Baron Trump is timetraveler.
Baron Trump is timetraveler
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not my pictures.
another one.
What the hell is this? Is this real? The face looks like him as well.
i didn't knwo it was posted earlier.sorry
Where did you find this book? You got a picture of its cover?
You can order it at amazon.
Barron Trump has a dog called Patton named after General George Patton.
George Patton is most famous for winning the battle of the bulge. He caused the bulge, and is literally the Bulger.
Previous book: Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger.
high res scans.
google books of the book
I am ready to wake up from meme hell
Last thread:
2 threads got deleted already... Sad!
Why do these threads keep getting deleted
Check this out
Someone posted pic related in previous thread. Not sure why the associated the reference with South Korea.
Click both links and stay woke
Here you go:
they're kinda off-topic
like they're only as political as the parents of the analog of the subject.
Mods can stop being autistic and at least move it to /x/
Predicts his middle name too. Barrons middle name is William (Willhelm in German)
forgot to post links related to pic related
It's political because it's about politicians. So no, they are just scared!
>theatlantic com/photo/2016/11/the-restoration-of-the-united-states-capitol-dome/507932
Fuck, the lake near the top of Gora Payor. I was there a few years ago, and laughed with my companions how it looked like a perfect kind of dragon's lair, with a kind of promontory sticking out into the water. We didn't have time to properly explore though.
Fuck, go south from Yeletsky station, cross the Kharuta, Babya Vozh, pass Pereval Kharamatalou and follow the river up the mountain.
Anyone notice their facial features / bone structure seem similar to Hillary's?
just read the third chapter, was a shortie
>Baron Trump is timetraveler.
pic related
Sadly not a real anagram, just part of one.
I'm going to go a little /x/ here
If you are familiar with myth and the occult you could say that the Hollow earth is more of figure of speech.
The Baron Trump book describes a "World within a World", this idea of a parallel noumenal world, either hellish, or strange, inhabited by beings or humanities ancestors is a theme common in theosophy and ancient myths. You see this in Blavatsky's writings and in Lovecraft. This world is nothing else but the projection of the unconscious, Jung described his discovery of the collective unconscious as descending through a staircase of an antiquated house from the ground level to the basement which was in reality a cave littered with skulls and greco-roman ruins. Jung was "going back in time" to discover the Collective Unconscious.
In our present time this secondary "world within a world" is the internet, my theory is that this massive collective unconscious aka the "world within a world". What is the world of the unconscious, of spirits,gods and archetypes (kek-chaos-the trickster) bleeding through this non material space we know as the internet.
In the study of the occult/magick language plays a central role, I am sure others have touched upon this through the kek-pepe connection, language determines what you see and what you know, it is nothing other than code in which the present-future-past is written.
I know this hasn't a lot to do with Tesla or time travel, but I am sure someone in the future will connect it all.
Hillary had the uranium delivered Sept 2009
You know what ... I sort of believe this - we should petition WH for a DNA test
>what a fag voice
Yeah no, I prefer to read it myself
ok well no one else was doing it
Kek has blessed the other threads, will he bless this one as well?
my little child, Kek is a chaotic God
Baron Trump avenges his father?
That would be crazy I never thought of that kek
you never know user
It has to do with the singularity and the constant evolution towards new more complex universes which eventually circle back and connect into the old ones.
The earth is about to become a hive mind super organism with the internet as its nervous system and its users its conscious mind, and its memes its unconscious (already is, but we can't detect it yet). It is sort of reaching back in time and causing its own creation. Kind of like 4D gravity.
The book 'Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey' is proof that Earth is hollow. Earth is hollow with polar openings that lead into its hollow interior. Outer Earth governments know about this, but are not telling the masses.
Daily reminder that there was supposed to be a voyage to the North Pole in 2007 to find out if there's an opening at the North Pole that leads into the Inner Earth World (and thus prove once and for all that Earth is hollow). The leader of the expedition was Steve Currey and he suddenly died from a brain tumour shortly before the expedition began so all of the money they got from people who were going to join the expedition was refunded. The new leader of the expedition was Brooks Agnew and the new expedition was meant to be in 2013, but shortly after THAT expedition was about to begin, his film crew suddenly vanished without a trace so THAT expedition was cancelled too (and, once again, the money they got from people who wanted to join their expedition was refunded). The expedition was/is known as the 'North Pole Inner Earth Expedition'. Here's a link to the official North Pole Inner Earth Expedition page:
Flat Earth theory = Reddit
Hollow Earth theory = Sup Forums
Also, Terry Smith was an Alaskan bush pilot associated with this expedition who agreed to fly directly over the North Pole to see if there was an opening there but he suddenly died in a plane crash on August 9 2010 before he could make that flight. NONE of these incidents are (((coincidences))). There is a world inside our world.
so this is the power of weaponized autism.
>really makes me shoot myself
What we call 'reality' is illusory and therefore malleable. Nothing is impossible in a universe that is illusory to begin with. There are two 'realities' going on side by side in this world, the one that the masses think is 'real' (what I call 'Movie Screen Earth') because (((certain people))) tell them it's 'real' and the one that is actually 'real'. The one that is actually 'real' is SO UNBELIEVABLY DIFFERENT to the one that the masses think is 'real' that it would make your head spin. The sky is not blue, nothing is solid because atoms are made of empty space, everything is always moving including the ground that you walk on and nothing ever touches anything because an atom can never touch any other atom due to electrical forces repelling them. Your feet never touch the ground. Also, the picture I've just posted is NOT yellow - it's red, green and blue. Your brain and your senses deceive you. Nothing is EVER as it seems and appearances are ALWAYS deceptive!
this is pretty fucking fucked up
>Thoth graces both
what did he mean by this
we live in the autism realm pull the trigger to leave
it is in the Urals
"The Dyatlov Pass incident (Russian: Гибeль тypгpyппы Дятлoвa) refers to the mysterious, unsolved deaths of nine ski hikers in the northern Ural Mountains on February 2, 1959.
The experienced trekking group, who were all from the Ural Polytechnical Institute, had established a camp on the slopes of Kholat Syakhl when disaster struck. During the night, something caused them to tear their way out of their tents and to flee the campsite while inadequately dressed during a heavy snowfall and sub-zero temperature.
Soviet Union investigators determined that six victims died from hypothermia and that the three others showed signs of physical trauma. One victim had a fractured skull; another had brain damage but no sign of an injured skull. Additionally, the tongue and eyes of a female team member were missing . The investigation concluded that an "unknown compelling force" had caused the deaths.
Access to the region was closed to expeditions and hikers for three years after the incident.
Several explanations have been put forward as to the cause of the deaths. They include an animal attack, hypothermia, an avalanche, infrasound-induced panic, military involvement, or some combination of these.
The area is named Dyatlov Pass in honor of the group's leader, Igor Dyatlov."
>not coping with the meme dimension we are in
Can someone dumb/shorten all this down into one post, or screencap? Preferably with stuff from the previous threads, I don't have all day to read this stuff.
let me correct that for you
>flat earth = autism
>hollow earth = edgier autism
Checked, but no keks. Too spoopy.
Kek is the perfect Creature
larp flag = edgiest autism
At least I use my real flag, you coward.
what about concave earth?
Disdain for Plebs
Kek was the god of chaos to do away with the old order.
Thoth is the god of complexity and structure to bring about the new order.
This. Threads like these are directly related to political, despite being /x/-flavoured. Fuck the (((mods))) for stifling discussion on this fascinating topic.
* directly related to politics
Kek will banish you from this thread
Y'all gonna go to hell Trump was sent by the LORD
Don strephalofidgeguaneriusfum
Guys, its not a fucking anagram. Its an alphabet. Its a code key.
The Jewish god is a false god
He may also have been a Prussian princess in one of his time jumps
sorry forgot to take it down
I'm Ahmed mcfrogger
and you're a pathetic autist
I finally made my thread about the Coming Race, the Great Monarch and other stuff, if you remembers about it in the former threads.
the trump's don't have a dog. fake shill slide shit thread.
No-one cares, baguette-nigger.
Feel free to suck this.
Yes they do. Called Patton. Aka General of the Battle of the Bulge. Aka Bulger.
they will
ears are way fucking off lmao
Baron please save us
looks like a mcpoyle
>2 pages after frogs are mentioned are ripped out
>Book is held at the library of congress
The jews know.
Who can use the Library and check out books?
The Library of Congress is a research library, and books are used only on the premises by members of the public. Anyone age 16 and older may use the collections. All patrons using the Library's reading rooms and/or collections must have a reader card with a photo on it. Reader cards can be obtained at the reader registration station in Room LM-140 of the Madison Building. Learn more about how to research at the Library.
Any DC anons wanna check this out?
why do i get a ninth gate feeling when i look at these etchings. could it be a message in them if you look at them there is a little poster in the corner of some of them. what are the etchings in the other books like ? Are we dean corso now?
many such cases!
A human clone?
Time traveling confirmed, posting dank meme from last thread.
that's not a little man in barron's hand, it's a fidget spinner!
Does anyone here have access to this article? The OCR transcription is terrible.
how can people not see the actual colours?