Name one reason to stay true to your bloodline/race
Name one reason to stay true to your bloodline/race
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There is no reason. I gladly have kids with a Jew girl any time.
>having kids that look like you and your family
>not having people think you're babysitting a neighbor's kid every time you go out
Your children actually look like you, and don't hate you for it.
to piss people off.
>1 reason
I'm not Russian. You however have literally nothing to lose.
Jesus H Christ
it's a slightly tanned version of you, not a fucking mutant
L-Laura Palmer...
There must be security for Finnish blood, or no one is secure.
It's more about your genetics. If you don't want to see your bloodline turn into a disgrace to society, you should probably not mix with a negro. If you want to see your bloodline eventually reach greatness, you should probably not mix with anyone other than a smart european.
Mixed race kids experience higher incidences of psychological problems stemming from a feeling (and to an extent a reality) of unbelonging.
My ancestors did.
So that the entire human race doesn't end up looking like this
If you unironically think race begins and ends at skin tone you need to lurk more.
>Jesus H Christ
it's a slightly tanned version of you, not a fucking mutant
t. Bashkir rape baby
Also, have you ever seen a half-nigger or a hapa? They're not "slightly tanned", they literally look nothing like you. They think nothing like you either, as they're either born stupid or autistic.
elliot rodger
it was not him who rejected society but society that rejected him
So you country doesn't even up as anything that is below Texas
Brown Richard Simmons?
Actually it's not just from feeling of not belonging. Mixed infants have a higher rate of allergies, eczema and other conditions.
Spreading the best race in the world.
They have their fathers chin and brow
My mom is white and dad black. I don't give a fuck, would do again.
"Real science:" breeding two animals that evolved in separate habitats will create offspring less suitable for either habitat.
oh yeah? the Jews are incredibly mixed anyway
it's called planet Earth doofus
Wow that's one hot mess
t. self-loathing hapa
Hapas in real life not the Reddit dispora on Sup Forums are basically interchangeable with Mexicans. They look just like them and it's impossible to tell the difference.
Ah, so she lived near Ramstein Air Base and was raped, got it.
Castizo futurism is the only answer
Identity above all and continuation of your family/ people.
ugly bags of mostly water
So your children, which is probably your greatest purpose in life, have a bloodline.
fuck off SJW
keep your hands away from ma gaymes
>I don't give a fuck,
Of course you don't mongrel
Taxi Driver literally threw his genetics into the trash.
Already mixed and I will fuck whoever I want.
I can name one reason why you personally shouldn't.
Australia and Britain are different habitats that made different people. That's why British-descended australians are prone to getting skin cancer there and the natives are not.
Dumb snakeposter
That's the real question. What do you do when you're already mixed.
To trigger the jews. Though there are other reasons as well this is the only one you need.
Go pray to your failed state.
Mix more to piss off ethnic commies.
Odd, the only people who say we should race mix are literally who "people" who've achieved nothing or unironic cucks.
One of his kids looks like him.
There are so many.
1. Why limit yourself to a one thing when there's a buffet -- who are you trying to please?
2. White women are spoiled and entitled
3. They don't age very well in general
4. Who gives a fuck, you will be dead soon and the human race will become extinct
5. Your individual actions won't have any actual outcome on anything -- let the sheep be sheep, including yourself probably.
ARRANGED marriage
Communists believe in racial equality, dumb snakeposter.
>He doesn't get it when I say ETHNIC commie.
Remember, it will first be the communist. Then the Nazis.
>They think nothing like you either, as they're either born stupid or autistic.
mfw you're too dense to realize you've complimented them, you tool
I'm shaking in my Doc Martens
That's a really thin neck, I could probably choke her out with one hand.
pic unrelated?
Because I want my kids and grandkids to look like me.
But that's probably her fetish
The evolution of our race.
If you want to be dragged down to subhuman levels tbrough mixing that is your problem buddy
how are you going to impregnate yourself?
dumbass, your kid will look like you as long as you don't race mix, it has 50% of your DNA.
Smart violenceposter!
(It's our problem too though...)
>Iron Pill
I can't even take you serious anymore.
>Dad was a 5'7 manlet and my mum around 5'4. I'm 5'11 foot.
>Dad had black hair, mum is blonde, I'm a ginger
>Both parents are fat, not obese but chubby. I'm a skinny cunt with insanely high metabolism that cannot put on weight no matter how much he eats.
Literally, the only thing I have in common with my parents, physically, is blue eyes and white skin, and I know my dad was my real dad because we share the same fucked up, very rare, genetic condition.
so I can continue to signal my virtue with integrity to anonymous neckbeards on /pol
Took me a minute to figure out pic in the OP was a slant
Ruski, you already have mong blood
Me personally, I don't want any
Because if you're not you get bred out and die off slowly instead of like in war when it's en mass. During this time the carcass of what was once your culture rots from the inside out polluting every facet of living you have to watch the only family you have slowly succumb to the poisons that permeate from the underbellies of your once great society. The half breed mutants that you've created change not only the public perspective of your people but the very culture they hail from. They start to twist and distort it to fit whatever narrative gets them the most stuff. Eventually your societies morals and values decay to the point of being nothing more than an empty husk of what they use to be with the old label. Over time your people are so forgotten that historians themselves begin to twist your people's story to fit their new agendas. Stories that use to represent strength, honor, pride and tradition are warped to embody the values of the "current year". Your very culture becomes part of the public domain to be shifted in whatever direction the user so pleases.
This is what happens when you give up and abandon your race. Others will follow. You have been warned white people. Please don't fuck our country up. You've done so well for yourselves much better than we ever could have.
With love;
I find it funny Arnold is more proud of his child out of wedlock than he is with his legitimate kids.
compare his son with a picture of young Arnold
Race is deeper than skin. To have a similar body and mind. Also, your kids will not be confused about there culture.
More prone to get chronic diseases.
When I grew up we all learned as part of post communism how inbreeding is bad and how the nobility was inbred and how stupid and degenerate and riddled with diseases they turned out. It had a clear commie tint to it, but the science was actually sound.
As part of jewish propaganda racemixing was advertised, on the basis that if closely related genes are more likely to produce degeneracy and disease then wildly unrelated / mixed genes will produce super resistance to everything. Diversity = Good said the jewish communists.
But it isnt actually true! I can tell you as a greek-germanic mix that white and tan/brown people produce kids that are very susceptible to gastric diseases includin but not limited to: Colitis Ulceratus, Chron's Disease, and Cancer of the Greater Intestines, Infant Onset Diabeetus (literally 3 weeks old). This is actually becoming a massive problem in France and America, where half-breeds tend to shit blood around their mid 20s and suffer from either morbid obesity or terrible malnourishment and undernurihment from the fact that they can't actually incorporate the food they digest.
Big pharma is laughing all the way to the bank, because to treat (but NOT cure!) these diseases you need VERY expensive immune suppressant drugs, around 2000 USD one treatment. Every two months or so. For about 20 years, or till you die.
Racemixing doesnt seem to automatically give you the benefits of the two races, rather only the deficiencies! (Dont know about Asian/White or Negro/Asian mixes though.)
Honor respect and tradition
Or the fact that your genes survived thousands of years to get to this point and if you racemix you're pretty much throwing them all away.
you have to ask yourself: is this person of a race that is known for having their individuals being respected? are they productive members of society? is their culture blurring or deleting important aspects of your own country/history? will a mix with this person, have problems adapting to society?
you guys are pretty cool, don't come to the family tree tomorrow.
Mixing races is genetic Russian roulette. And yes the mix can express radically and produce a "mutant". KeK, I'm sure an albino milado with a Chinese grandmother may feel a bit isolated.
can you post links?
I tought Arnold ignored him
I don't want my kids to lose their blue eyes. It's a perfect symbol of white race purity. Imagine looking at your kids and seeing those brown eyes every time. A constant reminder that you failed your ancestors.
blue eyes are creepy as fuck! I won't miss them
That is a picture of taeri taeri. She is a qt 3.14.
I guess that makes me selfish that I want to bust a nut inside her but not have children with her as I only want white kids.
Funny isn't it that the bastard kid is the one that is big like him.
The rest of his kids got the Kennedy curse.
well his mother probably half Spanish, so you can't really compare him to a true Mestizo, let alone a half niglet
I can date my ancestors back to the 12th century here.
To preserve diversity. Fucking liberals have it completely backwards.
>slightly tanned
>his genetics
He looked average. Also he's really short.
Fuck that horrible show, FUCK THAT HORRIBLE SHOW! Seriously I watched this shit the other day and it just sent me deeper into depression and joylessness.
Children of mixed race lack identity. Leads to mental issues too
i know you may not believe this, but there are various types of inbreeding. in fact, you don't really get evolution in animals or evolution in ethnic groups without some level of in-breeding. In breeding doesn't always mean cousin marriage, and I've heard with cousin marriage there are ways that are more or less impact in terms of offspring health.
That said, much of what you said is true, somewhat. Inbreeding can cause immune system especially auto-immune problems, there is also this same theory in regards to neanderthal DNA. the more neanderthal DNA you have, it makes you more likely to get certain autoimmune diseases. i forget which ones. what you say about obesity and malnourishment is obviously a combination of both lifestyle and genetics, but like I said I agree with most of what you said, except that in some parts of the world cousin marriage does not actually cause health problems, but then Pakistanis in the UK apparently have really high birth defect rates. I think they have to be cousins from different sides of the family or something, there are different degrees of genetic closeness. first cousins on the same side of the family is where the problems probably start, but as I said there are parts of the world (northern iran, much of the middle east) that do this and generally those kids are quite healthy. i'm not saying they're race-mixed tho. with urbanization this kind of thing is going away, since generally this was like villages and clans that would be intermarried and that is where you get more "slight" inbreeding which isn't as clearly deleterious (like in somalia, pakistan, saudi) anyway that is my understanding.
If you have an Asian son you will feel shame from his weakness
iceland what happened
I think Arnold ignored him for much of the kids childhood. by the time the kid turned 18 or so it came out public and then he started accepting him in public, probably trying to make up for lost time. its kinda sad but whatever, arnold is a globalist cuck for the most part and has gotta be fucked up from all that body building stuff, amazing he can even have kids! i want to like arnold, but he makes it kinda hard. having a kid with the nanny is NOT okay, even if you are married to a Kennedy.
Arnold didn't know he was his son until he was like 10 and then the kid started looking exactly like him and getting ripped as fuck so it became pretty obvious.
I got god tier muscle building genetics. I could only hope that he would inherit them.
I'm so jealous of Icelandic people, dude. You have it so good. You don't even know. You may be a nihilist and fairly intolerant of tribalism, but you seem to have a pretty comfy island nation and ethnic group. Generally all tall and good looking, the only problem with Iceland is the liberal politics, but that probably will come and go like a phase, over the next few decades.
We are just now having the blue eyes of our German blue eyes express again after my great grand father took a full Cherokee wife. I think it is worth it as I have always had a very close connection to nature and the land and I contribute that to the fact that a part of me has history here going back millennia. My loyalty to this land goes far beyond patriotism and I definitely draw pride for my Native American and German mix. But yeah my brother and I both have brown eyes but his twins both have bluish eyes. The boys eyes are ice blue with bright yellow and green flecks. He is more German than I am as his mother is straight off the German reservation, but he looks far more exotic than we do. He is as white as the driven snow until he gets sun then he tans like Geronimo. The chicks swarm him every time he's in public. The kid is a pussy magnet. I am really quite proud of our breeding and see my mix as being more "American" than the typical Anglo.
Earning your dad's respect is pretty simple if you're Arnold's son. Just get yoked as fuck.
I'd love to bleach her anus
I only date white girls for my children's sake though
one drop rule your blood is forever fucked in fact its more corrupt than had you just become full indian because now its mixing into the whole lump