>is under 25 and right wing
ITT: how to spot a Sup Forumsack
>can somewhat form original thoughts and feelings
a stark contrast from the robotic imitative white boys that are fucking everywhere these days. to prove im not biased, i will say that the nazi LARPers are incredibly unoriginal and uneducated.
Define "right wing"
I guarantee the local College Republicans do not browse Sup Forums
>17 inch penis
>chef at Wendy's
>makes over $130,000/yr
Under 25 and supports Donald Trump
>over 25
powerlevel: hidden
>has Hearts of Iron on his PC
>has frog themed things in his room
>knows who Sir Oswald Mosley was
put the leaf flag back on queer
boy this anonymous political survey site is cool guys im gonna keep checking it out.
Yea, the young republicans I know are incapable of forming thoughts on their own. They just push their Jewish overlord's talking points.
They have no idea what is going on. When the whole Assad gas shit went down they were calling for blood. Tried to tell them it is probably a fabrication because it doesn't make sense why he would do it. Kept calling me an idiot because they saw it was confirmed on Fox News. Also Mattis probably knows best and knows things we don't understand so we should trust him because trump does.
born and raised in dixie you dumb yankee faggot.
Young republicans are the fucking worst. All of them are neo-con parroting retards and almost every single one I've met lacks public speaking and debate skills.
As an American: has an encyclopedic knowledge of the refugee crisis in Europe and the migrant attacks
>>is under 25 and right wing
And how will you figure that out?
I will certainly will not tell you about my political opinions (and neither will I say anything too right wing to my friends).
Yeah we mean actual right wing, not (((conservative))) which is shorthand for neocon which is literally unironic applied trotskyism
>and almost every single one I've met lacks public speaking and debate skills
what? shouting "Reagan is our Lord and Savior" isn't actually an answer to any relevant topics of today?
Theyre so bluepillee they probably dont even support authoritarian juntas
>is always more willing to debate an idea than anyone else in the room
>will deliver their point without a stark robotic nature
>displays true pride in their ideology while debating
>may sink to arguments such as "fucking kikes" and "well niggers gonna nig" instead of arguing the point
>vast knowledge of historical events
>overly willing to share their vast knowledge of what seems like nonsense
I've often found myself red pilling anyone who will listen. You can obviously tell who wants to hear it and who doesn't but the ones who do you'll go all out for.
>mfw my friends tell me not to get political during beer pong and parties when I meet new people through them
generation Z will bring the world to ascendance and prosperity
>tfw over 25
>Tried to tell them it is probably a fabrication because it doesn't make sense why he would do it. Kept calling me an idiot because they saw it was confirmed on Fox News. Also Mattis probably knows best and knows things we don't understand so we should trust him because trump does.
Wew lad, this.
It's fucking bad with military as well.
>bomb Syria
>"hur hur, fuck yeah don't fuck with the US"
True. Several polls showed that the majority is in their early 20's.
>Is both eloquent and reserved
That always gives it away, you mongs.
Isn't Brazilian
Doesn't use nu-flags
Not knowing flags were on original Sup Forums and actually help discussion because I can guess what kind of person is behind the flag
>ITT: how to spot a Sup Forumsack
I dunno, I've been using Sup Forums for about a year and the only thing that's changed is I'm much more nazi sympathetic and antisemetic, both opinions I wouldn't share in public.
I've been rightwing for like a decade, I always always resistant against what (((they))) pushed I just didn't know (((they))) were all connected.
Would I have been confused as a Sup Forumsack 18 months ago?
Not thinking that just because it happened already doesn't mean it isn't shit
I was raised odd school republican and people on Sup Forums do not share a lot of the same beliefs.
Because old school republican is just as shit as the democrats
Modern republicans and conservatives are the same coins as democrats and far left. It's while the alt-right and Antifa preach the same thing, but in different tones. It's laughable how hyporcritals the modern right is.
If you actually want to spot a Sup Forumsack in real life, watch for how he reacts to three things:
1: Race
Nobody on Sup Forums is stupid enough to not be a race-realist. Even if they lie about it here, they know it's true. Try bringing up the magic dirt theory of Somalians and Mexicans magically adopting Anglo-Saxon culture. Watch them roll their eyes.
2: Wars in the Middle East
Even those who furiously deny it here are aware that all of the wars are bullshit. They will frequently defend this by saying that the region should just be allowed to handle it.
3: Sounds like a Libertarian but occasionally breaks into fascism
Sup Forums is a weird place where natsocs, fascists and libertarians all hang out. At a certain point they start adopting bits of each others' rhetoric. The Libertarians/AnCaps justify this with Hoppe, the NatSocs with Rockwell. The reality is it's bleedover to try and justify their cooperation.
4: Fucking hates Leftists and feels no need for political civility
Republicans differ from Democrats in that they do not feel hatred for their opposition. Sup Forums does. Sup Forums does not see the Left as the honorable opposition but as an evil to be destroyed. You can usually spot a Sup Forumsack by his unwillingness to cede any ground whatsoever to the Left, even if he himself doesn't actually mind some of the policies. Many NatSocs favor some Socialist ideas but will NEVER cooperate with a Democrat on them because they hate them.
5: Irreverent
Sup Forums brings with it a degree of iconoclasm and a general disinterest in propriety. If a Republican casually destroys something that is held sacrosanct, he's probably a Sup Forumsack. Simply saying "Israel is a bad ally" outs you as a Sup Forumsack 99% of the time. Bringing up race seriously is an even more dead giveaway, but you don't even have to go that far, if you just mention that the GOP establishment is a bunch of losers who give the Democrats everything they want, that can be enough.
Easy to spot desu. Generally good people.
Dumb horseshoe theory
That other American in the thread is right your just as dumb as the Boomer conservatives you just think cause you follow a version a few decades older your some sort of enlightened republican
Say something positive about the jews, watch their eyes immediately get all shifty
>Plays grand strategy games
>The far left are evil because they do Y
>Let's do Y to them as well.
Yeah i'm the dumb one.
What is Y?
Im 27 and center left. OP is fake news
A strawman.
There are a lot of Y's you can pick from. My favorite was doxxing. The alt-right claim that the antifa doxxed someone and how evil that was. So to show the antifa they doxxed them.
Gotta be frustrating to live in an environment where being under 25 and right wing is so rare. If you mean far right then you're correct though.
The democrats do Y
Lets also do Y but in a slightly more conservative way
"I'm so enlightened above all these other republicans"
#Democrats are the real racists
I've been right wing since I was 14, way before I found pol, try again sweetie.
>tfw i am the only one offended by the existence of israel, islam, and the vatican city
well shit lads
i am probably getting ripped apart here
anyways, sage for datamining OP
Antifa is not evil because they dox people, they are evil because of what they believe. Doxxing is a tactic, not an ideological tenant. In an environment where your enemy will do anything to destroy you you are obliged to do the same to him.
Get to actual principles. What are the similarities?
> says 'shut it down'
> fashy haircut
> white male
> doesn't like rap
> rolls eyes when you mention immigrants (mostly muslims)
> talks about ww2 frequently
> wears clothing that fit well, probably button-up shirts too
> despises wiggers (also niggers)
> hates SJWs, gays, Pride bullshit,
> says everything is too PC
> trump fan
> self-polices his own speech while in public or at work
> overly cautious
> loves ancient Rome and European history in general
> wants a family
Some doxing the alt-right does effects all the political foundations of Fascism,Monarchism, and hardcore libertarism and anachism making them the same as communists because they both doxxed?
Moreover, the "Alt-Right" if by this you mean people like Anglin, Spencer, Enoch, et. all, do not dox people. Who are you referring to? Eric Clanton, a criminal who attacked someone in broad daylight? Who?
OK boys, sage this thread because fuck the alt-kike, Sup Forums reigns aupreme above them all
>Doxxing is a tactic,
You can't complain about their use of said tactic and then use it.
>Get to actual principles. What are the similarities?
Both views on cultural appropriation are the same, but worded differently.
>do not dox people
You are correct they haven't personally doxxed people, but as "leaders" it is their responsibility to stop it in the first place.
If you had t pick one of those things what would you pick?
Republicans have voting and run political campaigns
German hardcore left parties have voting and run political campaigns
Therefore Republicans and far left are the sameYou can't complain about their use of said tactic and then use it.
This is your logic
Three main ones that I've noticed:
A) Sup Forumsacks tend to "get" memes/meme culture. Not just shitty normie memes like Troll face but more autistic memes like "WE WUZ" and Pepe. Normies tend to just get annoyed, confused and/or even frustrated by them.
B) Sup Forumslacks really do think for themselves. If there is ever a group conversation going on and some bugman makes a commonly held notion (such as the "6 gormillion") and everyone nods their head in agreement, the Sup Forumslack will roll his eyes or tilt his head in concern, suppressing his need to show his powerlevel.
C) Sup Forumslacks tend to actually be good people. Yeah, they might say things like "Gas the Jews race war now" but they actually tend to care for everyone's wellbeing. They just want everyone to stay the fuck in their own countries.
chef at wendys
i could steal so much bacon and shit
Fine let me be more clear. I was raised with a moral compass that doesn't exist in modern conservatism.
>12 inch cock
>balls bigger than your fist
You just described how I view the culture too, god bless
So your still a pretty generic "Old conservative" which still puts you into retarded conservative tier.
Anyone one who calls themselves a conservative or a republican and goes on pol either has been here a two or less years or barely browses the ptg general and that's it
And so does the alt-right have a different compass you can't bring out a retarded horseshoe example on doxxing then claim literal nazi's are communists because they both doxxed
I guess Americans are Russian communists because they both funded international proxy wars
If I was curious I'd mention ww2 and gauge your reaction.
choose one
has military marches CDs in his car
t. me
I have that but I'm not a po- oh
Lol, you are a loser, you fight to win, not to have the moral high ground. You think when my ancestors were fighting the filthy nigger tribes out east they gave a fuck about the morals. No when the niggers raped, then my ancesters raped THEM EVEN MORE! I remember the tales from the tribal legend. They say they raped not just women, but grandwomen and grandchildren (little slav boys too). Needless to say they leave us alone now.
Lol you are a concern troll who doesn't understand whats at stake. Rape or be raped as we say here.
But im 25 exactly...
What ideology does someone from Morocco follow?
Most people I know are either right wing or libertarian, mostly libertarian. Except this one faggot who always does the opposite to annoy people and voted for bernie. he thinks hes edgy
Has a healthy social life, is successful in his job, knows how to fix things around the house, knows how to fix his own car, has slept with dozens of women, is articulate and respected for his intelligence, as well as his ability to not rub it in people's faces, wears sport coats often, is called sexy by women 18-24, is conservative and working to fight post-modernism by spreading awareness of its pitfalls to people he knows.
Or is that just me?
>white heterosexual male
The enemy of the left
I'm actually a German (cuck on vacation, my wife is out collecting seed right now)
Nigger did you make that meme? That cringey bastard is clearly over 140lbs never mind 120
>Hehehe I'm 400lbs worship my planet sized powaaah! XDDDD
Lose some weight fat ass.
T. Ignorant nigger
Google James Allsup he is the opposite of every presumption you have made. Eat Nigger shit, Nigger.
Perhaps. One can certainly hope, but a global victory will jot come under that flag, stop pushing the flag of losers.
>>how to spot an achmed
>hairy disgusting piece of shit
>got mp3 full of nasheed
>truck driver
>got a 93' civic hatchback that is riced
>a total cunt
>loves to lynch and cant into 1v1
>gets shot in the end
¿No hablo Ingles, ey puts?
Learn to write/type English you filthy Nigger.
Pray tell, on the rare occasion you wipe your stinking ass do you notice the soiled tissue paper is the same hue as your ape skin? Do you ever fear that you've wiped shit on your hand or do you realise your existence is shit, as are your genes?
Your existence is an affront to this world and must be cleansed, the impure will suffer the most in time.
Squats on loo :^)
>big dick
>chef at Wendy's
>over 100k a year, salary
Or just raised right?(no pun intended)
6'4" penis
Girl's dig chefs
>Simply saying "Israel is a bad ally" outs you as a Sup Forumsack 99% of the time.
i have a friend who has most of the beliefs of Sup Forums but i dont think hes ever been here. hes just hardcore libertarian and is redpilled as hell about (((them)))
i have no idea how he learned all this shit and it really baffles me sometimes
Im a wigger, listen to rap.
Im also a national socialist.
>it is their responsibility to stop it in the first place
yeah. try to stop this site of all fucking places from doing anything