Germans are baiting anymore
t. Peter Sutherland
Well faggots follow your conditioning and blame it on the germans, always Zeitgeist, never helpful.
The truth is we were doing fine, never wanted to give up the german Mark, never wanted a european superstate, never have been asked...
Lets not fool ourselfes, the current economical system in the EU is based on lending taxpayers money from the "rich" states to "poor" states so they can buy stuff from the "rich" states. This fuckes all of us, germany has become the biggest sweat shop in europe, more and more people live from paycheck to paycheck, less and less people own property or have savings.
Even though that we elected the most conservative government available to us at the time, we got fucked again. We didn't ask Angela "multicuturism has failed" Merkel to open the borders. However this is not the reason for the Algerians in France or the Moroccans in the Netherlands, same song different verse.
So take your fucking (((grin))) and shove it up your collective asses.
BTW i'd liked to provide you with some data on household income but unfortunately the EU has no data (ec.europa.eu
It's Matura, you fucking Piefke
Yeah, it's a beautiful sight when they ride along on their unicorns.
Are we sure this isn't a Turkish school?
How they have to write in HUGE letters Abitur, because otherwise no one would believe it.
Multicultural is what your stupid government wanted to become, they wanted to become like the USA so bad that htey opened the flood gates to Islam and tried to make it appear like a golden egg, overnight, failing to realize that melting pots takes decades to accumulate. Dumb roach. This isn't multiculturalism, this is just another islamic shit hole.
you failed even with that.
Our politicians are fault, they are leftwing, a lot of them were leftextreme in their youth brainwashed to hate white people and be antipatriotic, see how Merkel is disgusted by the german flag.
But they arent jewsish and the jews get discriminated the most by muslims.
For anyone curious
>The Theodor-König-Gesamtschule is located in the Beeck district of Duisburg, not far from the river Empress. Of nearly 900 pupils attending this school, over 80 per cent have a migration background. This is even for Duisburg, a city with an already high share of migrants and the resulting problems (the Duisburg district - Marxloh has once again caused negative headlines last May and is now considered a prototype of the no-go area in Germany ), extremely high. However, with this high rate of immigrant students, the number of "side effects" necessarily increases.
Duisburg, Germany